Teamed by Fate: Raichu TF (Trade)

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by CrazyNaut, Jan 12, 2016, 7:11:16 PM

Literature / Fan Fiction / General Fiction

Trade with ArrogantKitsune ()

"Zoroark, finish it off with a Punishment!"Despite its best efforts, though, the trainer's Pokémon just wasn't very able to land a hit on the surprisingly agile one his friend had thrown out."Great job little Riolu, you know what to do now!"The Riolu nodded as it quickly dashed around the Zoroark's claws to reach it head-on, where it laid its own smack-down.At this point in the match, Zoroark was simply unable to recover from it, and he fainted shortly after the attack."Yes!" The winning trainer exclaimed as her Riolu stood victoriously, "That's my third victory this week, Tancred!"Tancred rolled his eyes and shook her hand."Whatever, Leanan," he said, "I'll just train my Zoroark harder than ever! Victory won't be yours for long!"He tossed his Pokéball at his Zoroark to put it back in, while Leanan's Riolu simply walked to her side."Of course you will," she said sarcastically, "just like you said you would last time. And the time before that...""Well," he interrupted, "this time's for real!""And the time before that."Tancred sighed, but got a chuckle out of Leanan's attitude."Good game anyways," he said as he started to walk away, "Later!""Later, then!" Leanan said, as she set off in her own direction.Leanan and Tancred had been great friends for a long time now, always enjoying each other when they were with each other. Nothing ever got in the way of their friendship...Except, you know, their Pocket Monsters. When they entered their trainer phases, they transitioned from best friends to fierce rivals, at least during battle. It often got to the point where they weren't afraid to trigger their Pokémon's deadliest moves on each other's!But despite all the "violence" that happened between them, they still had a lot of fun battling each other for bragging rights and dignity...Although, Tancred was getting the shorter end of the stick recently. His Zoroark had been trained by him to perfection for several months, but despite how powerful or experienced it got, Leanan's clearly inferior Riolu was all she needed to put an end to his masterpiece of a monster.But whatever secret they had, all he probably needed was to spend a few days improving his strategy."No, keep your distance!"Well... even that didn't seem to be helping the cause, as Riolu caught onto the Zoroark before his trainer could even finish his thought."You're not even instructing it!" Tancred shouted as his Zoroark fainted again."Why would I even need to?" Leanan replied, "He already knows what to do!"The Riolu nodded as he jumped into Leanan's cupped hands, before onto her shoulder. Leanan smiled at the feeling of his tail throbbing at her back.And Tancred sighed as he clicked his Pokéball. Zoroark was put back in."Have to admit," he said, "that thing's a beast.""Aw, don't say that," Leanan said, "we just make a great team!""Well, technically he should stand no chance against my legendary!""Well... I think the legendary part of any Pokémon is how well-trained it is."Riolu nodded happily, but Tancred got a discouraged look on his face."But," he said, "I don't know what else to do then..."Leanan's own smile started to fade a bit. Even in trainer mode, they were still too good of friends to enjoy seeing each other in moods like this...Thinking for a second, Leanan walked up to her friend and put her hand on his shoulder."I'd say," she started, "start fresh?""What do you mean?" Tancred asked."Find a new Pokémon, train it a different way.""But, my Zoroark is trained to-""Start fresh," Leanan repeated, "and train a new way. The best time to do so is when you're learning with it.""Uh... what?""That's my way of describing the word 'early'."Tancred thought for a moment. His discouraged look slowly faded."See?" Leanan said, happily, "You're already getting it!"Tancred's face grew to a smile."You're a good thinker, Leanan," he said, "great to have you as a friend."Nodding, Leanan surprised Tancred with a quick hug before starting to walk back home. Her reminder that they're still friends in spite of all the competitiveness."Good luck!" Leanan called as she walked.Tancred nodded as he walked his own direction.It still was kind of hopeless for Tancred, since... he wasn't exactly good at encountering. It was rare for him to find any good creatures, and even his Zoroark was a Zorua he and Leanan teamed up to find."I guess I'll have to look in unconventional places..."He grabbed one his Pokéballs. Time for a little journeying.Leanan sat