Nothing's Impossible (Mudkip TF/TG)

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by ZanyTfFan, Aug 11, 2016, 10:35:12 AM

Literature / Fan Fiction / General Fiction

Warnings: Contains transformation, a gender swap, and some mildly disturbing details.

Simon could barely remember the day where he had lost his parents. It was a calm night and it seemed like nothing could go wrong. He was only 3, sitting in the back seat of his parent's run down car as they drove around the Hoenn Region. They were the sweetest parents and they loved their precious child dearly. The way the two would talk to each other on a long drive often lulled him to sleep.

It was their worst luck that a group of teenagers smashed into their car at high speeds. The impact thrusted him violently out of his seat. He was the only survivor, laying on the car floor injured and petrified. He could remember hearing the loud sound of sirens surrounding him before everything faded out.

The clouds hung gloomily over Rustboro City. Simon was questioning his life as he trotted through the city's streets.

"What did I deserve to lose my parents so early in my life? Why do I have to be a street child?"

Growing up as a street child has made Simon very wise. He learned from a young age that he had to be smart to survive on his own. There were no fun and games to be had. He ended up teaching himself many valuable skills that would help him out in a pinch. He would spend the nights in abandoned buildings or in the forest, making himself a bed out of leaves. Any money he was lucky to receive was spent only on the necessities. As a result, Simon was the most sensible 13 year old around.

As he walked past the arcade, a group of teenagers sitting outside noticed him.

"Hey! Look at those shoes! Did you get them at the dump?" one said, getting the other to laugh.

"And look at your hair," the other one said. "Get a haircut!" he shouted.

Simon walked away, completely ignoring them. To him, it was only natural for other kids his age to look down upon him, yet he knew he wanted to be liked by them deep inside. He looked down at his unclean clothes and worn shoes and stroked his dirty, long hair. He sighed, wishing for a complete transformation in his life.

His stomach growled, interrupting his thoughts. He was getting pretty hungry, and he needed some money. He looked around town for a small yard he could quickly mow for some cash. Spotting one, he followed the footpath to the door. He yelped in pain as he stepped on a few rocks that went right through the holes in his shoes. He reached the door and knocked gently. Quickly enough, a young man answered.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Um...hi. May I mow your lawn for you. I need some money for supper."

"Ok, but where's your lawnmower?"

"I was thinking of using yours." he admitted.

"Sorry, kid. I don't trust you," he said, closing the door in front of him.

"Who do these adults think I am? Do I honestly look like a criminal?" he asked himself. "I would never steal or destroy a lawnmower on purpose."

He decided to take a walk to the Petalburg woods, where he could lose himself in the beauty of nature. He looked up into the tree branches and watched as a family of birds fed each other.

"All I ever want is a family, but no adults want to take me in. What hope is there? I'll never have a family," he thought to himself, looking straight down at his feet.

Suddenly, he felt a strong force push against him, and he fell to the ground.

"Oh shoot! I'm so sorry."

"It's nothing," Simon said, shrugging it off. He looked up, and was shocked.

"Aren't you a Swampert?" he asked.

"Sure am!" he said. "I know what you're thinking. Swamperts do not usually talk."

"Mm-hmm," he uttered. "How did you learn to talk anyway?"

"It's a long story," he shrugged. "I'm more worried about you, though. You look beaten up!"

"I guess I do. Are you going to make fun of me as well?" Simon asked.

"Make fun of?" Why would I do that?"

"All the other kids my age look down upon me and tease me at every opportunity. I am homeless, after all."

"Homeless?" I'm really sorry to hear that. As for those kids, they're pretty heartless if you ask me."

"I guess you're right. You're the kindest being I've met, actually. Mind if I tell you a little bit more about myself?" Simon asked.

"Don't mind at all. Perhaps you could tell me how you got into this shape."

"That would be a good place to start," he replied.

"Before you begin, though, let's find a place to sit," the Swampert interrupted.

"Sure thing," he replied, slumping against a nearby tree. The Swampert followed his lead and took a seat beside him.

Simon ended up telling him everything. He started with what he could remember about the horrific car crash that took the life away from his sweet parents. He told him of his life growing up on the streets, teaching himself how to stay alive and healthy. He mentioned that there were days where it seemed like the whole world was after him, or where he searched everywhere for hope but could not find any.

"I feel like crying now. I never knew someone could be so lonely," he said, sniffling up. "You know, I've had my fair share of rough times as well."

"Really?" Simon asked. "Please tell me."

