The Pride of a Leaf

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by KParote22, Aug 10, 2016, 9:00:55 PM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / Fantasy / Short Stories

Hearts were pounding, he felt a bead of sweat as he resisted the urge to blink or look away, lest he get distracted, lest he ruin everything that he had worked for to get to this point. He had to focus, he had to do this, it was all or nothing now. This moment, right here, right now, would surely decide his very fate, if not the fate of everyone he knew or even mankind itself.

He had to make it count. With a flourish his hands skillfully danced over the buttons. He allowed himself to grin in triumph. All he needed now was one last push. He knew what to do now, of course. He always knew, for this was his moment, what everything lead to.

"PLAYER 1: VICTORY" the TV shouted. Instantly the boy known as Kevin rose up from his seat on the bed and pumped his fists in the air. The girl next to him only watched him unamused, putting the controller down as the boy went through his usual celebrating routine.

"In your face! That's what you get for challenging me! Hah!" The brown-haired youth pointed towards the younger lady. She could only frown in response.

"You're the one who asked me to play!" Kevin's sister complained. "I didn't even want to but you kept whining!"

"Sounds like a sooooore loser!" He laughed, completely ignoring his poor sister's complaints.

"UGH! You're just a sore winner, jerk! I'm not playing with you again! This is why none of your friends come over!!" She yelled. Before Kevin could make another sassy retort he found himself blinded by a solid green lump, a pillow hitting him in the face before his little sister stormed out of his room.

"Hmph." Kevin snorted as he rubbed his now sore nose, tossing the pillow back onto the couch. "My fault for playing with someone so lousy." He snickered. Despite her complaints, she was right about one thing at least; he had run out of people to play against in all the games he had. The pain of being so skillful. "Sigh, it's lonely at the top," he sighed wistfully, turning off the console; there was no point in playing his game alone. He settled down to watch TV instead.

Kevin was a young boy, the older of two siblings. He was also, as quite well anyone who knew him well including friends and family, quite the competitive lad. He always strived to be better than his peers are just about anything he could think of. It was his calling, his passion. Sports, grades, even video games. While he did a number of things to pass the time, his main hobby could only be described as 'being the best'.

This did a number on his social life, of course. Pretty much none of his friends came to hang out at his house anymore due to his obsession with competition. Now, they didn't have a problem with competition, they just had a problem with Kevin himself. Specifically, his attitude. It was one thing to want to win, but it was another to constantly rub it in people's faces and talk down on them. Even his sister, who he otherwise cared very much for, was often the target of his routine lashing out.

It was a problem that needed to be fixed. Yes, that was what the dark-haired woman thought as she heard her beloved daughter stomp her way to her room upstairs. She bit her thumb, a bad habit she'd do whenever she was deep in thought like this. "Oooh, how do I get him to calm things down..." the worried, flustered mother muttered to herself.

"He mustn't be so cold to others... my boy, a s-social outcast, no no no, that can't be...!" She could feel herself growing faint at the thought. "How do I get through to him, how how how..." She grimaced. Simply talking to him wouldn't work, they had tried and he was just far too full of himself to really absorb the advice of others. At this rate he'd only discover his own hubris when it really, truly came back to bite him in the-

"Ahaha!" The woman exclaimed out loud.

"Mom? Are you okay!?" She heard Kevin yell from upstairs. She couldn't help but blush as she covered her mouth.

"Y-yes, dear, I'm fine!" She responded, before clearing her throat. "I need to stop plotting out loud..." she muttered quietly, before the frazzled mother of two made her way to her room. It had been a while since she did something like this, but she mostly remembered the usual hex-making process.

Days passed as she toiled on her secret project, with her family none the wiser of what she had planned. It would all come to fruition soon, however. Everything had been prepared, all was in place, except for one thing.


The door! That must be it. "I'll get it!" a boy's voice said, causing her to go wide-eyed. No! He can't get it yet, it would ruin the surprise!

She darted for the door and, after almost falling down the stairs, blocked Kevin's way with a nervous wave. "Oh, no, no, dear, this is for me, probably, go on and do your... normal boy things."

The boy looked at his mother with a look of both curiosity and exasperation. A look that screamed 'The usual weirdness, huh?' He gave his trained response of a nod and shrug before walking away leaving the woman to open the door. As she thought, it was a delivery guy, in the normal uniform and carrying a fairly large box.

