Keys of Victory (Pokemon Victini TF Story)

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by Themjapes, Dec 26, 2017, 6:30:43 PM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / General Fiction / Short Stories

Blake entered his apartment in Castelia late one night, sighing disappointedly. He looked to be about an average height and weight, his brown hair spiking behind him as he slumped down into one of the chairs he had set up. He turned on the TV, and found it presently playing a repeat of today's show from the battle channel. The current showing seemed to be ending, judging by the sound of things.

"Ooh... and that's a knockout!" The announcer called out excitedly for anyone watching at home. On the screen, it was showing footage of a Snivy, trained by Blake behind it, fainting and being sent back to its Pokéball. Blake didn't even have any more Pokémon to send out. The Pokémon Snivy had been fighting was a Whirlipede. It hadn't looked even remotely tired.

Soon, the announcer cried out again. "Trainer Blake is unable to continue the battle! Another exciting victory for Bur-" was all the further it got before Blake shut off the TV in annoyance. He let his Snivy out of its ball, and gently set its still unconscious body on his bed for awhile.

He sighed once more, and began to speak aloud, regardless of whether or not his resting Pokémon could even hear him or not. "I just don't know what to do, Sni..." He said softly, gently placing his hand on the poor Pokémon. "I-I just wanted to get going on my Pokémon journey, like all my friends, but I haven't been able to win even a single battle yet! That's the fifth loss in a row, and of course it keeps getting broadcasted to the whole region! I'm a failure..." He admitted angrily, soon sitting down on the bed with it.

"Maybe I should have just chosen Tepig like all of them..." He mused aloud, only to almost immediately regret saying that. "No! I mean, you're a great partner, it's only... I just..." He said, sighing once more and getting up to head to the main room and let Sni rest properly for awhile.

Blake was soon sitting back in the chair he was before, about to turn the TV back on and wondering if he even wanted to eat anything for dinner that night, when something caught his eye. A small envelope had been slipped underneath his door when he wasn't looking. He had no idea what it could have been, or who it was sent from. He got up to look at it, and there was nothing particularly identifiable. No return address, no sign of who it was from, just a strange orange envelope with a darker v shaped seal over it.

In a mixture of confusion and excitement, he tore it open as quickly as he could and read it aloud. Just to make sure he got it right, of course.

"Tired of losing every of life's battles? Looking to find a sure-fire victory? Take a trip to Liberty Garden! Come and see the Victory Pokémon!"

Enclosed in the envelope was some sort of boat ticket, showcasing a lovely vista with a clear sky and a lighthouse in view. Blake's mind had been racing. It was hard enough to get a ticket to Liberty Garden as it was, but from what he'd heard the story of the Victory Pokémon was mostly just tales meant to attract visitors. The tickets were pretty pricy these days...

Still, he figured maybe it could at least instill some confidence. He grabbed the ticket, put on a jacket, and headed outside. He didn't bring any of his items, not even his Snivy. He made his way down to the ground floor, and kept his head down so as not to arouse any attention or suspicion towards himself.

Blake hobbled off towards Liberty Pier, despite it being Arceus-knows-how-late out right now. At least all the buildings provided some light... He kept thinking to himself that every (though it was a small number)person he passed had to have been judging him and snickering for all of his losses. He had no doubts in his mind that his Snivy didn't even like him one bit.

With all these thoughts, it drove him ever closer to the pier, and thankfully it wasn't long before he made it. Not a single other person was at the pier, just the person operating the boat out to Liberty Garden. She gave Blake a small smile, who hurried over and handed the attendance lady the ticket.

"Just... one trip to Liberty Garden, please." He requested in a low voice. He fully expected to be turned away for a myriad of different reasons, not the least of which was the insane time. Instead, she simply took the pass, checked it over, and smiled at him happily again. "Sure! Just get on board and you'll be right over!"

He stepped onto the deck of the ship, waiting for it to depart all whilst staying on the deck and looking out at the water partially illuminated by the street lamps. It really did look kind of pretty, out at night.

His thoughts were interrupted, though, by the ship departing and the lights and the city getting further away, and him getting closer to the Garden. Time seemed to tick by ever slowly as he looked out at the various Water and Flying Pokémon passing by, no doubt with their own victories, Blake thought.

In short order, the boat had docked at the garden. Being so late, once again, Blake found himself the only human in sight, and he didn't even stop to marvel at the sight of the lighthouse. He hustled inside, hoping to find anything more than an empty hallway with a locked door.

Well, the hall was empty, not the best start, and the door at the very end was indeed shut, like it had always been. He sighed again, and turned to head back, but before he left, something compelled him to actually try the door. And, much to his immense shock and surprise, the door actually opened. There was a light inside, keeping it from being pitch dark in there, and he wandered in.

