Jenny's Resolve (Anthro Arcanine TG TF)

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by waverCD, May 24, 2016, 10:55:02 AM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / General Fiction / Short Stories

-Officer Jenny to Anthro Arcanine TG Transformation (Pokemon)-

It had been another rough day for Officer Jenny on patrol of Saffron City. She lost another crook she had been chasing down (the 3rd time this week). She was starting to doubt if she was cut out to be a cop.

Jenny came from a long family line of police officers. Heck, she had numerous sisters, all named Jenny, and all with aqua colored hair and amber colored eyes who worked on the police force in different cities all over the continent. There were definitely some among her siblings that like her were ineffective at their jobs from time to time. But she had been on one hell of a bad streak as of late and wondered if she was the worst of all her family; no, the worst officer in existence!

"Come on! Get your head in the game girl!" Jenny said with a determined demeanor while back at police headquarters. "There has got to be a way I can get a leg up, some way to improve. Maybe if I jogged more I could gain more endurance as I do keep losing in these foot races with criminals. Everyone seems like a damn Olympic runner compared to me."

Jenny was heading to the evidence room which had lately been spilling into one of the interrogation rooms due to how much was being gathered recently. She went to the windowed interrogation room to drop of her recent gathering from a crime scene. There were several busts as of late over a new narcotic that was being used to splice the genes of different species of Pokémon together. It had proven unstable and very dangerous for Pokémon acting as a sort of excessive growth serum that made some of them grow emotionally unstable. The police were at their wits end trying to crack down on the illegal selling of it around town.

Jenny's district had been hit particularly hard by the flood of drugs. Needless to say rumors were beginning to spread around the town and inside the office. She even heard a rumor that a civilian a few districts over had been found using it on themself and gained super human like abilities. Jenny knew of the drugs danger and that it was probably just a tall tale, but she certainly contemplated over the idea of having super human abilities.

"What if I could run super-fast or have the strength to pick up a truck!" Jenny thought. "I'd be the ultimate crime stopper, haha!"

Jenny with hands held below her chin sat starry eyed daydreaming of her ideal self. That's when she caught a glance of an evidence bag sitting near her tagged Arcanine Serum/ Drop #2. She knew immediately what it was. It was one of those Pokémon gene splicing concoctions. Jenny's curiosity quickly peaked and she started to think back to the rumor about the person gaining a boost from injecting themselves with one.

"Maybe...maybe it could work for me?" She silently questioned. "No, No! This is crazy! Heh, I mean come on, I'd more likely turn into some sort of monster, like something out of a horror movie."

As she began to walk away she turned back with a look of dread on her face. She really wanted to give it a try, she was growing that desperate. She didn't want to get kicked out of the force for tampering with evidence, but she figured she was going to soon lose her job anyways if she continued to be incompetent on the job.

"I, need...ugh." She said conflicted before heading back to the serum with a large stride. "Screw it, risk it all or nothing!" Jenny took the syringe containing the serum out of the evidence bag and brought it to her shoulder and injected it.

She tossed the syringe to the floor and waited. She took her knight stick and belt off as well as her hat and kicked off her shoes to get comfortable, unsure of what might transpire. Leaving on the rest of her outfit (a slit very short pencil skirt with a typical blue policewoman's short sleeved shirt) she let a minute go by with nothing happening before Jenny said, "I knew it. Why would something made to affect Pokémon work on a human anyways. It was all a lie." Jenny slouched as the reality of her failures as a police woman returned to mind.

Just then her heart began to race, heavy enough that it felt like it would burst from her chest. Jenny's whole body began to stiffen as it felt like a great force was tugging at her insides. Her face wore a strained and worried expression as she keeled over, her arms bent under her chest while twitching in a manner as if they were constantly gripping a stress ball.

Her entire body heated, and sweat starting to pour down her face she said through gritted teeth, "Wuh-Whats going on!! Ugh, uhn, my m-my body. Eyah!"

Suddenly the muscles in Jenny's arms surged with strength and bulged into chiseled well sized hills. Her mouth shot open as she screamed, "Ahah aahhhhhhhh!!"