She signed her name and the man lifted the huge box in. Despite its size, it wasn't too heavy. He was thankful, of course. After watching the man leave she couldn't help but grin as she looked the box over, before hefting it up and making for the stairs.

She reached her room with little effort and quickly shut the door before tearing into the box eager to free its contents. Her grin enlarged, becoming manic as she pulled the final piece of her plan out.

It was a large one, even bigger than she already had expected. A green Pokemon with a big fat leafy tail and a round creamy belly, its arms large and stubby with its head propped up despite its weight. She had to move the huge doll so its long snout would poke her. "Cute, soft, high quality... yeees, perfect!"

She wasn't a fan of dolls herself, much too mature for such bright and cheery and childish things. But this (expensive) thing wasn't meant for her, obviously. "Youuuu my friend are going to help teach my son a lesson he'll never forget, fufufufu...!"

Unfortunately for the part of her that minded her expenses, the next step of her grand plan involved cutting the plush open. Sacrifices had to be made, however, and she did so as she altered the toy to her needs. She would implant a specific kind of curse that would activate on her son. T-temporarily, of course! It would only last for a while, but hopefully during that time he would learn to be a better person. Hopefully.

When all was prepared, she left her room with the plush in tow and knocked patiently on her son's door. The voice of a boy called out to her in response, letting her know it was okay to enter. A few deep breaths left her as she prepared herself for the act of a lifetime before she opened the door and peaked in. "Hello, sweetie..."

"Hey, mom. What's up? Time for dinner?" Kevin asked, pausing his game and sitting up to look at the woman.

"O-oh, no, I just had something to give you. I-I thought you deserved a present for your last grades, so I may have splurged to get you something nice...!" She smiled sweetly. This caught his interest.

"Aw, thanks mom!" He grinned cheekily. "I'm just doing my best!" Thankfully his desire to brag was quelled by his desire to obtain his present as he stood up and made his way over. "SOoooo, what'd ya get?"

"I got youuu... this!" Although she attempted to dramatically present the huge pokedoll to him, it was a bit too big and clunky to properly swing around. Regardless she eventually managed to get it through the door.

Despite the very silly presentation, Kevin paused in wonder as he stared at the thing. "Whooa... a Snivy!" he said in amazement as he ran straight to his mom to inspect the green Pokemon. He wasn't usually much for plush dolls like this, but it was a pretty impressive one! And huge, too! Practically bigger than him!

She smiled as he felt the doll, letting him grab it out of her hands and heft it up for himself. "Do you like it, dear?"

"Yeah! It's awesome!" He grinned in excitement. She felt a little bad now, considering just what sort of surprise was inside the plush he was holding so dearly. But she had to brave it, for his sake. "Thanks mom!"

"You're welcome, dear. Now, I have to go run... errands with your sister, so you'll have to look after the house for a while, o-okay?" She gave her best non-suspicious smile, which of course looked completely suspicious. Kevin either didn't notice or, more than likely, didn't really see anything different from his mom's usual behavior.

"Sure, mom. I'll try not to start any fires." He gave a salute before retreating into his room and sitting the plush on the bed before sitting next to it. She gave an inward sigh of relief, taking a few glances at the plush before shutting the door.


"Ugh. Bored." Kevin groaned in frustration. Games weren't any fun without the thrill of challenging someone else. What's the point of bragging rights if there's no one to brag to? He sighed as he kicked back, looking around his room for something better to do. None of his games seemed very appealing at the moment; he had gotten tired of them quickly after beating them all, and online challenges weren't as fun as playing with people you knew.

His eyes rested on the new green addition to his room sitting next to him. He gave the Snivy plush a few affectionate pets on the belly. "Big softy." He snickered, leaning on the large person-sized plush a bit as he lazily flipped through the channels on his TV. "Uuuugh. I need a new hobby."

"A new hobby... something else to be better at than everyone else, no?"

"Well..." He answered absentmindedly. The sudden voice coming from nearby, oddly, didn't draw any concern from the boy.

"But don't you already do enough? Games? Physical Activity? Studies? What more could a boy want?"