"Here goes. Growing up, things were pretty normal for me. I was a happy little Mudkip. I would spend my days playing in the mud and cleaning off in the crystal-clear lakes around my home. As I grew older, I became stronger, evolving into a Marshtomp and a Swampert.

"I first discovered the true meaning of love when I bumped into a female Swampert, similarly to the way we met. She was the sweetest little angel, and she seemed to take quite a liking to me as well. We went out together, and it was paradise. We ended up having three kids, all boys. As a matter of fact, before the third Mudkip hatched, the other two were hoping that they'd have a sister to play with. To be honest, I was hoping it would be a girl as well to switch things up. He ended up being male too, but that didn't stop all of us from getting along. I'd bet that they're still a little disappointed though. They kept wanting to know what it would be like to have a sister.

Simon was listening closely to the Swampert's words, and was completely immersed into his story. He was intrigued by it all.

"It was one day when my sweetie volunteered to find us some food that we could all feast on. With her soothing voice, she promised to return before sunset. However, it was already getting a bit dark, and I was getting worried. I decided that something must have gone wrong, and I went out to look for her. I rushed through the many trees and bushes in my way. My mind was rushing. I didn't want to lose my love.

"It was an open clearing where I discovered her. When I saw her, I was horrified. She was surrounded by a pack of hungry Sevipers, with her body all torn apart. There was no doubt to it. She was killed."

"Oh my! I would have burst into tears. Sorry for your loss," Simon interrupted.

"I really wanted to cry too, but I couldn't cry yet," he continued. The Sevipers started to slither towards me. Reacting quickly, I zoomed back to the kids. Everywhere I looked, Sevipers popped up. They were taking over our home! I made it back just in time and woke up the kids. They sensed the panic in my eyes and asked what was wrong. With my mind racing, I told them that we needed to get out of here immediately. They were confused as I picked them up, making sure to hold them close. When they saw the Sevipers, though, they began to understand.

"Please continue," Simon said.

"We were able to escape. As soon as we were able to rest, the kids asked what happened to their mom. I was afraid to tell them what happened. I wasn't even sure if they knew what the meaning of death was at the time. I hid it for a while until I finally spoke up. She was killed and she was no longer with us. They proved me wrong, understanding completely. Together, we each shared a few tears."

"I'd bet it was nice to have others to share your feelings with," Simon said.

"It absolutely was. That brings me back to you a little. I still can't believe you're so lonely. It must be terrible."

"Mm-hmm. So did you learn how to speak after all of this?" he asked. He still had that itch to know how he learned to talk.

"Yep. It was time to find a new home. We each journeyed across the Hoenn region in search of the perfect place. We came across a few towns and cities, and I was absolutely fascinated by the way humans interacted and lived. The complexity of their civilization was on a whole different level! I desperately wanted to learn more about them and their way of life.

"What I ending up doing was sneaking up on a few of their conversations and listening in. I know I sounded like a stalker, but I didn't understand half the stuff they were saying anyway. After so long, though, the language they used started to become clear as crystal as I understood their greetings, manners, and pretty much everything else.

"After that, I had the urge to communicate with them. However, I still had to learn to speak the language. I spent the night rolling my tongue around my mouth, trying to vocalize the sounds they'd make. I had no luck, and decided to call it a night. However, I had no quit in me, and I tried again the next day. I always experience this phenomenon where I greatly improve at something new the day after I try it for the first time, and this was no exception. Soon enough, I could pronounce every letter in the alphabet! The next step was to combine all of the sounds to form new words. The next day, I mastered that as well! I was so proud of myself as I tested my newfound ability, having full conversations with myself. Of course, I haven't forgotten about my other language. Besides, my children much prefer hearing me speak in the Pokémon language than in English."

"That's simply amazing!" Simon commented. It's probably safe to say that you're one of the few Pokémon around who learned how to speak another language. I didn't even know it was possible at first. It's something a lot of people only dream about, but here you are now."

"Haha, yeah. I actually struck up a conversation with a few humans before. Most of them freaked out and ran off before I had the chance to introduce myself." he admitted.

The sun began to come out from its hiding place, turning the sky into a bright blue.

"It's been wonderful getting to know you. I should get going. Besides, I'm starved," Simon said.

"Wait a second! I'd hate to see you continue living on the streets. I'd bet you always wanted to have a family. Care to join mine?" he asked.

"You're right. I always wanted a family, but to join your's?" Simon replied, confused. "How would I do that? I wouldn't fit in."

"Here, I'll show you something," he said, walking into the depths of the woods. Extremely curious, Simon naturally followed him.

The two walked through many trees and shrubs. Soon enough, they were quite far off the path.

