Strength (Charizard TF)

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by Federio, Oct 1, 2015, 9:29:51 AM

Literature / Fan Fiction / General Fiction

He stood there outside Celadon's famous department store. The fire stone was cradled in his arms, wrapped in his coat so it wouldn't be too uncomfortable to hold, but he still felt the low pulse of warmth radiating from it. He felt like such a perfect idiot for buying it. It took half of that week's salary and the Numel at his side wasn't going to get any use out of it. The Numel just stared dumbly at it when he tried, before becoming fascinated with a dark stain on the pavement.

At least it was pretty to look at; faceted like a cut diamond, with a color like a sunset glowing from inside.

He raised his arms and noticed it he was already sweating from holding it; the leaves had changed with the Autumns season but the weather hadn't quite yet cooled down enough.

"Come." He said to his Numel. The pokemon lazily picked its head up to look at him. It ambled after him as he set off down the congested downtown area.

When he got home, he pitched the stone on the bed, not even bothering taking it out of his bunched up coat. Its vermilion glow could be seen through the fabric. The Numel sat in the corner, its neck craned down in, its sad little eyes gazing at him and at the stone.

He sighed.


"We came here from Hoenn to be champions. We can't even beat one gym!" He struck the wall with his fist." How pathetic is that?"

The Numel winced and turned away.

"It's not all your fault." He said to it.

"It's my fault too. "

He fell backwards onto the bed, his eyes focusing on a constellation of water stains on the ceiling.

" One of these days, buddy." He said to the Numel.

"One of the days they won't be able to kick us around anymore." He closed his eyes, a nap would surely help him feel better, put the day in perspective.

Just as he was on the edge of sleep; a voice, coarse and quiet, came to him.

"I can make you stronger."

He rolled on his side, paying the voice no heed.

"It's just a dream." he muttered under his voice to nobody in particular.

"I can prove I'm real..." and with the voice having said that, the young man felt something shift in his gut, followed by a slight, persistent warmth coming from within and stopping at the skin on his belly. "I can give you what you want, strength, power, respect...Just let me in."

The warmth was pulsing, intensifying into a full heat like steam off a radiator; rolling in his stomach as it pushed his belly out. He felt himself getting bigger, heavier; but it wasn't fat, it was hard, like muscle and bone.
"Let me in." The young man tossed on the bed, pulling at his shirt. When he finally got it off, it brought no relief. He was sweating all over, his back shuddered as the heat moved down into his hips.

"Please, I cannot do this without you."

"Who...what are you." He said, involuntarily bringing his voice to a near-shout.

"That doesn't matter. What does matter is that we found each other. I can help you if you let me."

He felt the joints in his legs pop and shift to accommodate his growing bulk.

"What are you doing to me?"

"Don't you trust me?" He couldn't find the words to reply; the heat inside him had become a searing, acidic feeling, but yet he did not feel any pain.

"What am I becoming?"

"I am making you stronger. Do you trust me. Is this not what you want?"

His mind said "No, not like this." but the words that left his mouth were "Yes."

"Good. Now I can really help you." and then his pants ripped open, sending the button across the room with a pop. He was so much bigger now that he couldn't get up if he wanted to. He grasped for his pants, or what was left of them, and shucked them off, letting his sprouting tail hang free. His legs felt shorter, thicker. His toenails pushed out into sharp claws that stretched the toes of his socks to their limit.

"Listen to me." and then something in the voice's words triggered a rippling wave that echoed through the trainer's body. His skin began to dry out, breaking into scales. His feet were bigger than he remembered.

"You are a charizard."

"You can melt steel with your breath."

" They fear you."

The voice repeated these three things over and over, each time he heard them he bulked up. He felt his neck stretch out longer, longer, with every passing second. Beads of drool like boiling oil trickled out of his mouth as his jaw pulled into a thick snout, blunt human teeth reshaped themselves into white fangs glinting like knives. His back ached, specifically in two places where he felt two new appendages force themselves out of his back and into existence. He grunted in relief as his socks shredded open, introducing his new claw feet to the open air.

His senses, his mind were buffeted with new feelings, new sensations. The drive to clam territory and defend it, images of nests built into the side of towering jagged mountains. He clawed at his sheets as his hands changed; human bones creaked and knitted into a pair of three-fingered claws perfect for snatching prey out of the sky. The beautiful open sky. With this thought, the growths on his back blossomed into a pair of leathery wings. The new instincts of his body seeped in, nipping at the edges of his mind. He suddenly knew how to fly, to soar through the air as its king, the apex predator.

His skin had just about finished its transition into reptilian scales, bright orange in color. His soft, smooth belly turned a mild cream color. It was so surreal, he felt so safe, so comfortable. The voice had now faded into a din at the back of his mind, the words became thoughts.

"I am a charizard."

His tail had now reached full length, the tip gave off a crisp hiss as it sparked into a healthy yellow flame. A pair of orange horns pushed out from the back of his skull. His groans of pleasure became deep, animal growls. He wasn't even aware of his hair falling out until the last nut-brown lock dropped down to the floor.

"I can melt steel with my breath."

And indeed; his heavy, shuddering breath sent out little glowing embers, like the tiny sparks coming off a campfire at night. His body felt hotter than ever, but it was a welcome, comfortable heat. The flames in his belly stirred and churned as his metamorphosis, his remaking reached its crescendo.

"They fear me."

That last one danced in his head over and over.

"They fear me They fear me."

He opened his eyes. It was unreal how much clearer everything was, how much more vivid each color and shape. He could smell things he wasn't ever aware of before. The fire stone was gone, leaving a burned husk that was his jacket behind.

"We are one now..." the voice said, taking on an almost paternal quality. He leaned back on his new legs, thick as tree-trunks.

His Numel had just awoken, having slept through it all. The little thing was terrified at first, until it smelt his trainer on the charizard that took its place. It no longer shuddered like a prey animal, it took one cautious step forward and the two made eye contact.

The former trainer felt a deep connection with his Numel, deeper than he ever knew before. He couldn't put it in words but it felt close, a familial kinship with another fire type. He craned his neck down and nuzzled the little camel pokemon. Before, it merely obeyed him, now they were as one.

It was just now dark but he felt rested, born again. He had never felt more alive.


The charizard threw its head back and let loose a ground-shaking war cry from deep within its gut. The Numel followed suit with a small bellow and then they roared again, in perfect time with one another.

They were strong.   

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