"Uuuugh. It just doesn't feel like enough!" He complained with an annoyed grumble.

"I understand, I understand. You, you're special, aren't you. You can't back down from a challenge, you don't feel complete until you KNOW you're at the top, above all the others." Kevin scratched his head, frowning a little. He adjusted in his seat as the voice continued on. He felt like his legs were falling asleep. "Because then. Then you can brag about it. Then you can show AND tell everyone how amazing you are, how great you are."

"Yeah..." Kevin admitted. It began to register that there was something wrong, that the voice felt... malicious in a way. Yet he couldn't stop talking to it. His toes felt odd, unnaturally soft, and he couldn't move them. He should probably stand up, or take a look at them, but he felt too comfy to remove himself from the plush.

"But you're bored now. Because everything you know, you've already perfected. You want more. Another challenge. Something new to brag about. I know you. And I can help you."

"Help... I'm so bored... yeah... give me a challenge...!" Kevin muttered. The bones in his feet softened, turning into mush as his toes began to stick together. All five digits stuck to each other as his nails disappeared, his skin losing their texture, becoming softer, changing color and becoming an artificial cream. The rest of his feet began losing definition as bones, skin, muscle all melted away into pure padding and stuffing, yet he didn't feel any of that, just an odd, comforting warmth.

"We're so much alike, you and me, Kevin. That's why I like you. Why I want to help you. We'll both have a contest, since we both love those so much. But it wouldn't be fair to you with MY abilities." The voice bragged. "That's why I'm doing this, giving you a bit of a push. Consider this me being generous..."

"What are you doing...? H-hmph, I can beat you at anything!" He softly protested. His feet had become large and round, with a singular tip at the end as opposed to toes. The changes began spreading further upwards, turning his skin a light, soft cream as his legs were slowly consumed by plush.

"That's the spirit, Kevin. You're such a fine lad, but you know what I think? That you'd make a better plush like me. Then you could be a true pinnacle of perfection, of greatness."

This got a reaction out of Kevin. "Plush? Me? A... w-wait... that voice, it's-!" Kevin suddenly jumped away from the Snivy plush, turning to stare at it as he backed away. In that moment of clarity he finally got a good look at his legs. "Wh-what is...! My legs!!" He clutched his transformed limbs, feeling soft material that gave when he pushed against it. The transformation had spread up to his knees when he was distracted, everything underneath puffy and round. Even as he watched, the changes continued to spread upwards, his feet pulling in closer to his body as the length of his legs shrank down.

"You see, Kevin? Doesn't this feel much better? Soon you'll be just like me, completely! Well, not JUST like me. You can't replicate perfection, after all." the Plushy spoke into his mind, bringing his attention back up. He wanted to protest, but a haze filled his mind as he looked upon the grass pokemon.

"N-no... your wrong I... I'm way better than you..." He muttered, before gasping and shaking his head. His tummy felt weird, and pulling up his shirt revealed a cream spot in the middle of his stomach. Where his belly button should have been was smooth plush material, a seam visible on its surface. "S-stop! Stop it! I don't want to be a Snivy! Or a toy!"

"You won't be any normal Snivy, Kevin. You'll be just like me, the perfect smug little plush. You may say you don't want to, but I know you're lying. Maybe that's one thing you're also bad at. Lying!" The plush mocked him, before snickering to itself. It remained motionless yet Kevin could somehow feel it staring right at him, right through him.

"Sh-shut it... I'm not bad at anything! I-I..." Kevin held his head. The plush was messing with him, doing something to his thoughts. He didn't REALLY believe this... did he? At the very least he had no interest in competing with a plush...!

His thoughts were distracted when the hand pressing against his head felt oddly squishy as it applied pressure. He pulled it away to stare at the limb only to reel back in shock. He could see his fingers, coated in green material as they began to fuse together, nails disappearing as the remaining digits became fatter, rounder, a seam appearing along their outline as five thin digits shifted into three triangular stubs, while his palm fattened, stuffed with plush that was once bone. He held the hand away in shock and fear as if distancing himself from it would lessen or stop the changes from spreading but it was to no avail.

"I-I'm not a Snivy or plush, I-I'm not like you, stop!" He pleaded even as the change spread up his arm, swallowing his wrists and leaving it as fat and round as the rest of his transformed green hand, leaving no distinguishing joints between where his hand ended and where his arm began.

