br4ndonm4rio's Sylveon TF TG Request

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by Kelly177, Aug 3, 2017, 8:39:03 AM

Literature / Fan Fiction / General Fiction

Brandon was on his way through the final stretch of the route he was on, trying to hurry before any wild Pokemon spotted him. Normally, he would love to try and catch a new Pokemon, or raise up his own, but right now, he wasn't in the best situation for that. A rough trainer battle caused many of his Pokemon to faint, with only a couple still with barely any HP. He would need to buy more repels and potions once he can, but feeling bad about running out wasn't going to help him right now. Brandon just needed to run from any attacking Pokemon.

The trainer was almost off the route when he started to hear the sound of crying. It was not just sadness, as the crying also seemed pained, as if whoever or whatever it was was suffering a lot. Brandon looked towards the town, knowing he should heal his Pokemon. Though, who knows how hurt the source of the crying was. He looked in the direction of the source of the crying, then the town, then back again, trying to decide. Knowing the risk, Brandon decided to check out whatever was crying, hoping nothing would try to attack him.

Following the sound, and carefully stepping around some Pokemon that didn't notice him yet, Brandon soon finds the crying creature. It was a male Sylveon, looking very low on health and very miserable. The Pokemon was frightened by the sight of a human, but didn't have much energy to really get away. "What happened to you? Poor thing..." Brandon said at the sight of this, feeling very bad. The Sylveon shouldn't be left like this, so Brandon decided to take him to the Pokemon Center. However, the idea of catching the Sylveon while it was in this weak state seemed harsh, as it did not need an owner this moment, so Brandon carries the Sylveon, causing a bit more trouble, and making it hard to sneak around some of the wild Pokemon (he accidentally woke up a sleeping Linoone, and was chased a bit till he took a gentle curve, which the Linoone had a hard time copying).

Exhausted, Brandon entered the town, really wanting to rest. However, he still needed to take the Sylveon (who was still nervous about Brandon and trying to calm down from the Linoone chase) and his other Pokemon to the Pokemon Center. He looked at the Sylveon. "Just relax. Nothing will hurt you now. It's just a little longer till you can get healed up," Brandon said, trying to calm the Sylveon. Using up his last energy, Brandon then continued on his way to the Pokemon Center.

Fortunately for Brandon, there wasn't that many other injured or sick Pokemon in the Pokemon Center, so the Sylveon was able to go into treatment quickly. Nurse Joy and a couple Chansey went to help heal the Sylveon, as it was not as easy to heal a Pokemon outside of a Pokeball, while a Chansey healed Brandon's Pokemon. After receiving his Pokemon back, Brandon waited to see when the Sylveon will be feeling better. He knew it was not the Sylveon's only problem, based on how the Sylveon just seemed overall sad as well, but this was at least a good start. However, he was very exhausted, and ended up falling asleep on one of the couches.

The Sylveon was taken out from the treatment room while Brandon was still asleep. Nurse Joy decided to let the trainer sleep, as she could see how tired he was when he rushed in. She told the Sylveon to just wait a bit, as Brandon wasn't in the condition to help the Sylveon back. Nurse Joy left the Sylveon to heal some Pokemon that were just brought in. While she did that, the Sylveon walked up to Brandon, jumping up to the seat next to him.

The Pokemon was very confused, wondering why Brandon helped him, not even catching him in the process. He relaxed around the trainer, lying down next to the human. It felt nice to the Sylveon to have someone care, as the incident that caused him to get so sad and injured left him feeling alone.

The Sylveon was actually attacked by another eeveelution, a Jolteon that wanted to compete for a Vaporeon the Sylveon was trying to impress. Both got into a battle, and the Sylveon lost. He thought the Vaporeon liked him, but she went off with the victor, not even looking at him for that long. After getting dumped like that, it made sense that he was sad.

But this trainer was certainly helping him calm down... Though, he knew it would only last till he was back in the wild, as the trainer would leave then. He didn't want to be a battling Pokemon, as he is not really the best at fighting, but he also didn't want to feel alone again. What was he to do...?

Before the Sylveon can find an answer for that, Brandon finally woke up, rested up enough to continue. He saw that the Sylveon was all healed up, though was still down. He patted the Sylveon's head, to try and tell it that it'll be alright. This did seem to help, as the Sylveon's mood is lifted with this. Brandon was happy to have helped this Sylveon with this, as it just seemed so miserable before. But it was time to go, so they had to stop there.

The two started their trek back to the forest, the path back not as scary as before, as Brandon had his other Pokemon healed at the same time as the Sylveon. They did face some other wild Pokemon while approaching the forest, but Brandon defended the Sylveon, making it feel like someone cares for it.

Soon however, they arrived at the spot Brandon found the Sylveon at. "Well, here you are. Glad to be home again?" Brandon asked, feeling happy to have helped the Pokemon.

Brandon expected the Sylveon to be happy, but it looked at him sadly. He was confused, as the Pokemon should be trying to get away. It didn't trust him when he first saw it, so he thought it didn't like him.

"Is something wrong? You don't want to go back home?" The Sylveon shook its head to say that it does want to go home.

"Hmm... you should be fully healed... you don't want to be alone or something?" The Sylveon nodded, finally telling Brandon what it wanted

""Not sure I can help with that, if you want to stay here..." Brandon said, feeling really bad for the Sylveon. It looked like it was going to cry, and Brandon couldn't stand seeing it sad. It wasn't a bad Pokemon, and it didn't deserve being this sad.

