Eeveelution Group TF/TG [Pokerus/Collab]

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by Vinomath, Jun 27, 2015, 9:14:06 PM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / Fantasy / Short Stories

In the Kanto region, the Pokerus virus had evolved much more then when it was first discovered. It got to the point where humans could be infected with the virus rather than only Pokemon. Unfortunately, Pokerus was lethal to humans. Fortunately (depending on how one saw it), the virus altered the DNA of a human to turn them into a Pokemon fully, and enable them to survive the virus. Pokerus would completely alter a human's DNA to make it appear like he was always a Pokemon, no human DNA left in them at all. Infected Pokemon, regardless if they were human at one point or not are contagious for one week after contraction of Pokerus. After that, they are like any other uninfected Pokemon. Humans who became Pokemon often re-unite with their family or friends in one way or another after they can no longer infect them, be it coming back as a pet or becoming a pokemon for a trainer.

With all of this going on, Pokemon themselves were quickly becoming more feared then loved. It lead to abandonment, experiments and many other cruelties towards pure Pokemon and transformed alike. Rumors began to form about a new organization where you could simply leave behind your Pokemon there and they would "take care of everything" for those who abandoned them. While many opposed these practices, just as many supported them. It lead to a big divide in the closest town to the alleged building site for what was dubbed "Pokerus Prevention." While Pokerus Prevention wasn't open yet, Roltan Town was filled with various Pokemon that were simply put out onto the street.

Erin was on his way to see his three best friends. The four of them knew each other since Kindergarten, and stayed friends even after they graduated high school. Elmer always wanted to get into Pokemon Battling one way or another, he even considered becoming an announcer for them at tournaments, he thought that would be really cool. Heather had wanted to become a Pokemon Locater. It was a newer job where you would go out and help find transformed Pokemon and re-unite them with their families. Then there was Lisa, who preferred to have nothing to do with Pokemon. With Erin, he just simply loved Pokemon. From the way they looked to their loyalty to their trainers and owners. He always did wonder what through those little guy's minds. Despite some of the conflicting views on Pokemon, they remained great friends, so much they could consider each other family.

Eventually, Erin made his way to the park where he was scheduled to meet with everyone. Sure enough they were all chatting on one of the tables where Erin sat next to Lisa to join in.

"I'm telling you it's much better then to just leave them out on the street. They can't infect anyone there." Lisa argued.

"But what's the moral compass in that? What if they can never get back to their families?" Heather rebutted.

"I'm going to agree with Heather." Elmer chimed in. "They could just release them out into the wild after the infection goes away. Then they could get captured with trainers thinking they are simply wild Pokemon.

"Pokemon trainers are becoming less and less common everyday. And besides, they'd probably have programs that re-unite them back with families. That's where people like Heather come in. It'd create a lot more jobs, back me up here Erin."

"I don't even get a hello then?" he replied with a chuckle. "What are you guys even talking about?"

"The Pokerus Prevention place they're building." Elmer replied. "They plan to allow people to just leave their Pokemon there so they don't need to worry about Pokerus."

"That's cool I guess. Keep everyone safe." Erin commented. "I mean it'd keep more people from getting infected..."

"But we know this kind of thing never works!" Heather blurted out. "Remember how Crescent Town was supposed to be a safe haven? Look how that turned out!"

"Calm down now." Erin replied with a nervous chuckle. "You know how much I love Pokemon. I wouldn't mind getting infected honestly. That's why I help you with what you do, reuniting those transformed Pokemon with their families."

"S-sorry...I guess I was getting a bit worked up..." Heather said with a slight blush rubbing her arm.

"It's fine. Just a small little friendly argument is all." Erin replied with a smile.

The quartet talked for quite some time, enjoying their company. A few Butterfrees flew by above and a Pidgey pecked around at their feet. Infected Pokemon were very rarely seen in Roltan Town so this act never really bothered the gang, except for Lisa a bit, you preferred them to stay back. Erin on the other hand was much more happy about the Pokemon swooping in and out of their little group. When the sun began to set the quartet all moved into Heather's house and decided to spend the night.

"Pretty fun day no?" Heather spoke up with a chuckle. "Actually I do have a little surprise for everyone."

"Really? What is it?" Erin asked excitedly.

"Well, for the volunteer work with re-uniting Pokemon, this man near the Pokerus Prevention site actually noticed my helping and gave me them. I think they're a nice symbol to our friendship."

"What are they?" Lisa asked curiously.

"These!" she replied holding up four necklaces, each with a different pearl on it. She handed the one with a water symbol to Lisa, the grass to Elmer, the fire to Erin, and she kept the one with an eye herself.

"Wow! These are awesome!" Erin shouted out happily quickly putting his on.

"Yeah Heather these are really thoughtful. Even if you got them from some guy!" Elmer added with a chuckle.

"It's a bit strange especially since he was hanging around that Pokerus place but I can't deny it's quite pretty." Lisa commented putting her's on.