"Are we there yet? Will we ever get there?" Simon questioned.

"Yep. We should be approaching it about now."

The Swampert didn't lie. Simon's eyes popped from what he saw. Around him was a playground full of hills, holes, and bushes, all encircled by the greenest trees around. It was perfect for a game of hide and seek. In front of him stood a lake. It shined and sparkled with brilliance under the sun's warm light.

"Holy!" Simon exclaimed.

"Welcome to our home!" the Swampert said.

"It's beautiful! Your journey certainly paid off."

"It sure did. The kids couldn't be happier."

"That lake really interests me though. I've never seen anything else like it."

"That's actually the reason why I brought you here. This is no ordinary lake. It's fuelled by happiness, imagination, positivity, and a little pinch of magic. If you take a quick bath in here, your deepest wishes will come true."

"So perhaps with my strong desire to have a family, I could wish myself into a Mudkip."

"That's how it works," he assured. "The kids would love having another sibling to play with."

"I can't even wait to meet them!" Where are they now?" Simon asked.

"They went out on their own for a little bit. They are at the age where they are learning about independence. They should be back shortly."

"You know what. You've said that your kids have always wanted a sister, right? I wouldn't mind at all to sacrifice my gender to make them happier as well, which in turn would make you happy to see them so happy.

"Aw, that's sweet! Go right ahead. It's your wish."

"Just allow me to take off my dirty old shirt and shoes and I'll be good to go," Simon said, taking them off. He then set his mind on his wish, and cannonballed into the lake. The water woke up all of his senses at once. It felt so good against his skin. As he climbed out and stood up, he felt refreshed and rejuvenated. He could almost feel the magic swirling around him as he started to transform.

"If you want, I can leave you to transform on your own. That way, I can also make sure the kids are ok and that they don't see you until you are done."

"That's ok with me," Simon said back to him.

"Cya in a few minutes," he said, walking off.

Simon watched excitedly as his skin began to turn blue and somewhat slimy as it erased his body hair. His wish was actually happening! As the wave of blue covered his feet and legs, it continued to spread upwards. Specifically, it spread around the back of his body, on his arms, and on everything above his mouth. From his belly to his mouth, his skin became a much lighter blue, which made his underbelly stand out more.

From there, his feet and hands tingled at the same time. He stared as his two outside fingers and toes disappeared from each of his hands and feet, making them have three digits each. The three digits began to widen and shrink on each appendage, becoming stubby and nearly touching each other. His hands and feet continued to shrink and round out, making them more reminiscent to paws. He felt a tugging sensation as his arms and legs shrunk until they were the same size. Simon inspected his new arms and hands and noticed that they indeed looked pretty similar.

Next, his proportions changed to match those of the average Mudkip. First was his head. It became wider, almost looking like a watermelon in shape. With that, his neck became almost non-existent as his head filled in the space between it and his body.

While the transformation was at his head, his facial features decided to undergo change as well. His scleras changed into black while his irides and pupils combined and turned white, giving him beady eyes. The eyes themselves spaced out between each other and became thinner and taller, as if they were rotated 90°.

His nose began to shrink into him and his nostrils spaced out. They became tall and thin as they slapped themselves into his face. He was left with the two nostrils for smelling and breathing, with the rest of his nose nowhere to be seen.

His mouth widened significantly and his tongue transformed to match that of a Mudkip. Simultaneously, his vocal chords changed to assist him in speaking the Pokémon language.

Continuing on, his torso began to round out until it was a bit like an oval as well, where it was the widest in the middle. It continued to transform, shrinking until it almost made his head the biggest part of his body! The whole world looked so big to him now with his new, smaller body.

His new proportions could not hold him up anymore, and Simon fell onto the ground. A fix came quickly as his spine cracked and reshaped, making him a quadruped. However, he wanted to wait until the transformation was done before he stood back up.

The final, yet more advanced changes were arriving. First off, Simon felt a tug around his rear as a tail fin shot straight out, being the same color of his underbelly. He twisted his neck to see it. Out of curiosity, he swished it around and smiled. He was amazed how quickly he mastered controlling it.

He felt an itch around his cheeks, and he knew what was coming next. His gills pushed out and expanded from his cheeks. They were a bright orange in color which complimented his blue body nicely. Simon touched them and got a good feeling for them. The thought of being able to breathe underwater was thrilling!

Simon knew there was one last thing every Mudkip had. Just like he expected, a felt a tingling near the top of his head as a fin slowly expanded upwards from his skull.