back on her couch, scratching her arm a bit."Riolu?""You've been awfully talkative tonight."Of course the Riolu had to be, as anyone living with her would've noticed how much she's been itching herself tonight.Leanan eventually got the massage when she felt her nail almost break."Huh... guess I have been doing it a lot...""Riolu?""Maybe I'm just a bit nervous is all."Leanan had been rather concerned lately, by the fact that Tancred's been missing for a while. It was only about a week, but for it to be so suddenly was pretty troubling for her.All she could do was try to assure herself that nothing was wrong."Riolu!""I mean, the last thing I said to him involved finding a new Pokémon, so he's probably on a hike for one or something."Riolu gave her a confused look."Sorry, I'm only guessing what you're saying."Riolu nodded as he sat beside her."Wait... what time is it?"They looked at the clock in the other room, the closest one they actually had."Crap, it's midnight already?"Leanan got up from her seat and headed up to her bedroom.After doing all of her night stuff, she pulled her covers out before going to turn the lights off. She climbed into bed and got comfortable enough."Coming in?" she called out.Riolu dashed into the room and stopped beside the bed."Let's get some rest, then," she said with a smile.She reached her arm down to pet his head one last time before drifting off to sleep. Once she had, Riolu curled up and did the same.They slept tight from there, conveniently enough for the time it was, leaving the room just as calm as you'd expect it to be at night. It was an easy sleep for both of them, enough to even make Leanan forget about the pursuing itch gradually intensifying.The longer she slept meant the deeper she slept, which helped her ignore the itch that was crazy on her skin my now. Specifically it increased at her hands, which she hardly felt much of an itch on.In fact, it only seemed more comforting for her, from the warm feeling that came from the brown fur patches suddenly growing from the hands.They covered every inch of her hands and even spread down to cover a small length of her arms. Not only that, but her hands were shrinking in size dramatically, and her arms were thickening out to make her hands look even smaller! With that, the puny hands locked to a position straight out and the fingers merged to four stubby ones, as almost unseeable pads formed on the bottoms of each.Her hands had been rendered to a pair of stubby paws on more rounded arms, and the changes were just beginning.As an orange shade of fur covered up the rest of her arms, her feet were actually expanding in size. They bulked out a decent amount with flexible muscle and lengthened out to almost double their original length, while her toes merged together to three big ones on each foot. Tan fur covered the bottoms, as well as brown fur on the toes and orange everywhere else. By the heels, circular patches of skin thickened out and expanded to orange pads for extra protection and ease of walking.As this all went down, her legs covered up in the orange fur and thinned out, shortening in height to little more than stubs that connected her torso to her feet, which by now hardly even needed legs.As the orange fur spread inwards, it covered her whole torso, other than a round patch of cream fur in front and two thick brown stripes on her back. Once her torso was covered, it began to lose height, shortening down almost a foot. It almost rounded out in shape, bulking out to the point where it was hard to even make out her thighs or shoulders.With that, a great deal of pressure erupted from just above her rear. Her coccyx pressed against her skin harder and harder until it bursted from it by extending her spine out to a long black tail, thin like a wire with a big lightning bolt shaped end. A chip of the bolt was cut to indicate gender.The tail hung from her bed and swung idly, picking up a good deal of static charge from her carpet before emitting a hearty zap of it to Riolu's muzzle."Riolu!"Riolu quite literally woke up with a shock, rubbing the mysteriously sudden pain away from his face.His eyes still too asleep, he used his aura to track whatever shocked him, and narrowly avoided a second shock from it as it swung past him.Whatever it was, it was hanging directly from his trainer!He jumped onto her bed to find her trainer... burying in her own clothing. Whatever was happening to her, she was shrinking in size a great amount, and with all the empty space in the pants, she couldn't have been more than 3' tall by now!Left only with what his paws could do, he pulled off her shirt to get a better look