Glaceon TG TF

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by PokemonTG, Feb 11, 2011, 6:05:31 PM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / Romance / General / Short Stories

Glaceon TG TF

Jason sat in the car on his way home from the store. He only went with his Mother for one reason, so he could go and buy Pokemon SoulSilver! Now sitting in his car, playing, he decided that he wanted to try out the PokeWalker that came with the game! He took it out of the box the game came with, and turned it on. It wasn't until he was completely ready to transfer his newly evolved Bayleef into the PokeWalker when he realized that he had to capture at least one other Pokemon to transfer one into the PokeWalker.

Arriving home, Jason instantly grabbed his old DS, and put his Pokemon Platinum version into it, and decided to give him some of his other Pokemon. He caught a Sentret quickly, and went straight to the Pokemon Center. Looking through his Platinum box, he saw one of his favorites, his Glaceon, and decided he wanted to have that on the PokeWalker. He traded the Pokemon, and shut his old DS off.

"Alright, time to put Glaceon into the PokeWalker," Jason said. He looked at the list of routes available, "Transformation Valley? I've never heard of that one," he said, selecting it. He then pressed the button, transmitting the data of Glaceon into his PokeWalker, and he made sure it was all set, before he went for a walk.

He decided that he would put the PokeWalker's belt clip on his wristband, so he could check up on it at any given time. He threw on his coat, and went for a jog. As he was running, his PokeWalker came loose, and it fell into a pile of snow on the sidewalk. "Ooh, this is nice," Jason heard a voice say. "I wish I could be out here more often."

"Who are you," Jason asked, unsure where the voice was coming from.

"Well," the voice said, "I guess I have to show myself to you then." Jason noticed the PokeWalker begin to vibrate, and all of a sudden, Glaceon popped out into the real world! "Wow, this feels even better when I'm outside of that!"

"What the... How are you..." Jason was extremely confused at the predicament. His Glaceon had just appeared in front of him, outside of the PokeWalker!

"That doesn't matter. Oh, wow, this feels extremely great on my body!" Glaceon exclaimed, rolling around in the snow.

Calmed down a bit, Jason said "Well, I personally don't like the snow, it's too cold for me.

Glaceon said, "I think I can help with that. Hold the two outside buttons for five seconds, then point the sensor thing at the top towards you, and hold the middle button." Jason followed the directions. Suddenly, the infrared sensor on the top of the PokeWalker seemed to scan Jason's body, taking note of his features, shape, and everything else.
Looking at the screen of the PokeWalker, Jason noticed it said "POKEMON INVALID, MAKING NECESSARY CORRECTIONS."

The PokeWalker scanned him again, but this time, Jason felt a chill rush down his spine. He got onto the snowy ground, and laid down. "Don't worry," Glaceon said to him. "Everything will be better soon."

Then the changes began. First, he felt his feet slowly round out, and become more paw-like in the process. He saw blue fur quickly grow onto them, and saw that growth quickly extend to his legs.

Meanwhile, his hands were undergoing the same process, turning into paws, with the same fur growing up his arms.

That's when it happened. He felt his bones suddenly crack, readjusting themselves into the bone structure of a Glaceon. The pain was unbearable, and Jason passed out for a moment, and then regained consciousness.

Suddenly, he felt his hair change its form, with two parts of it hanging off of the side of his face, like a scarf, and his ears point outwards. His head also changed its shape, now resembling that of a Glaceon.

Lastly, it was time for the final change to take place. Jason felt the fur now fully covering his body, but there was a small amount of his pressure by his chest. He noticed small breasts had developed, and when he had made one last check, he found out that his manhood had shrunk itself away. He had turned into a female Glaceon.

"Now then, before we continue, I suggest you come with me, as to avoid confusion later on." Glaceon pressed buttons on the PokeWalker, and Jason was transferred into it.

Glaceon carried the PokeWalker back to Jason's DS, and sent Jason into the world of the game. Glaceon then placed itself into the PokeWalker, and did the same.

The two stowed away on a boat to Sinnoh, where they went to a hill about a mile away from Snowpoint City. "Alright, I've come with you," Jason said. "Why have you done this to me?"

"Isn't it obvious? I wanted to have a lover, but you always had me making Eevees with that nasty Ditto! I'm a guy for crying out loud!"

"Well, why did it have to be me? I could have easily made one of those Eevees into a Glaceon for you."

"Because, silly, they're my children! Now then, how do you feel, being a Glaceon now? I think you should get a little bit of rest, and leave me to protect you for now."

"Well, it's different, and alright, I guess I'll sleep for a bit," Jason said, and he went to sleep.

How do you like being a Glaceon?

It's alright, I guess.

Do you want to erase your memory of being human?

No! I want to always remember being human! I had a... Wait, what did I have?

You do not remember.

I do not remember.

You do not want to remember.

I do not want to remember.

You want to forget.

I want to forget.

You do forget.

I do forget.

You want memories of always being a Glaceon.

I want my memory back!

Alright then. You are a Glaceon, named Joani.

My name is Joani, I am a Glaceon.

Good. You were abandoned by your trainer, and met Kyle, another Glaceon, who is now your lover.

Abandoned... Kyle... Lover...

You agree with everything he says, and he is your master, and lover at the same time.

Agree... Master...

You obey your Master.

Obey Master.

Now, do you want to serve your master?


Then wake up, he has a surprise for you.


Joani woke up, with Kyle sitting next to her. "Hello, Master. How are you this morning?"

"I'm going great, Joani. Here is a collar I found. It will make it so you will always be loyal to me, and so I can give you commands, without your resistance. Put it on."

"Yes, Master," Joani said, putting on the collar.

"Now then, we are going to need some children, do you think you can handle it?"

"Always, Master," Joani said, and the two went into their cave, and began to breed. Joani was a great partner, her master had told her to be.

So, how do you like being a Glaceon now?

I love it! I want to be one forever!

And she was.

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