Simon was the most curious about his new head fin. He remembered researching that a Mudkip can use it like a radar to figure out what was taking place around it, all without the use of its eyes. Simon tried it, closing his eyes and letting the fin do the work. He used it to sense the movement of the air around him. Of course, he was currently by himself so he really didn't see much happening aside from the wind. It was still a bizarre experience, though, and he enjoyed every second of it.

Simon remembered back to his wish, and looked at his new body. He was finally a Mudkip now, but he knew he still had a gender swap to get through. Soon enough, it began. Feeling a uncomfortable tingling between his lower legs, he whimpered. His manhood had left him completely and was quickly replaced by womanhood. Alongside that, his voice became higher in pitch. Simon was now a female Mudkip. Embarrased, she knew it was going to take her a while to get used to the empty-ish feeling 'down there' now that the area was mostly flat. However, Simon didn't care. All she cared about was finally having a family.

"Done transforming yet?" the Swampert called out as he returned.

"Yes," Simon answered. "The wish came true."

"Good to hear. So how do you feel?"

"I don't even know what to say," she answered, getting up onto her four legs and attempting to walk.

"You're wobbling a bit. Anything I can do to help?" he offered.

"No, I'm good," she replied, taking a few slow steps forward. She lost her balance and tripped a few times but she kept pushing herself back up. Filled with determination, she tried and tried again. The procedure started to feel more familiar and natural to her. Soon enough, she was running around, feeling the wind against her face.

"Oh yeah. I've never asked for your name," she said, returning back to the Swampert. "What is it?"

"I'm Swampy. How about you?"

"The name's Simon, but that brings back bad memories now. Also, it just wouldn't fit with my new form. Hmm...I guess I'll call myself Kipz."

"Cool. I like it," Swampy said.

"So am I ready to see the others now?" she asked.

"Yep! They know you're coming. Assuming that your wish came true, I told them that I adopted a girl their age, and they were excited beyond belief! They can't wait to see you."

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" she exclaimed.

"Sure thing, I'll lead you to them."

The two walked towards the back end of their home, with Swampy leading the way.

"Ok Mudfin, Kappa, and Speedy. Give a warm welcome to our newest member, Kipz!" Swampy announced.

"Hi there! I'm Mudfin," Mudfin greeted.

"Welcome to our family! I'm Kappa," Kappa said.

"I'm Speedy. Let's be buds!" Speedy requested.

"Oh wow! Hi everyone! Thanks for the warm welcome. Let's all be buds!" Kipz said, finding a way to reply to everyone.

"Glad to see that you are all getting along," said Swampy. "Maybe you all could play a game together." he insisted.

"Cool! How about we play tag in the lake?" Speedy offered.

"Yeah!" Mudfin agreed.

"Sounds good to me," Kappa said.

"Ok then," Kipz jumped in. "How do you guys usually play?"

"Oh, we play by the rules. One person is set to be 'It.' Whoever he or she tags becomes the new 'It.' We just keep swimming around until we get bored."

"Sounds fun!" Kipz said, surprised to hear herself say that word. Never once did she have fun before in her past or even considered having fun.

"Want to be 'it' Speedy?" Mudfin asked.

"Ok. Besides, you guys never catch up to me. My name says it all! If I don't start as the 'it,' I never will be 'it.'" he bragged as he started heading towards the lake.

"Follow us, Kipz," Kappa said.

The quartet had reached the lake a minute later. Kipz peered into it and smiled at her reflection.

"I'll give you guys 15 seconds to scurry yourselves," he announced.

"Let's go, Kipz!" Mudfin said as he and Kappa jumped in the lake.

"Right behind you," Kipz said excitedly as she jumped into the lake. The idea of swimming around a whole lake was thrilling to her, especially since she could breathe underwater now with her new gills. As she made a splash, the water felt even better than before! She dived down to the bottom of the lake, trying to hide from Speedy. Her new gills worked as expected, and she could breathe perfectly. She wore a big dopey grin on her face. She couldn't believe that she was actually having fun!

"Here I come!" Speedy's voice echoed through the lake as he jumped in. Kipz's plan worked perfectly and he didn't even see her. She shook with excitement and laughed on the inside seeing the other two flee as fast as they could from Speedy.

Speedy ended up tagging Mudfin. Kipz continued to laugh to herself, until Mudfin spotted and started to swim towards her.

"Oh shoot!" she thought, quickly swimming away.

Unfortunately for Kipz, she was cornered. Mudfin gently tapped her hand.

"You're 'it,' Kipz!"

"Rats!" she said happily. She swam to the middle of the lake and attempted to spot down her opponents.