"I'm glad you like them. I was worried you wouldn't." Heather replied with a smile and small blush.

However all of them look around as the pearls all began to glow.

"Wh-what's going on with them?" Lisa asked nervously.

"I-I'm not sure...this isn't supposed to happen..." Heather replied nervously.

"No problem, let's just take them off for now! Easy!" Elmer replied as he brought his hands up to the necklace, finding his fingers not cooperating. Looking down it was apparent as to why. His hand was now a paw covered in brown fur.

"P-paw! I have paws!" Elmer shouted out in a panic looking at them with a horrified look. Heather looked down at her hands as well, noticing that her hands had also become paws, albeit covered with purple fur. Erin looks at his hands as well, a bit more excitedly than the other two as he sees red fur over his hands turned paws. Lisa didn't look, but her hands and become paws along with the rest, blue fur over them.

Lisa's legs became much thinner and her feet became paws as well, blue fur growing up to her hips. She felt something build up from behind her while her pants fell to the ground while a forked blue tail elongated from behind her. This threw Lisa off balanced as she fell onto her rear while blue fur grew up to her neck where a gray appendage formed around it.

Elmer's pants fell as well as his legs became thin. Elmer's feet became paws and brown fur grew up to his ankle while tan fur grows up from it. The same pattern of fur grows on his arms as it goes down his chest. Two small buds form at Elmer's chest while his manhood left him, the prior change would be less noticeable soon though. Elmer had become a girl while a small leaf-like tail pushed out behind her.

Heather's pants would also fall victim to looseness while pink fur covered her body. Her feet morphed into paws while a thin and small forked tail elongated from behind her. She managed to step out from her jeans and kick them backwards away from her while she took another look at her paws.

Erin was the only one who was luckily enough to keep his pants on. They were rather tight to begin with. Red fur grew over his feet which became paws while his legs did thin out a bit. A bushy yellow tail erupted from behind him, a hole forming in his pants. A yellow scarf life fur tuff formed around his neck, of which Erin felt with his paws with happy curiosity.

"A-are we becoming Va-vap? Vap!" Lisa began to talk before finding herself unable to speak actual English. Her along with everyone else's nose became small and black and their faces pushed put into small muzzle. Their eyebrows retreated back into their respective fur colors. Their ears became longer and more floppy. Lisa's ears became fin like while Erin and Heather's simply shaped to fit their body's fur color. Elmer's ears became leaf like.

Elmer's eyes became brown while a long green hair grows out from her scalp. Green fur sprouts at his legs and at her neck while her skeleton alters so great she's forced onto all fours, no a full female Leafeon.

A red gem forms on Heather's forehead while her eyes turn purple with a white glow. Pink fur tuffs form out under her ears. Her body weight gave way while her hind legs gain much more mass then her forelegs. She falls onto all fours, unable to walk on two legs if she tried. Heather had turned into a female Espeon.

Lisa formed a tall fin at the top of her head while her eyes became black. Her hind legs gain more mass as well as she is forced down onto all fours as well. A blue spin like appendage forms from her neck all the way down her tail. Lisa had ended up a female Vaporeon.

Erin's hair became a small tuff of yellow fur resting at the top of his head, His eyes turned black as his body becomes to heavy to be supported on two legs, forcing him into quadrupedal form. Erin had become a male Flareon.

The quartet all wiggle out of their remaining clothes and look at each other nervously, except for Erin who was happily running around.

"W-we're Pokemon..." Lisa spoke up nervously. Despite only saying "Vapoeron," the others understood perfectly.

"How did this happen?" Elmer asked in a high pitched voice. "And why did I have to become a girl to!"

"Come on guys! Look at us! Don't you know how this fits us perfectly?" Erin spoke up happily.

"How are you not panicking?" Heather questioned legitimately confused.

"Think about it Heather, it all makes sense! That man probably guessed you'd give those to people special to you, and now look at us! All Eevee evolutions! We really are a real family now!"

"Well...when you put it like that it doesn't seem too bad..." Lisa replied with a weak smile.

"Yeah...we are a lot closer now... in a physical sense at least." Heather adds with a slight chuckle.

"I'm definitely closer to Lisa and Heather now....gender wise at least." Elmer said with a slight giggle.

"See? Open up! It's a whole new chapter for us! As Pokemon! We have almost no responsibilities anymore! Just have fun!" Erin said hoping around.

The quartet laugh and chat again before running out into the forest near the building site for Pokerus Prevention. They frolicked around and played all day, before all growing tired and cuddling up next to each other, drifting into sleep, their pendants still around their necks.

"Looks like those pearls do work. That's the last of remnants from the Crescent Town experiments. Now if I could find that Lucario I'd be completely done with that dark chapter. It's a shame they transformed, but they all look happy now. That could of ended worse." a man said out loud looking down at the sleeping eeveeloutions with a small smile before walking off. Heather did hear this and looked up as he walked away. She shrugged at went back to sleep, happy to be with her new, old family. 

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