at her, and the moonlight provided was enough to tell that she was almost completely different."Ri?! Riolu!" he shouted, trying to wake her up."Riolu," she eventually said, barely opening her eyes, "do you... even know what time it is?"The more she opened her eyes, the more she could see something off-putting. Even when this close, her Pokémon seemed much bigger than he was supposed to."Huh? Is there something wrong with chu?"The extreme mispronunciation of that was easily enough to wake her up, which was what lead her to feel the extension dragging across her carpet.And... her bed certainly seemed bigger, and she could hardly feel her legs."Wha- What's going on?!"She tried getting up to get a closer examination, but her stubby arms weren't easy to use for first-timers!And it didn't help that her neck had all but sink into her body by now. Turning her head to get a better view now meant turning her whole body to an extent, and all it did for her was make her tumble on her bed after a few failed attempts."What is even- GAH!"She was caught off guard by a sudden surge or electrical energy that sparked at her cheeks, which only increased in intensity but its effects on her skin seemed to die down. The electricity eventually stored up in "sacks" that formed at her cheeks, indicated by circular patches of yellow fur.Before she could even fully react to this, her skull started to crack here and there as it reshaped itself to a wider, rounder, less human shape for her head. The orange fur covered her face up as it did, including the hair on her scalp that receded back and recolored to match.Another crack at her skull came when her nose area pushed it out into a very small, curved muzzle that almost made her cheeks look like that stuck out. Her nose then shrunk in size and rounded out in shape, becoming black. Her teeth shortened in length but sharpened a good amount, including her canines, which grew out especially into small fangs almost.Her ears then expanded out in size, causing Leanan to wince when they started to reshape. They opened up and pointed outwards to almost drop-like shapes before the bottoms of the tips separated like they were being peeled. They "peeled" halfway down, curling underneath before the insides of the ear finally brightened to yellow, the outsides brown."R... I can't... contrai... my... speechu</>..."Despite her best efforts, a realignment of her tongue locked into a completely different language, comprised of little more than her soon-to-be species name. Whatever efforts were made to speak English again were canceled out by a signal in her brain that led back to the new language.And with a slight burn in her eyes, they completely reshaped to near-perfect circles, and flushed to black irises and sclera with white pupils.With that, the changes had finished up for her. And she was sparked with too much energy to remain speechless."RAICHU?! RAI RAICHU CHU... [WHAT'S GOING ON?! EVERYTHING IS HUGE AND I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS AND...]"She panicked like that for a while before Riolu finally decided to step in."Lu! Riolu![Master! Calm down!]"Leanan stopped when she heard that, surprised with what she heard... he sounded the same, exactly the same but something in her brain was clicking to the things he said."Chu? Raichu? [What? Calm down?]" she asked, trying to calm herself."Ri... Riolu? [Wait... you understood that?]""[I... I guess...]"Riolu froze. He had a feeling that he knew what just happened to Leanan, but this was a pretty direct sign of it."[What's going on?]" Leanan repeated once more.Riolu was pretty scared to say it."[Uh... don't you have a mirror on your closet?]"Leanan slowly nodded before falling off her bed. She still had no idea how to work whatever became of her legs and feet.She walked up slowly to her mirror. It was still too dark outside to make everything out, but the faint light was all she needed to see herself.Not that she wanted to believe what she saw."[Wha- I'm a Raichu?!]" she said, immediately recognizing herself, "[Overnight?!]""[That's all that it could be,]" Riolu responded, jumping over to was a pretty easy form to identify for both of them, with the beady black eyes and wire-looking tail that continued to sway across the ground.Leanan took a few minutes to look over herself, feeling every part of her in surprise while Riolu tried to think."[Wait, weren't you itching yourself all night?]" he eventually said.Leanan pondered for a second. That was the case before and after she fell asleep, and it had all but left her now that the changes had ended."