The muscles in her arms seemed to be pulsing and squirming about as they continued to take new form. She then felt her legs brought through the same ordeal. Her calves blasted out in size and lifted up tightly on her lower legs as all her other muscles took turns popping and pushing out in mass. She lost her stance for a bit as her thighs shook uncontrollably, the meat in her legs gaining more definition and firmness.

The sounds of muscle and cartilage sloshing about inside her body could be heard by Jenny as she gasped, "Oh, hohoh this sta-this strength! Hyah, ohh its its workeengh! Hah oh my! Augh!"

She surmised that the serum must taking effect and was increasing her strength tenfold. She tried in her mind to power through the exhilarating rush of energy pounding away at her, trying to focus on her end goal of becoming a better police woman. Yes this is what this was all for.

She then felt a slab of muscle forming within her gut and pushing against the surface of her stomach. She jolted her head towards the ceiling gagging as she felt abs forming into a tight scultped core on her mid-section. Drool started flowing from Jenny's mouth as her new abs fought for dominance on her small frame. Her pecs soon followed as her breasts began to flatten and turn into meaty plateaus on her upper body.

The abs were like rocks in the pit of her stomach stretching against the skin and pushing her sides wider out. They very well could've been too as Jenny's mid-section began to widen, her curvaceous form slowly giving way to a thick brick wall build.

"Augh, ahh, no! No! It's too much, it can't...I can't take it! Gyahh gagh ahhh!" Jenny cried out as her head kicked up once more and her body continued to jerk back as her brawn increased across her entire body and she took on a much more masculine form.

Jenny could feel her uniform giving way to her growing frame. Her skirt was holding tight to her wider sturdy hips and her now hulky upper thighs that were still developing, muscles still quivering in all manners. She felt her spine and bones crack in two separate instances as she jolted up in height ripping her tucked in police shirt from her belt and exposing her new jacked midriff.

"Must, must, gah! Its f-f-for Justiceehaaah!!" Jenny gave out in a struggling declaration as her arms pumped up excessively, huge mountainous peaks forming and filling out the sleeves of her outfit (the sleeves starting to tear).

Jenny looked like a male bodybuilder at this point, the only remnants of her womanhood left tucked beneath her skirt. But that was soon to change and Jenny could sense it, the nub of her clit starting to throb and expand.

Jenny's face went into a tunnel vision expression, laser focused panic written across her face as she slammed her new powerful fists (now 3 times larger than previously) into the table breaking it in half with her strength. Jenny had continued to grow and was now 4 times her original height and much more massive in scale than before. Her shirt was about ready to tear itself from her frame hugging high on her chest and arms until a rippling of muscle on her backside thickening her back to ludicrous extremes finished the job. Her trapezius and shoulder muscles clenched upwards as they bulged in size and tore Jenny's shirt clean off.

"Auuhh woah shit!" Jenny called out in a slightly more relishing tone. "So, so much power. Hoh yes! Ohh!" Jenny's eyes closed as she began to blush lightly and feel a heat rising inside her nether regions.

Jenny didn't notice but her hair was turning into a thick mane of hair down her backside changing towards a tannish colored white. The hair all over her body was growing in length, most of it taking on a smooth orange coat with black stripes riddled about while some areas tufted out into white fur similar to her hair. Her chest and abs remained bare skinned though and turned a coal black color.

Suddenly Jenny's eyes went wide open (now colored a striking light blue) as she felt her growing clit shoot out in size and her slit starting to close. It tented against her skirt which was still clinging to life on her body before peeking out from under it and revealing its massive size to Jenny's gaze. Her ass shivered and bloated to a new sexy visage form fitted against her straining skirt before tearing it from her body during it's inflation.

She began to stumble back as she brought one of her massive hands down on top of the highly stimulated clit. "This can't be, happening!" She cried out in shock before falling back and landing ass first on her nightstick which had been slightly propped against a chair.

The nightstick drove *CENSORED* forcing an animalistic howl from Jenny, whose voice had now shifted towards the deeper burly tone of a man.

It shot waves of stimulation through her prostate and body as HE now twitched on his side and began furiously palming his almost fully formed new penis. His slit was no more and had been replaced by a pair of large melon sized balls. His slit had actually wrapped and reformed around his new dick like a foreskin, forming an animal sheath around his new monstrous phallus which was now erect at half the length of a human arm as well as thick and veiny beyond compare.

