Chapter 15

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Jason's pov

I had tranced someone for her and called her here. "What's the sur-" She stops midsentence. "You said you were hungry so-" "But what if someone sees us?" "They won't honey. Don't worry I've done this for six years." 

Miranda's pov

After that, we were walking home. "I don't care how long I do that, I'll always hate it." He shrugs. "You'll get used to it, same as I had to. Same as every other vampire has." I sigh and hold his hand, lacing our fingers together. "Hey Jason it's a full moon." "Beautiful ain't it." He whispers, smiling. He kisses my head and we continue the trek home. "Why don't we just super speed it home?" He asks. "Cause I'm enjoying this. A nice walk in the park." "It sure is a nice night." "Hey Jason... Do you... Do you still..." "What's wrong?" "Would you still sing for a living if you could?" "That'd be awesome but with the never dying thing people would wonder after a while." I nod. "Are you still as good as you were back then." He shrugs, a smile slipping to his face. "It started way back in third grade. I used to sit beside EmmyLou Hayes. A pink dress, matchin' bow and her pony tails, she kissed me on the school bus but told me not to tell." I hear footsteps. He freezes, gripping tight to me. "What's-" "I don't know." He whispers, taking a rigid step forward. Just as he does, a figure walks out. I squint to see and Jason says, "Dad??" "I want my son back." He says, his voice trembling Shoot. I hear footsteps behind me. We turn around to find his mom standing there, tears in her eyes. She grabs his arm. "M-Mom what are y-you doing?" "I don't care what we have to do to get rid of the demon inside you but we will do it." "What? Mom! There's nothing you can do! I was born a vampire! My birth parents were vampires! She starts to cry. "I just want my son back!" "Mama no matter what happens, you'll always be my mom. I'll always be your son. I love you mom." "I love you too, Jason." I her his dad walking over. I smile thinking it'll be a reunion I was lucky to witness but Jason's pained shouts shatter that thought. "What... What's wrong?" There were shackles on his wrists. "Silver!" He chokes out and screams in pain. "Get it off!" He cries. He does the same to me and instantly my wrists start burning, making me scream in pain too. His eyes open wide, bloodshot. "No!!! Stop!! Leave her alone, dad!!" "I'm sorry son but we will fix this!" "You can't.... Gahhh!!! You can't fix this!!!" "Her mother has been wanting to see her again too." Tears well up in my eyes. Mama. They make us stand up and make us walk back to his house. My wrists hurt unbearably. "You're hurting them!" I hear my mom. "MAMA!!!" I cry, screaming in pain. "We have to get these shackles off. This silver is gonna kill us!" Jason desperately pleads. He and his mother look at each other. They unshackle the silver restraints. I let out a relieved breath. "You okay?" He asks worried, inspecting my wrists. I shakily nod. Even though it hurts. He kisses my forehead and holds me tight. "You can't fix this dad, really you can't!" "I can certainly try." He says. Dammit. 

Jason's pov

What's he planning to do? He walks in another room and comes back with a bottle of some kind. "What's that?" "Holy water." My eyes go wide. "Holy water?! No!! You can't! That won't do anything but hurt us more! You don't know anything do you?!!" 

Miranda's pov

I am trying to telepathically call someone from home. But I'm not that good at it and Jason's too distracted talking to his dad. "Please let us go!" He begs. "What? Who is this?" Jamie's voice in my head. 

Jamie's pov

"Help! Someone please help!" I freeze, spinning around. I think to the person, "What? Who is this?" "Jamie? Is that you?" Is the response. "Yeah." "It's me, Miranda. Me and Jason got captured by his parents. They want to change him back. Which obviously they can't. But they've got holy water and silver! Please help!" Oh shit! "I'm on my way!" I gather everyone and tell them. "Let's hurry!" Andy cries. 

Jason's pov

"I got a hold of Jamie." I hear whispered in my head. I look down at my girlfriend, confused. She was clutching and rubbing  her raw wrists. "Was that you?" I ask her in her head. "Yeah." She got ahold of Jamie. Question is.... Will they get here in time or will we be severely burned. Mine hurt too but I'm trying to ignore it. "Don't rub it. It'll hurt worse." I whisper. "What do we do?" I look back up at my arguing parents, my crying mother, my furious father. My father thinks I'm a monster. I fight back the tears. "Pray that Jamie and the rest of them get here in time." I say worriedly.

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