"But you ARE like me, aren't you? Think about it..." the voice mused, "always bragging and bragging, to everyone, even your sister. Doesn't it feel nice, amazing? And you feel just like me. You know what I mean, that feeling, that you're too good for anyone else, too good for yourself. You want to be the best. You are the best. I understand you."

"I... I-I..." Kevin grimaced. His face reddened, he couldn't think of a proper response. His legs squished and bunched up as the changes spread up his thighs, consuming them in creamy colors before they shrank down closer to his body, underneath his pants that he flailed his completely alien legs out of to look at them in worry. "Th-that's not true..."

"It is true. Don't hide it. Embrace it. Embrace me. We're so alike. I want to be your friend, Kevin, I want to help you feel as amazing as I do."

It was a test of will. He had to fight the rogue plush's words. The more he listened, the more he accepted, the harder it became to fight, the faster the changes spread. "S-stop, please, I'm not a Snivy!"

"I told you, Kevin. You're not a Snivy. I'm not either. What we both are, are Smug. Doesn't that sound right? Smugleaf... that's me, and that's you."

"S-smug... Smugleaf... yeah..." Kevin shuddered, before gasping as a shaking feel coursed through his gut. He watched in fascination as his padded belly began to bloat, the cream colors washing over his skin as his gut began getting rounder and rounder. The fascination turned to horror in realization. "No! I'm not a Sni-Smugleaf! That's stupid! You're s-stupid!"

"You say that, but are you really resisting, putting up a fight? You're just sitting there, looking at your cute plushy body to be. You enjoy it. Being soft, cuddly, squishy. You want to be better at it, you want to be the best at it, just like any other challenge. That's what this is, Kevin, a challenge."

"A... a challenge?" He huffed, pressing down on his belly as it grew even rounder, consuming his bottom in cream as the changes wrapped around into his back. His shorter legs were forced apart by the sheer thickness of his plushy lower half, connecting to the sides of his body.

"Yes. You're so soft and cuddly now, but you're nowhere near my level. But I bet you could get close. You could be the softest, the cuddliest, the puffiest Smugleaf there ever was." The plush whispered teasingly. "Don't you want to find out? A real Smugleaf wouldn't back down from such a simple challenge."

"Nn... I... I know what you're doing... you're trying to... t-trick me...!" Kevin whispered. There was a pressure in his back, something wanting to grow from his green bottom. He wouldn't let it. He couldn't let it. There would be no turning back. He could feel his other hand starting to tingle.

"Is that a forfeit? I'm so disappointed." The plush sneered. "The great Kevin, backing down from a challenge... oh well, you wouldn't have ever beaten me anyway."

"I... what?" The changing boy suddenly paused, ignoring the shivers on his back, the involuntary twitches up his fingers.

"If you don't challenge me, then it means I win, doesn't it? While a forfeit isn't as glamourous as a true victory, it still proves the same thing. That I'm the best Smugleaf there is."

"No... No Way! I'm better than you! Way better! I can prove it, that I'm an amazing Smugleaf, the best Smugleaf!" Kevin cried. Instantly a wave of new changes crashed down upon his half-human body as he said the cursed words.

He rose from his seating position as his bottom inflated with padding and plush. A lump formed over the small of his back, before it began to push outward with the rest of his lower back and bottom, the top half covered in green while the bottom was the same cream of his belly, a yellow stripe running along the very top of what would be his new tail.

It grew out, flopping in puffy weight as the tail grew to nearly the length of his main body. There was an odd prick along its length as a paper tab grew out from the side, before the round, stubby tip of his tail began to tingle. A green plush mass grew to circle his tailtip, separated from the rest of his tail with visible seams yet still the same green color as the mass split into three round prongs.

"I'll show you, I'll show you... so puffy and cuddly..." the boy muttered, pressing down on his large plush belly. His shirt strained, barely able to contain his increasingly poofening chest and arms. His untransformed hand underwent changes similar to the other, his nails vanishing as his digits softened and rounded before they began to merge together, leaving three triangular fingers of similar size in place of five thin human fingers. His hand turned green just like the other as it began to fatten up with stuffing, the boy testing his softer fingers.