[Y-Yes, but it didn't start until night, and nothing else happened today...]"Riolu closed his eyes. He let his Aura guide him as he examined his master."[Well, my Aura isn't tracking any possible causes, so the only ideal one is... magic...]""[Magic?!]""[Very powerful magic, only fit for some sort of diety. My Aura is too weak to track it.]""[But what would that even mean?!]"Riolu had no idea himself, his best pick was to think of an optimistic perspective."[Well,]" he said, "[maybe you were... uh... meant for this to happen?]""[Meant for this?]" she asked ears perking, "[But what does that mean?]""[If the source wasn't an accident, maybe there's a reason behind it?]"She turned around to think about it, accidentally smacking her friend with her charged tail."[H-Hey!]" he yelled, "[Watch where you're swinging that thing!]""[Sorry, didn't realize!]"She almost forgot she had the tail. It made her curious enough to fill it in front of her and look at it closer...She remembered it swaying across the carpet, so she tried applying friction to a hanging bedsheet. She got enough of a spark going to generate some light.And it felt great, somehow!It wasn't even until now that she actually considered what she was other than inhuman. She was a living weapon in her own right, and a pretty damn tough one at that!Concentrating on her cheeks, she heard them sparking, and felt a surge of electricity in each one. It made her feel full of energy..."[Well,]" she eventually said, subtly letting her tail swing, "[I guess I can get used to this if I have to...]""[That's good, at least,]" Riolu said, smiling, "[Maybe we could find a way to fight as a real team!]""[You're full of ideas tonight! Who taught you to be so-]""[You did. You taught me everything, Master!]"Riolu wagged his tail happily, excited now that he's come to terms with the fact that he was finally talking directly with her.His words were giving Leanan a few ideas..."That took longer than I thought it would..."After a long walk through the ruins, Tancred was wasting the last of his energy by now making his way out of them.He knew there were tons of secrets in the ruins, and it was a sacred place in its own right, but he didn't expect to waste so long here!But all that was on his mind now was wonder of how he fit all those words on that paper slip.After about another hour, he arrived back in his hometown, where he was sure he didn't need to waste another Repel. He took a seat on a bench and relaxed his legs."Alright... now I wait, I guess. Shouldn't be long before-"Before he could finish the sentence, the bench he was sitting on practically exploded into pieces."AH!" he cried, "What just-"He looked behind him to see glowing blue flames and menacing eyes towards him. Dirt was covering it, and it looked pretty ferocious with how vicious it was."Geez," he said backing away, "didn't expect a rabid Riolu to show up today! Let me get my-"And just like that, the Riolu was launched a good distance away by what looked like a massive outburst of electricity.The source was apparently a Raichu that was... suddenly behind him!"Oh... that was convenient. Thanks, uh..."He looked around for whatever trainer released the Raichu just in time for the real monster, but no one was around.And when he looked down, the Raichu was already by his leg.Seemed affectionate, too..."Uh, are you lost? Or maybe just-"Immediately, the creature pounced his chest, knocking him over as she started licking his face repeatedly. She really wanted his affection, apparently!"Woah woah," he said, chuckling while failing to get up, "maybe ease off the love so I can stand up again?"She obeyed and crawled backwards off of him. Tancred stood up, making sure to catch the Riolu... better his catch than someone else's injury."Okay, do you want to come along or are you just looking for-"Once again he was cut off when she scampered up him like a tree, grabbing his shoulder with her paws and hanging down."Geez, that was fast! You remind me of-"He cut himself off there... he recalled his equally affectionate friend, and what she said before he left for what seems like a week.Maybe the alternate training she brought up was... this?"Well, we're off to a great start I guess," he said, reaching back to scratch her head, "I guess you can tag along if you're so desperate for it! Ow..."He could feel her tail pounding on his back, emitting sparks every time it hit."Well, guess we're off, then!"Tancred regained his energy and set off, his new partner hanging with him. What a deadly team they'd make together!And the way she reminded him of his best friend/rival... it's like they were fated for this team up!

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