It's Time To Live - Umbreon Tf [Reupload]

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by MCNTB, Jan 4, 2018, 5:54:22 PM

Literature / Fan Fiction / General Fiction

It was a cold autumn night, when Thomas, a 20-year-old man, finally lived for the first time. Thomas was tall, with brown eyes and black hair, as black as the fur of the Umbreon he had. He lived a quiet and peaceful life on a small farm in the middle of nowhere with his only Pokémon, which he had nicknamed "Nocturne". They would wait for the crops to grow, and after a while, they would harvest and sell them. The money would be used to buy more seeds, and the cycle would repeat itself. Some people may argue that this kind of life is monotonous, but for Thomas, it was perfect, well, that's what he always told people, anyway. But as they say, good things never last, and for the first time in 5 years, he was all alone.

It was a cold afternoon, Thomas and his Umbreon had just come back from the city, and even though Thomas preferred to stay on the farm and avoid contact with other people, they needed to go to the market every so often. He rushed inside the house to store everything they had bought, not realizing he had left the gate to the farm open. It wasn't a big deal; though, as it had happened a few times before. But this time, something unexpected happened, something that would make Thomas feel like he never had before. When Thomas left the house to water the crops, his Pokémon was nowhere to be seen.
"Nocturne? Where are you?!" He shouted, but nothing happened. He couldn't hear anything other than the wind.
It was the first time that ever happened to Thomas. His Umbreon was extremely loyal, to the point where it would follow him around everywhere he would go. Even though he couldn't believe his Pokémon had left the farm, he decided to look for him, just in case.
After a while, he realized what happened. He saw the open gate and the footprints in the wet ground.
The footprints led him to a forest before disappearing completely. In the forest, he looked everywhere, but couldn't find his Umbreon. When the sun started to go down, he decided to go home, crying as he walked.
That night, Thomas couldn't sleep, he couldn't stop blaming himself for what happened; He tried a few more times, but ended up giving up. A few minutes after that, he saw...something from his window; something black, running to his house. When he opened the door, he saw it. It was Nocturne! He knew it had to be him; no other Umbreon in the area had that red collar, or that scar near its left eye! Thomas never felt so happy in his entire life, with a smile on his face, the young man reached his hand to pet his beloved Pokémon, but it quickly jumped and scratched his arm!
Thomas couldn't understand what had just happened. Why would the Pokémon that he shared so many good memories with, for so many years, try to attack him out of sudden?
He started feeling his arm itching, and when he looked at it, he saw something growing in the same place that Nocturne had scratched him, as he reached to touch it; he realized it was...fur? As Thomas started panicking, the fur spread through his arm.
When the fur reached his hand, his fingers started merging with each other and paw pads appeared on the palm of his hand, leaving him with black, small paws. The fur started spreading through his entire body while Nocturne just watched; gazing into Thomas' scared face.
He could hear the cracking of his bones as his legs changed into a digitigrade structure. His feet suffered the same fate as his hands, with his toes merging and leaving him with paws. He then heard an even bigger cracking sound coming from his spine, leaving him unable to stand up properly. Thomas started panicking even more while he was shrinking; but the moment he saw yellow circles appearing on his legs, he gasped in shock, finally realized what was happening; he was turning into an Umbreon!
"W-Why are you doing this to me?!" Thomas shouted at Nocturne, but it simply ignored him.
After he struggled to get off his now oversized clothes, he felt as if something was coming out of his tailbone; when he looked behind, he saw a long, black tail with a yellow ring. He tried to move it and got so distracted with how easy it was to do so, that he almost forgot that his transformation wasn't complete yet.
While the fur spread to his face, his ears started moving to the top of his head, becoming long and pointed, just like his tail. His teeth got sharper, and Thomas shrieked in pain as his face started pushing forward and his nose became tiny and black, leaving him with a short snout. At last, his eyes got bigger, and changed from brown to a light shade of red, completing the transformation.
Thomas could feel a myriad of new sensations; his tail wagging, his paws touching the ground. He could hear the Murkrows in the distance with his new ears. But he still couldn't understand why, and how, that all happened.
"How are you feeling?" Nocturne asked, much to Thomas's surprise.
"How can you talk?! Why did you do this to me?!" Thomas asked, still trying to process everything that had happened.
"I did this because I had to! I just can't keep living the same day over and over! And neither can you! You always say you enjoy your quiet and simple life, but I can see the truth in your eyes! You're just scared of actually living!" Said the Pokémon, staring at Thomas, almost as if it was judging him.
It was all true. Since Thomas was a child, he would always avoid going out to play with his friends; he was scared of the outside world and preferred to isolate himself. He never admitted this to anyone, but somehow Nocturne could see right through his lies.
"I want you to live for the first time! Please, come with me." The Pokémon said, with a serious look on its face.
Thomas had no option, anyway. He couldn't stay on the farm like that, so he decided to do as Nocturne said. While they were walking, Thomas decided to ask something.
"Why did you run away this morning? Did you just feel like it?"
"Of course not." The other Pokémon immediately replied, not realizing the joke, "You needed to be happy during nighttime, otherwise, the transformation wouldn't work."
Thomas was confused at first, but after he remembered what he was transformed into, everything made sense.
After walking for a few more minutes, they finally reached their destination: A forest; the same one where Thomas was earlier that day.
"I've decided I'm going to live here. But I want you to come with me! I'll teach you everything you need to know!" Said Nocturne, anxiously waiting for Thomas to react.
"I-I don't know if I can do this!" Thomas exclaimed, avoiding eye contact with the other Pokémon, "I'm not even sure how I feel about being a Pokémon! It's all so sudden..."
"Look, I'll let you go back at any time you want, I can even transform you back into a human if you so desire, but please, give it a try! Stop being afraid of everything at least once!"
With that, Thomas was convinced, after all, he couldn't live without his Umbreon. Thomas walked into the forest along with Nocturne, unsure of what was going to happen to him. Although he didn't know at the time, he would never regret his decision.

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