"Hey Kipz. Bet you can't catch me!" Speedy said, sneaking up on her before swimming off at top speed.

"We'll see about that," she said before chasing after him. However, she was quickly losing him. She began to question her choice of words.

"Speedy's right. I'll never catch up to him," she thought in defeat.

As she thought that, though, she remembered when she was walking through the forest as Samuel. She recalled looking up at the family of birds and saying, "I'll never have a family." It did seem to be the case at the time as there were no adults around who wanted to take him in. However, he was proven wrong when he bumped into Swampy. It was the surprise of his life that he did get a family all along. Even when things looked impossible, they weren't.

"No. I can catch up to him. Just you wait, Speedy," she said in determination as she zoomed off after him.

Mudfin and Kappa were swimming together when they overheard the whole thing. They looked around to see a hot pursuit going on between Kipz and Speedy.

"Look, Mudfin! She's doing the impossible!"

"Go get 'em Kipz," Mudfin shouted.

His voice travelled through the lake, bringing motivation to Kipz. Slowly but surely, she was catching up to Speedy! Speedy turned his head around, expecting her to be a mile away.

"Whoa! How?" he questioned, shifting into overdrive.

Using her tail fin, Kipz shot at him like a bullet. She was almost there! She reached out to find that he was just out of her reach. Her mind was racing with positive thoughts. Victory was near and she had her sights set on it! Using the last bit of her energy, she swam up right up beside him and gave him a pat on the back.

"You're 'it!'" she shouted.

"Impossible!" How did you..."

"Anything's possible if you set your heart to it," she interrupted. "Things may look out of reach but there can still be a few surprises heading your way."

"Wow. You certainly impressed me, and the way you see the! You're the coolest sister I could ask for! I could take inspiration from you.

"Thanks!" she exclaimed, exchanging a nice underwater hug with him.

"Hey, Kipz! That was amazing!" Mudfin commented.

"Agreed," Kappa said

"Thanks," she said while blushing.

"I guess that's what you get for being so cocky, Speedy" Mudfin said.

"You're right. Next time, I won't underestimate any of you," he apologized. I've learned from Kipz here that surprises are hiding at every corner.

"That took the last bit of energy out of me," Kipz interrupted. How about we rest for a while?"

"Sure," Speedy said. You deserve it.

The other two Mudkips nodded.

They each climbed out of the lake and made a bed out of mud beside it. They were having so much fun that time flew right by. It was already evening, and it was starting to get dark out.

"So dad told us that you used to be homeless, is that right?" Kappa asked.

"Yes. I was all alone for a while," Kipz answered. "I thought I would never have a family again. It seemed impossible, but I was lucky enough to bump into your dad. It was the surprise of my life."

"I guess impossibility is all a lie," Speedy said. I honestly thought you would never catch up to me at first when we were playing tag."

"I'll be honest. I thought that too. However, I remembered back to my past and thought to myself, 'No. I CAN catch up to him.' A positive outlook on life can pay off."

"I'm surprised how much I'm learning from you," Speedy admitted. "You're a pretty great sister, Kipz. What do you think, Mudfin and Kappa?"

"You have been great for sure! It's only our first day together and we are already so close! I'm glad that dad decided to adopt you. I want to know who wouldn't adopt a little angel like you."

"I'm flattered. Thanks Mudfin."

"I agree with everything Mudfin said. I'm glad that our dad decided to adopt you as well. You will definitely provide us with many warm smiles and laughs for many years to come."

"You really think so, Kappa? Thanks!"

Swampy was listening to their conversation as he prepared a nice blend of berries for them to snack on. He wore a big smile on his face, knowing that his three kids were loving their new sister. However, he was especially happy that he was able to bring a positive light into Simon's life. He thought to himself that it's amazing what a little kindness can do to someone. No one ever deserves to be lonely.


"Honey! Look! Our child finally managed to find a family."

"Yeah! I'm really glad that he, I mean she, is so much happier now. God bless that Swampert for being so kind and understanding."

"I still can't believe she decided to sacrifice her original gender so the others could finally have a sister to play with. Our child can be so sweet."

"Agreed. She didn't deserve to lose us so early on. She was the most innocent toddler around. All those years on the streets must have been hard on her."

"I'd bet. If I had to live like that, I'd be dead by the seventh day."

"Oh, John!" she teased.

"What? It's the truth," he said, laughing.

"Well, all that matters is that our child is now safe and happy."


The two held hands as they watched their child from the land high above. They exchanged a kiss as they watched Swampy give them all a bedtime snack. Continuing to hold hands, they walked side by side along the golden roads.

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