Ice Ice Lillie (Alolan Vulpix TF)

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by deathbustereudial103, Jun 24, 2017, 9:30:02 PM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / Fantasy / Short Stories

"Professor Kukui, Professor Burnet, I'm taking Nebby out to get some fresh air!"

The Professor looked up from where he was sitting to see Lillie heading towards the doors. Beside her floated the little Nebula Pokemon that clearly liked the blonde quite a lot, even if it wasn't always evident from the way it crept out of Lillie's bag. Beside the Professor, his wife waved to Lillie.

"You guys have fun! My wife and I will handle the rest, woo!" Kukui said, as Nebby and Lillie stepped onto the sandy beaches of Route 1 near the outskirts of Hau'oli City. With a loud "Pew!", Nebby ran off to investigate the sand and water. Lillie watched from a distance, as her thoughts turned to a very unhappy subject: her family. She had no idea where her brother was, and she preferred to keep as much distance between her mother and Nebby as possible. Lillie, in fact, had found it surprising that her mother hadn't found her yet considering the vast amount of resources belonging to the Aether Foundation and her mother's determination to have a world to herself and the twisted Ultra Beasts. Lillie knew that she'd eventually have to leave the professors and the friends she'd made. She'd have to-

A sudden "pew!" sound jerked Lillie out of her thoughts and kept her from noticing the blueish white, glasses wearing ghost beside and slightly behind her. Nebby had found a Corsola and been chased by the Pokemon in a sort of game of tag. Lillie smiled at their antics, and was reminded of her main goal to return Nebby home (granted, it wasn't one she'd actually forget).

"Just you wait, Nebby. Someday I'll take you back to your home, and you'll never have to hide in my bag ever again." Lillie said to herself and the currently not paying attention Nebby, as an icy wind produced by none other than the cat ghost blew along her face. It was so cold, in fact, that Lillie's ears twitched, beginning to stretch into a more triangular form as her scalp, far underneath the hair hidden by her hat, began to itch.

"Oh? The wind really is harsh." Lillie States, pulling down her hat to feel the area. "And it's oddly strong tod-" she began, as her fingers brushed through the fur on her face and her wet vulpine nose....


Lillie felt her face, feeling the snow white fur growing along it as it cracked and stretched into a vulpine snout. She found her ears had migrated to the top of her head and were furry triangular appendages. Compounding it all was the fact that her blonde hair was turning into white fur: messy white fur like that of a snow bank. Is it really that of a wonder, then, that Lillie freaked out?

"EEEEE~~~! I HAVE FUR AND A MUZZLE! AND POINTY EARS!" Lillie cried, the sound somehow only attracting Nebby and the local Pokemon, who all sat and watched Lillie's ongoing changes with a mix of curiosity and shock. Lillie's next changes took a turn for the worse when a huge furry thing began to grow above her butt and rip her dress.

"NO!" Lillie cried, moving her hands to behind her dress in a vain attempt to preserve her modesty. With a loud 'RIPP!', her efforts were rendered meaningless by the large, six-segmented tail all Alolan Vulpix had emerging from through her dress. As Lillie blushed and whispered something along the lines of "Nuuu tail...", her hands swiftly fell to the changes, becoming three-toed paws covered (for some reason) in mostly blue fur. Her feet followed suit, as her clothes began to cover the now rapidly shrinking and almost complete Alolan Vulpix. With a final spurt of shrinking, her body was small enough to properly escape from her clothes. As she sat there, Nebby finally examined the new Vulpix with a sound of "Pew Pew?" Then the Little Nebula Pokemon began to squee.

"Pew! Lillie's so white and fluffy now! Let's play together!" Nebby cried, the sentiment beginning to be adopted by many of the other Pokemon as they crowded the new Vulpix. For a brief instant, Lillie wondered if it was good that she could understand Nebby, and how.she would fix this and return to her normal self. Then she felt a tugging on her leg, and saw a Pichu.

"Please, Miss Lillie?" it asked, making the most adorable eyes. Every other Pokemon there immediately adopted the tactic, causing Lillie's resistance to shatter. She nodded, causing jubilant cheering to break out among the crowd of Pokemon.

'It's only for a bit. How bad could it be?' Lillie asked herself.


"Isn't this fun! Pee---w!" Nebby cried. Or at least that's what Lillie assumed the Nebula Pokemon said: she was too busy clinging to the side of her duffle bag for dear life as it was carried at top speed along the beach. Tree branches and other dangerous objects whizzed by at speeds that were dangerous only to a Vulpix, and yet the Nebula Pokemon somehow managed to avoid them even while carrying Lillie. Lillie simply tried not to fall off: the first time she'd let loose a huge "NOOOOOOOOO!", Nebby had somehow heard "GOOOOOOO!" and had proceeded to keep doing exactly that, only faster. The other Pokemon could be seen as vague blobby shapes, as being in a swift state of motion made her vision blurry. All Lillie could do was hold tight and think about her friends.

'Hau? Sun? Moon? I hope that, wherever you guys are, you're having a better time than I am.' Lillie thought, as she was jostled and bounced around on the duffle bag. No one noticed the cat ghost with glasses vanish, its work in this area complete. Now it could move on to other areas.

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