Chapter 2

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Jason's pov

After a much needed and long overdue feeding, I walk back to my room, not having a damn clue what to do. I open the door. She was asleep on my bed. My body tenses. 

A sleepover. She was curled in my sheets at nine years old. Her head peeking out. I laughed. "You're supposed to be in the sleeping bag." I say pointing to the floor. "I don't wanna." She fake whines, covering her mouth to hide her laughter.

I smile remebering the fond memory. I lightly brush her hair back. Her eyes snap open, making me jump back in surprise. She sits up, terrified. "What's going to happen to me, Jason?" I stare at her worried. My eyes land on the vein in her neck, softly throbbing. Control yourself. I get to my feet again. "They won't hurt you, Miranda. I already told them not to." "Oh yeah well what if they don't want to listen to you?!" "Cause we're tight they will. We're like family." She looks away, tears shimmering in her ocean blue eyes. "We were like family once." I sigh sadly. "Come on don't make this harder." She stands up on my bed, angry now. "May I remind you I was a terrified mess after losing the only person in my life that didn't make me feel worthless. Who didn't make me feel unwanted! You gave my-" She stops midsentence, staring wide eyed at me. "What?" She steps off the bed and walks over, grabbing my shirt. "What are you-" Shit. There's a blood stain on my collar. "You did it, didn't you?" "I had to!" I gasp. "You don't understand!" "This is... I can't believe this! This is insane!" She shouts, panicked. I grab her arms. "Stop freaking out!" Her eyes widen in fear. I let her go. "I'm not.... Nobody here is gonna hurt you." Tears well up in her eyes. She runs over, throwing her arms around my neck and crying softly. "Oh Jason you don't know how bad I missed you!" She cries. I can feel her heartbeat and the blood pounding in her veins. I'm fine. I just ate but it's been a long time since I've heard it without the intention of feeding. I pull her back slightly, the sensation making me sweat. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions." I say, nodding to the bed. "Yeah... I do." She says, looking up at me. She then sits down. "I... Earlier... When I heard your-" "Telepathy. It's just something I can do now." I say. "Are you.... Is it like the movies? Where like sunlight burns you? You can turn into a bat?" I laugh slightly. "Um yes and no. I can't turn into a bat. Sunlight can hurt me but only if I'm standing in direct for at least an hour. Like I wear a hoodie, and I'll be fine for a quick run to the store. And before you ask, garlic doesn't bother me. That's a myth but silver can kill me and severely burn me." "Wow." I nod slowly and open a drawer putting on a leather glove and pulling out a necklace. Her necklace. "That's my..." Her voice trails off. "I never stopped looking for you, Jason. I never gave up hope." I bite my lip. 

Miranda's pov

I let out a surprised gasp seeing his fangs, long shiny white fangs. His eyes go wide. He covers his mouth and turns around. "What's-" "Nothing. What's your next question?" "Why are you hiding like that?" He sighs deeply and turns back around, dropping his hand to his side. "I don't want you to see me like this." "Jason.... What's gonna happen to me?" He sighs deeply and looks me square in the face. "You're never going home. Dave won't allow it." "Then what-" "You'll just stay here I guess." He walks over to the bed. I unintentionally back up, fear pulsing me. He looks hurt, making me feel awful. "I'm sorry... I didn't...." My voice cracks. "I didn't mean to." He sighs. "It's okay. It's normal. I'm something to be feared." My eyes go wide. "No you aren't! You're still my best friend who sang to George Strait in the shower! You're still my best friend who kicked my ass in karate but let me win in checkers! You're still my best friend who was the shoulder to cry on when my parents divorced! You will always be my best friend. No matter how much time has passed!" By now I've stood up and am right in front of him confidently. He looks shocked. "You don't care that I'm..." "Not one bit." I say. He puts his hands on my cheeks. "Man seeing you again is so surreal. I dreamt of you for months after I left." "Did someone make you leave or did you leave by your choice." He sighs and backs away slightly. "My dad." I hear in my head. "He explained everything to me the night before. He explained the dangers and how in the beginning I wouldn't be able to control my blood lust." He says this out loud, his piercing pained eyes locking onto my blue fearful ones.

Jason's pov

"I... I left out of fear of hurting you. You're the only thing I thought of. I wanted to be selfish and stay. That way I wouldn't lose you but if I hurt you.... Probably even killed you..... I'd never forgive myself. I left to protect you. But dad didn't make me. He gave me the option to stay in Macon or.. Come here." "I could've helped you." She whispers, her voice trembling. I sigh. "Trust me honey you couldn't have. I was a psychopath the first three months. Just ask the guys." I shudder remembering those grueling months when I was learning to control the beast that lives inside of me. "You were my only friend and you left me. Willingly!" "I had to!!! Don't you see!! You would've died if I stayed!! I killed a whole town in one week!" She freezes, eyes wide. "The Shadyside massacre.... Th-That was you?" I reluctantly nod. "The blood lust ravaged me. I couldn't control it. If I stayed, you would be dead, your mother would be dead. My adoptive parents. Joey. Jessie, Luke, Thomas, Rascal, Brantley. Everyone. You'd all be dead. That's why I left." I walk over, pulling her face to looking at me and brushing a tear away. "Do you understand now?" She sighs and nods. "I'm sorry I got mad." I smile. "Don't apologize. You've been boiling about it for six years." I say with a teasing tone in my voice. "Let's get some sleep. I'll answer any other questions you've got tomorrow." "Wait I only have one more. How old is everyone else?" "Oh they're all centuries older than me. I'm the only mortal aged person here other than you of course. Which you are a mortal so you don't necessarily count." "You talk funny now." I laugh. "Well living with 18th century language you speak the way they speak." 

Miranda's pov

"OK off to bed." He says, making me lay down. "I'll introduce you to everyone tomorrow. Raven and Star get back from vacation then." I close my eyes  tiredly. I feel the bed sink down. "Oh and Jason I'm glad I found you again." I whisper, kissing his cheek. I smile, wondering what that'll do to him. I go to sleep wondering.

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