Jenny's mind was at a breaking point now due to the intense pleasure rocking his body as he groaned on the ground, "Can stop it, stop all crime...uhn ohh so good, no, nooo, this can't be. Hah better. Stronger! Yes I'm getting stronger! Hah for justice, yes, ah..." He was in a much disoriented state.

His thick muscular butt clenched tightly as the night stick *CENSORED*. Each clench sent a tremor of bliss through Jenny's body.

His ears were now covered in orange fur and lengthening out into a more pointed dog like shape. His teeth began to grow larger causing his jaw to expand to accommodate, all his teeth sharpening into canines. A massive white cloud shaped fur tail erupted above Jenny's ass as he wrapped a hand around to his backside to feel for the nightstick and instead felt the soft heavenly allure of his new tail.

"Hah, a man, I'm an Arc, an Arcanine, hoh. Can't be! This can't be, guh so good. Why does it feel so good!?" Jenny said as he began to willingly *censored* about, mind giving into the pleasure.

His nose began to wet and form into a black canine nose, his senses reaching a new peak. His flowing tail wagged back and forth during the continuing act of *CENSORED* with his nightstick. Liquid was dropping from his dick which shot out further in length freeing the knot from his sheath. Jenny cupped the massive knot and his furry balls while unleashing a thunderous moan.

He slowly began to make it back to his feet, nightstick *CENSORED* cheeks. A bunch of officers who had heard the commotion ran over to the locked room and saw the disturbing sight before them.

"What the hell?" one called out. "Wasn't Jenny in that room!?" Another asked.

Jenny's new Arcanine ears could make out every word from beyond the glass window. He slammed his body chest first onto the glass, his nipples erect and dick pressed against it for all his colleagues to see.

"Guys! Everyone look at me! Ungh! Look at how strong I've become! Augh still growing, huhhnn ahhh..." Jenny called out, very pleased with the results now, not even caring that his new nude body was on exhibition.

"My god, is that jenny?" One officer asked with pale realization.

Jenny's feet cracked and reshaped into a more wolf-like figure raising his posture slightly up and dragging his body up on the glass. Jenny let his tongue hang out and slide on the window, a saliva trail left by its path.

"Auhn yes! Auhn! I'm stronger, better! Ugh, the ultimate cop! More! I need more!" Jenny boasted and begged as his transformation neared its completion.

His body began to swell one last time, biceps bulging to the point it seemed they might tear through the skin, his ass clenching as it bloated in size once more, the nightstick shivering *CENSORED*. His chest snapped even wider and shoulders broadened, his pectorals enlarging one last time scrubbing against the window pane. Jenny's face pushed outward into a muzzle, stretching and contorting unnaturally as his teeth grew in size and the bridge of his nose flattened out on top of his pushed out mouth.

Hands, body and dick pressed against the glass Jenny released all restraint and let himself drown in the awakening and came in front of the on looking police force. A fiery current was quickly swelling in the pits of his body.

"Aroooooohhh wuaaahhh! Ohhhhhroooohhh... he howled with content while spewing a flow of orange flames from his mouth. His dick *CENSORED*, dousing a good fourth of the window in front of him *CENSORED* like a fire hose. His fur pressed against the glass and *CENSORED* soaked up its stench.

Jenny collapsed onto the floor as all the officers went into a panic. Some were readying to unlock the door to check on Jenny while others called an ambulance. Jenny just lied there with a satisfied smile on his face, eyes nearly rolled in the back of his head as his butt cheeks relaxed and the nightstick *CENSORED*.

The police chief and another deputy stood in shock before the chief mentioned, "That was the room with the Pokémon growth serum wasn't it? Who would've thought the rumors were true." A worried look crossed his face as he contemplated over the mental state of Jenny after what she had become.

Jenny couldn't have been happier though. He basked on the ground feeling out his new strength and thinking about how fighting crime would come so much easier would a mate. Jenny saw a desirable female cop enter the room with the others and gave his chops a lick as his arousal came alive once again. It seemed criminals would no longer be the only thing he'd be hunting down. A primal craving had awakened inside of Jenny and he loved it.


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