The room itself was still empty. No Pokémon in sight. He turned, and shut the door behind him, taking the time to at least better survey the room he had never seen before. Heck, even if there really was nothing here at all, he was already feeling more confident about himself. In the room was a small bed, big enough for a Pokémon but not Blake, a carpet, some shelves... It was actually decently cozy, he thought to himself.

Somehow, then, he heard a voice. A voice speaking in his mind, from the sounds of it.

"If you wish to claim victory... Close your eyes to meet Victini." It said. As soon as it started talking, Blake had practically fallen over despite the fact it wasn't even trying to be startling. He looked around nervously before the realization that no one was here. This got his mind really racing! He thought that this must be Victini itself talking with Telepathy! And that it would grant its strength to him, if only he closed his eyes... the opportunity was too good to be true!

He stepped over to the part of the room that had look furnished, and closed his eyes as instructed. Nothing. Nothing seemed to happen, no Victini, no victory, just nothing but lies like always. He did feel a fair bit warmer inside, but not much else. He opened his eyes back up, and made his way over toward the door, reaching to pull it back open.

Except he didn't pull it open. He got about as far as lifting his arm to see a cream colored fur start growing from it. As soon as he saw it, he felt his blood run cold and he fell backwards, screaming. "F-fur? What is...?!" He pondered, dazzled, as he tried to tear off his jacket to see more of his body.

Sure enough, the fur had been spreading all around him, and he scrambled to his feet to open the door and get out. Again, though, he couldn't, his hands quickly turning orange and his fingers reducing themselves to three, with two in the shape of a v. With his hands the way they were, he couldn't get the door back open, no matter what he tried. He suspected it may have somehow locked itself, even if he could open it.

Still nervous, Blake surveyed the rest of his transforming body, and began to notice the entire room around him was getting bigger than before. No... No, he was getting much smaller! His clothes felt baggy and way too big, and it wasn't long before he quickly slipped out of his plain t-shirt and jeans. His expressions and mood quickly changed from panic, to embarrassment, to relief and back to panic, as he realized he wasn't in clothes anymore, but to his consolation the fur had quickly grown over anything private. If he even still had them, but that wasn't exactly a concern right now.

His feet quickly followed the same pattern as his hands, leaving them orange and in a V-shaped visage. He felt something from his back, and tried his best to turn around to see it. A pair of wing-like tails had formed, and they stung a little bit while coming in, but thankfully didn't put him in too much pain all things considered. He felt a pair of teeth grow in to the top of his mouth as his ears shifted and grew longer atop his head.

Thankfully, there had been a mirror among the things in this small little room, so Blake went over to check for himself what had actually happened. His once green eyes were now a clear, pristine blue, being rounder and bigger. While he had felt his ears changing, now he got to truly see it in action, forming a large, orange, V-like crest on his head, the actual ears being the sides of it.

Blake stared in confusion What... what was he? Why him? The more he stared at his reflection, the more it began to dawn on him. "Am I... Victini?" He asked to nobody in particular, putting his hands up to his head. By all accounts, it certainly seemed that that had been the case.

He thought for awhile. He thought long and hard, even tapping into new-found psychic abilities, to recall everything about Victini that he had heard. Victory Pokémon, Liberty Garden... yeah, it was coming back now. He remembered stories that said Victini could bring victory to any trainer it had befriended, and it was that story that made the realization hit him like a giant sack of Roggenrola.

It wasn't wrong. He would be assured victory from now on, in whatever battles he would face moving forward. This was, in a way, exactly what he asked for. Just not how he envisioned it. In a way, this calmed him down, and made him happier. He was completely excited at the idea of being relied on by whatever hopeful and happy trainer came next to find him. He could bring a victory anywhere! ...Or so he thought. It sure beat losing five times to the same Gym leader before even leaving town...

Yeah, there was a thought... The more he thought, the more excited he got, until he found that between that and the time, he was getting incredibly tired at this point. He worried for Sni, who he had left alone back at home, but told himself that at the very least he wasn't trapped in a Pokéball, and could probably find a chance to send it a psychic message of his fate. Who knows, maybe they could keep going together? It would sure be fun being able to actually understand his partner for once...

With all of these thoughts trying to calm him down, he found himself heading over to the bed, which now fit his new size perfectly. He yawned to himself, and closed his eyes once more. He would be ready to face whatever challenges would come the next day...


(May I request critiques of this story? It's my first, and of course, I don't have money to pay for CORE so I can't put the critique requested thing on. Boo.)

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