Tales of a Trickster PokeMage: The Bad Trainer

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by deathbustereudial103, Mar 1, 2014, 8:10:48 PM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / Fantasy / Short Stories

Once upon a time in the land of Kalos, there were powerful mystics who wished to learn the secrets of Pokemon and their magic, and learn how to use said magic for daily use. These were the Pokemages, and they were powerful. However, they mostly stayed hidden lest anyone find their wonders and be compelled to use their knowledge for evil purposes, coming out only to give their magic to worthy recipients, or to punish evildoers. Some of them, however, just wanted to have fun by pulling pranks on normal humans and Legendary Pokemon. One of these was a Pokemage named Rachel.

Rachel loved transformations as a child, and she had spent her training as a Pokemage learning how to shapeshift into various Pokemon. As she advanced in her training, she learned how to cast various transmogrification spells upon various things, and by the time she became a fully advanced Pokemage, she could change whole cities if she wanted to. Fortunately for the world, however, Rachel was merely content to wander around the region to play pranks on those that deserved it. Of her exploits, today we will look at how she cut one bad Trainer to size. This proud trainer, who called himself Will, was notorious for abandoning any Pokemon who failed him in battle even if it was for the most petty reasons. Not only that, he made sure to release them in the worst possible locations for any Pokemon to be out of spite. Soon, the wild Pokemon learned to flee from him, as he either used his most powerful and loyal Pokemon to browbeat any who remained into submission or simply used one of the many Master Balls he'd somehow acquired (some said stolen) to capture them on the spot.As luck would have it, Rachel was walking down Route 14 in her Eevee form with a Klefki and a Floatzel (named Ferro and Aqua, respectively) that she'd met along the way who agreed to accompany her to Lumiose City after she'd given her word as a Pokemage that she'd repay them. The three walked along, checking for any trainers that could be waiting to catch them. All of a sudden, the bushes began to rumble as a herd of Pokemon ran the other way in terror."What's going on?" Ferro asked, the keys on her ring jangling in defense as she spoke."I don't know, but let's get out of the way!" Aqua said, pulling himself, Rachel, and Ferro to the side of the route as the crowd passed by."Pardon me, but why is everyone running away?" Rachel asked a lone Skorupi. When it didn't respond, Rachel's eyes glowed, and the unfortunate creature was lifted into the air via telekinesis."I asked a question, and it's rude to ignore it. Now I ask again: why is everyone running?" Rachel demanded of the Skorupi before her."He's coming! Let me go! He's coming!" the Skorupi shrieked as it tried to snap at Rachel to get her to release her telekinesis and failing."He?" Ferro asked. "He who?"Before the Skorupi could respond, a Master Ball came out of nowhere and snapped up the Skorupi. As Rachel, Ferro, and Aqua turned to look at the source of the balls, three more came and captured them before anyone could react. Rachel did her best to fight, but the Poke Ball's technology designed to calm Pokemon and the fact that Master Balls could capture Arceus himself (although some suspected he let it happen for the worthy Trainers), let alone normal Pokemon, soon overcame all of Rachel's resistance and she fell asleep.After an unknown amount of time passed, Rachel was unceremoniously awakened when the Master Ball dumped her out on the ground. Rachel looked around and noticed that Ferro, Aqua, and the Skorupi from earlier were with her, and they were now in the deserts of Route 13 and in front of a person she presumed was their "Trainer". Behind the trainer were a Greninja, a Tyrantrum, and a Talonflame. All three were glowering at the new Pokemon, and occasionally Talonflame would move towards Ferro, who backed away for obvious reasons. Aqua returned the glare that Greninja gave him, while the Skorupi was too busy cowering to even notice Tyrantrum. Rachel, meanwhile, was intensely studying her new Trainer. He was tall, with black hair that was combed into a bowl shape. His eyes were brown, and he was wearing a gray shirt with jeans and nice brown church shoes."Humph! These look weak!" Will scoffed in derision at them, and Rachel felt his other Pokemon glare at them too as he paced around and around.
"Hmmm, what to do with you all?" Without warning, he picked up the Skorupi and crushed its Master Ball under his foot before throwing it into the desert."Weak!"Will then moved to Ferro and Aqua and did the same to them. Finally, he got to Rachel and smashed her Master Ball under his foot."Why are you so weak, Eevee?" he mockingly asked. This would prove to be his downfall, for Rachel was now absolutely mad at him for insulting her and her new friends and leaving them to die in the badlands; and as she read his mind, she could see that he'd done the same thing to dozens of other Pokemon as well. There could only be one thing to do. And with that, Rachel smiled as her eyes glowed and her power affected Will."W-what the?" Will said in confusion, startled at his (former) Eevee's new appearance. Before he could say anything else, though, he felt a searing pain in his jaw. Looking at it, he stared in astonishment as his face stretched into a vulpine muzzle as black fur covered it. On his forehead, the telltale ring of an Umbreon became visible as his hair receded back into his new fur that was covering his face and his ears grew rings as they too lengthened and were covered with fur. His body soon fell victim to the same transformations, and he began to shrink, his clothes hiding his body from view. Will found that he could no longer stand upright due to the fact that his spine was realigning itself to fit a more quadrupedal form. With a "Plop!" he fell on his new fore legs and fore paws, as his new hind legs and hind paws fully developed. Only one change was left, and that happened when a ringed tail burst out of his pants and became integrated with his body and nervous system. Finally, the change was complete, and Will the human trainer was replaced with Will the Umbreon.Will struggled out of his clothes and looked fully at his body in shock, as did his other three Pokemon. Before they could react, however, Rachel used her magic to freeze them in place and rewrite their memories. Then she turned to the new Umbreon and laughed at him."My, you're a big, strong Umbreon!" Rachel said in a deceptively childish voice as she glowered at Will. "Since you seem to like the desert so much, you and your Pokemon can stay here as a rescue team until doomsday!""No, not that!" Will cried, as he soon realized what Rachel was driving at. He tried to run, but Rachel held him in place with her magic. "Don't go yet, you need to help me and my friends out of the badlands! After all, it's your duty as a rescue team!"Will said "Screw you!" in response... or at least he tried to say it. What came out instead was, "Yes little missie, I'll help ya find your friends and aid you out of the badlands!""Splendid!" Rachel said, jumping for joy. "You're going to be a very good rescue team!"Will wanted to run, to hide, to do or say anything but what he said and did next. But he had no choice.He was, after all, an honorable rescue team leader.As for what happened next, Will soon reunited Rachel with Ferro, Aqua, and the Skorupi. The three were initially suspicious of the Umbreon, but after Rachel explained what happened to him, the three accepted him with open arms, and he did the same (unwillingly, of course).Rachel bid Will and his rescue team a sad farewell, and she and the other four teleported back to Route 15 via Rachel's magic, where they continued their journey.As for Will's team... they're still there, rescuing other lost Pokemon, and they will do it until doomsday.It doesn't pay to insult a Pokemage.

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