"You're already looking so soft! But you can be even softer, can't you?" the plush teased.

"Yeah... watch this... watch me become the best Smugleaf there is..." the boy said with pride. There was a rolling feeling in his shoulders as two yellow growths sprouted from the base of his neck, pushing against the collar of his shirt as they struggled to free themselves so they can grow to their full length. They finally accomplished this, poking out from the neck hole of his shirt, two long leafy wing-like protrusions sprouting from his neck.

At this point all but the boy's head had been fully altered, or close to it, his torso still fattening up with stuffing and his arms still not quite as short and stubby as the other Smugleaf. From the creeping tingles travelling up Kevin's neck he realized that it would soon change, bringing him closer to being the perfect Smugleaf he believed he could be.

And so the final swing of changes began. There was a pushing feeling in his nose, and the boy couldn't help but sniffle and try to scratch his nose despite the absence of nails or solidity in his plushy hands. Then his nose began to actually extend outwards, longer and longer as the very tip softened, gaining greens and creams that slowly began to spread over the rest of his face.

His new snout grew outwards seeming to pull most of his face along with it, features becoming rounder, softer, puffier. His nostrils seemed to solidify robbing him of his sense of smell yet he didn't seem to notice, the slits on either side of his snout seeming to be painted on as opposed to being functional and real. It made sense, of course; why would a plush Smugleaf need a real nose? Yes, that made sense...

His ears shrank away, flattening down to the sides of his green, round head, until nothing was there in place of them, not even holes or painted on markings like with his nose. His brown hair started to recede as the skin underneath became green and soft, a weird fuzzy feeling circling the boy as his skull softened and disappeared into stuffing along, his brain literally turning into fluff in his head until not a single hair rested atop it, leaving a green bald cranium in contrast to the creamy underside.

Next his mouth felt dry, dryer still as the soft plush material converted his lips into more of itself, flattening them down until they were entirely featureless. His mouth began to reshape, becoming larger and wider as it forced itself into a grin, a smug and show-offy smirk plastered upon his transformed face. His mouth felt as if it was filled to the brim with cotton now, completely dry and unmoving as it too began to turn into a flat detail on his face as opposed to the real thing.

Then there were his eyes, losing their vibrance and hazing over, becoming as useless and fake as the rest of the features on his face before they began to shift. Both of his eyes became rounder and larger, occupying either side of his long snout as a yellow coloration appeared around them, a strip of yellow moving down to his neck separating the greens from the yellows. His eyes, now huge and round, slowly closed, becoming half-lidded semi-circles while his irises grew larger, becoming a flat brown while his pupils became ovular slits, an artificial white circle in the middle of his wide brown eyes to simulate a shine to them.

His head had been completely changed, but it was not done yet, as his now fully plush head began to inflate in size with more stuffing and weight. The proportions were all wrong despite his fully transformed body, and so his head became larger while his arms and legs shrank close to his body. The new Smugleaf toy simply sat in his room unmoving, staring directly at the other. The only thing to distinguish the two was the undersized shirt on one of them.

"Hahaha...! Look at me, the perfect Smugleaf! There was never any doubt about it, was there? So cuddly, so soft, so stuffed!" He bragged, admiring his own form. He felt amazing, as amazing as a plush could possibly feel. He was perfect, now, surely.

"Hmmm, not bad, but of course I've seen better." The other Smugleaf sneered.

"No way... I'm a much better Smugleaf than you." Kevin protested.

"Oho? As if. I'd never back down to a newbie like you."

The boy was lost in his own mind, stuck arguing with the other plush over who was better. "I bet you will! I'll prove how perfect I am, once and for all. I don't care how long it takes! Smugleaf never backs down!"

The original plush was satisfied, however. Despite never having moved, there was a hint of victory in its voice. "That's the spirit, Kevin. Such a good boy. I hope you learned something from all this."

The boy-turned-plush, for the most part, tuned the other out. He could only bask in self-admiration at just how good he was. How great he was. How perfect he was.



Kevin sat up from his bed in a rush as if he had just awoken from a nightmare. The boy gasped, before immediately raising his hands. His still human hands. He patted himself down, moving blankets and staring down at his body. He couldn't help but wiggle his toes a little, just to make absolutely sure they were, without a doubt, real.