""Look, I would love to help you, but I can't just stay out here with you. I wouldn't really survive out here in these woods," Brandon said, feeling kinda guilty for it.

The Sylveon knew that Brandon couldn't stay, but that line he said... there could be a compromise. To act on it, the Sylveon walked up to Brandon, rubbing its head on the human. Brandon was confused, but the Sylveon was trying to focus its fairy magic on Brandon. Contact would cause it to work, but it needed contact with his skin...

Brandon was confused about the rubbing, but it didn't seem like anything bad to him. In fact, he goes to pet the Sylveon. This allows the magic into him, and makes his hand start to feel... weird. He goes to look at his hand to see if something is up

On his palms, he could see parts of his palm start to swell, becoming rougher and darker, and taking on the paw print style. It took Brandon a second to realize that these were paw pads, which should not be on his hand. But attention soon shifted to his fingers, which fused into 3 and shorted, becoming useless for holding anything. His nails become claws, and his hand shrinks in size. With pink fur covering it, his hand was now a paw.

Brandon stared at the paw for a full minute, it being a strange, kinda scary sight. Yet, it was definitely familiar... but his focus soon shifted to the fur travelling up his arm. It stayed pink till partway up, then turn cream coloured, styling out to make it look like he's wearing pink boots. His arm slimmed down, losing any noticeable muscle mass. His arm also lose flexibility, seeming better suited for something that walks in all fours...

The fur reached his torso, causing more changes. He tried to break out of his shock, to ask the Sylveon what's going on. The Sylveon seemed kinda sad about it, but it also seemed lonely still. But he couldn't focus on that for long, as he started to feel a bow with long ribbons grow on his neck. He accidentally twitches the ribbons, showing that he could control them. The bow definitely confirmed what he's becoming, as only Sylveon like the one in front of him have these ribbons. He was confused... yet somewhat happy about this.

His torso changes, becoming slimmer in terms of muscle mass and smaller. The cream fur covers it on his chest,while pink fur covers his back. He started to feel a certain lower area shift. It took Brandon a second to realize that he was just made into a she...

Brandon now felt her other arm change, to match the changed one. His legs shift, with his upper legs growing wider while his lower legs slimmed down. His feet became paws as well. His body then realigned itself, forcing him onto all his paws. With this realignment, his spine also pushed out into a fluffy pink tail.

Now it was time for her head. Her neck grew a bit, and her voice box changed, making her voice more feminine and preventing her from saying anything other than Sylveon. Her ears grow larger and pointed, with pink fur on the outside and blue on the inside. The left ear gained another bow and moveable ribbons as well. As it moved higher on her head, she could finally understand the Sylveon. The Sylveon was saying that he hopes she doesn't hate him for this. She was just the only one that cared about him now, and he felt vulnerable.

Before Brandon can respond to the Sylveon, she feels her face push out into a short muzzle, with a small black animalistic nose and sharp teeth. Her eyes grew bigger, and became blue almost completely. She also started to shrink overall, her clothes not too big. She struggled out of them, now a complete female Sylveon.

The Sylveon walked up to Brandon now. He asks her how she's feeling. Brandon was still having some trouble with moving... yet she was happy, which surprised the Sylveon. "You're not angry?"

"Well, honestly I've always loved Sylveons, and it's pretty cool to become one... though why is it that you changed me into one?" Brandon asked. The Sylveon did seem like he kinda regretted it.

"You were the first creature to care about me really. After my crush left with a Jolteon that win against me... I just felt so lonely..." the Sylveon answered. "Though, I don't think it excuses what I did to you..."

"So, you were alone... I'm sorry you had to go through that. You don't deserve that," Brandon says, feeling bad for the Sylveon. She could tell that this Sylveon wasn't a bad Pokemon, just affected by sadness.

"Why aren't you mad at me? I did this against your will..." the Sylveon asked, really confused.

"I know you didn't want to make me suffer or anything. You just need company. I guess now I can help with that." While being a girl now would be an awkward adjustment, she also just liked the form she became.

"Really? You would help me after all this?" The Sylveon didn't feel he deserved this kindness, but appreciated it.

"Of course. I want to help you get better... though can you show me how to be a Sylveon first? Kinda hard to walk like this..." Brandon couldn't help but wonder how hard other things would be, like using attacks

The Sylveon accepted that, feeling it's the least he could do. He started with walking lessons, before how to move the ribbons. Brandon used these lessons to help him send out her Pokemon, not wanting them to stay in the Pokeballs. They found the situation strange, but their trainer was ok with it, so they accepted it

For a while, Brandon lived a little while away from the Sylveon, still feeling a bit awkward about the gender thing yet. But after the lessons and helping the Sylveon with his loneliness, she learned more about him, growing to like his kind nature. They stayed friends for a bit, but soon she had to admit that she liked him more than that. When he asked her out, she accepted, making the Sylveon very happy.

Currently the two are living together. Brandon's Pokemon still visit them, living nearby as well. They would battle and hang out, having accepted the Sylveon as a friend. All this really helped the Sylveon, finally feeling like someone that cares about him. They are still in love, and may be expecting more company in the future. Brandon's stomach area did seem to be bigger than normal...

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