"Hah... hah..." The boy couldn't help but laugh, rubbing his head a little. "Just a... just a nightmare," he muttered to himself in relief. He couldn't help but shudder. He could remember everything vividly, clearly, as if it were all real. The plush, its words, the way he acted around it, the... the change.

"Eh... eheh... w-wow, I need to get out more." He joked. When did he fall asleep? He wasn't too sure he remembered but... more than likely he dozed off from boredom. If it had been a few hours, he should probably get a snack or something. More than likely his mom had come back while he was asleep and decided not to wake him. For all he knew it was time for dinner.

Yes. He resolved himself to put that crazy nightmare behind him and get something to eat. With that he turned to get out of bed.

"Aaagh!" Kevin shouted, instinctively reeling back- before he found his vision suddenly moving towards the ceiling as he fell right out of bed in a mess of blankets that only slightly broke his fall. He put his soreness aside to sit up and stare at the thing he saw, just to make sure it was real.

The Smugle-er, Snivy plush. It was real-well, of course it was, he was pretty sure he didn't dream his Mom giving it to him, at least, but he hadn't even realized that it was right next to him, much less staring right at him. He didn't remember putting it there... maybe his sister put it like that in revenge.

That's what he told himself, but for some reason, something in his head, his heart, told him that it was not true. He stared at the huge toy in fear, expecting it to talk again, to change him again, but it just sat silently, judging.

He remembered everything now, definitely. "I... I get it okay? I... I'm not like you and I won't ever be, and I don't WANT to be." He grimaced. He couldn't help but wince and look away, expecting it to say something.

But it didn't. He stood on shaky legs and approached, poking the Pokemon slightly. Nothing. Was it just normal now, or would it only freak out again if he acted out?

He wasn't entirely sure now but he most certainly wasn't in favor of finding out, not after all that.

He really needed to get out more.


"Mom, I'm heading over to Jay's house!" The boy's voice called from the door. The mother jumped a bit from the sudden loudness breaking her peace, but sighed and calmed her heart before turning to the boy.

It had been a few days since she had given him the toy. Kevin had gotten a quick start in trying to change his overly competitive and proud nature. The boy, for his credit, was trying his best to work things out with his friends who he, by his own admission, annoyed so often. They were slowly coming around, too. Once they finally invited him to play with them again they seemed to realize he was actually being serious when he, for once, wasn't being a loud braggart.

It was a surreal experience for everyone. Kevin, in his efforts to be less of a jerk, saw a certain joy in cooperation over competition. Things were getting better.

"Alright, sweetie. T-try and get home before dinner!" She said nervously. The woman did her best to play the fool as to why he was acting like this now. Whether her son made the connection or not on her involvement with what happened was lost on her, but at the very least he didn't seem to hold it against her.

"Buy me some more candy while you're out, bro!" A voice called from the living room. They both looked over to the little girl, Kevin's sister and her daughter, sitting and watching TV while lying against her new oversized Pokeplush.

"Fiiine." Kevin rolled his eyes. The attentive mother noted his nervous gaze towards the pair in the living room, before he turned his attention to her. "Bye mom, I'll call to let you know when I'm coming back."

"Alright, dear. H-have fun, okay?"

"I will." Kevin grinned and saluted. He meant it, before turning around and heading out the door, shutting it behind him.

The mother sighed, before looking towards her other child. She looked towards the plush, as innocent as always, before approaching the girl. "It was nice of Kevin to give you that..."

"Yeah! Said it was to say he was sorry for being a big jerkface~" She giggled.

"Err... yes, you don't mind if I borrow it for a few minutes, do you?"

"...Are you planning on doing something weird?" The little girl asked deadpan.

"E-eh! U-um.... nooo...?" The woman meekly answered. "...yes..."

"Uuuugh, fine. But I better not find any weird charms on it like last time!" She relented, moving the large plush over to the woman.

"Those were to help you sleep..." the woman mumbled before picking the large Snivy plush up and heading to her room. She decided not to correct her daughter; she wasn't putting any weird charms on it (for now), she was removing them. The plush had done its job, and had done it exceptionally well.

It could go back to being a normal, cuddly plush now, belonging to a normal girl in a 'normal' family.

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