Chapter 17

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Miranda's pov

I'm so tired. Jason helps me stay standing as my eyelids droop. We walk out and everyone was waiting, upset for some reason. "Well I'll be." George says smiling. "What's going on?" I ask, looking up at Jason. He looks like he's been crying. His green eyes, dull and watery. "Y-You died." He shakily whispers. "George tried but... He said you died... But somehow you're alive. I don't know how but I'm grateful." He hugs me to his chest.


I was exhaustedly curled up against Jason's side. I looked up. He had music in while reading a book. I pulled on his sleeve. He looks down and takes a headphone out. "Who... Who are you listening to?" I ask, my stomach hurting from hunger. "Bon Jovi. Wanna listen?" I shake my head. "You know I'm strictly only country. What happened after I konked out?" He shrugs with a sigh. "I don't... I went into a blind rage. You'll have to ask one of them. They won't tell me for some reason." "It got bad, didn't it?" I ask worried. "I'm assuming." He says, worried. "Mom won't answer when I call. I... I'm scared... What if.. I killed her?" "I'll find out." I say, standing up. "But you're still recovering!" "I'm okay." I go to the living room. Andy was on his phone. But he quickly jumped up when I walked out. "Hey." He says worried. I nod and sit down on the couch. "Are you okay?" I nod, even though I'm hurting severely. "What happened?" He sighs and glances at our bedroom door. "Jason can't hear us can he?" I shake my head. "He's listening to Bon Jovi." I half lie. He's probably listening in to find out.

Jason's pov

I put my ear to the door, waiting. She lies about me not listening and I hear Andy sigh, worry in his aged voice. "Well he... He killed..." My heart pounds faster. "He killed his dad." I hear her gasp. My whole body tenses in shock. I slide to the floor horrified. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "Bit him and drained him dry." He continues. I put my head in my knees. Raven fuses through the wall, making my eyes widen. Hers do too. "Andy! Stop!" She cries. "I'm fine." I shakily say. She quickly runs over, worried. I rarely see her. I barely know her at all. Why would she care so much about me? "You don't need to be fusing into rooms like that. You could stumble upon something you don't want to see." I mutter. She sighs. "I've seen worse. Trust me. You shouldn't have been listening in on that conversation and you know it." "I had to. I had to know what happened. I had to find out-" "No. There was a reason nobody told you." "Those people were my parents. They raised me. I loved them." "Your mother is okay, Jason." "Then why won't she answer her phone when I call?" "She's probably upset." I sigh. "Because of me. She probably hates me." I bury my head in my knees and cry. Raven tries to console me but it doesn't help. The door opens. Andy and Miranda walk in. "You told me-" "He was. He was wearing headphones when I left." He sighs. "Jase you... You weren't supposed to hear that." "I'm fine." I lie pathetically. They obviously don't believe me. Andy sits beside me. "My mom hates me." "She's not... Never mind. You've been through so much buddy. You and your girl both. We didn't want you to know and be upset." I sigh and glare at my shoes. "D-Does anyone know w-where Jamie is?" I feel like a total wuss. "I'll get her." Raven says, going through the wall. "She loves using her power." Andy mutters beside me. I sigh deeply and stare at the ground. A few minutes later, Jamie walks in. I force a fake smile but of course she can see right through me. She forces me to stand up then hugs me. "I can't keep doing this. It's slowly killing me." "What is?" "Living like this. I'm a monster!" "You're not a monster!" "I killed my dad!!" "You did it to protect the girl you love." "Speaking of. Where is she?" Andy says. I look around and confusedly realize she's gone. Where could she have gone? She can barely walk! "Miranda?" Andy calls out the door. Silence. I pull out my cell phone and call her. "Babe where-" "I'm okay, Jason calm down." "Where are you?" I don't want her outside when the sun is up. Her body isn't going to be used to the sunlight enough. "I'm okay. I'm just... I'm so hungry." Shit. I lower the phone worried. "She went out to feed." The rest of my family stare at me shocked. "At this hour?!" Jamie gapes. "She's going to get herself killed!" Andy says, worried. I put the phone back to my ear. "Miranda come home. You can't do it during the day. Someone will see you! Hunters are watching!" "I'm fine Jason. It's okay. I'm heading back now." "Did you-" "Yes I did." I'm worried. "Stay where you are. You can't come back here. I'll come get you!" "Why can't I-" "If there's a hunter on your tail, you'll lead them back to the house." "But Jason-" "Just stay where you are! I'm coming!" I run as fast as I can. I find her easily. Thank goodness for vampiric senses. "I'm confused Jason, why can't I-?" I sigh and grab her hand. "Just act natural. And follow me." We walk behind a tree to one of the many secret passages to get back to the house. Only vampires can activate it so no worries of a hunter following us. "What on earth were you thinking girl?!" Andy gripes as soon as we get home. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help it." "Dont get mad at her. It's from her near death experience. It makes her very very hungry." George says. "Next time though go with someone more experienced." She nods. "Sorry George." "Don't be sorry. You're still not used to this. You will in time." I sigh wishing she didn't have to be. "I'm sorry for worrying you, Jay." She says hugging me. I smile and hold her tight. "It's okay. I'm just glad you're okay." She goes to our room and Jamie hugs me. "Feelin' better?" "Alot. Thanks sis." She smiles. "No problem." I head to my room and could hear Miranda brushing her teeth. I glance in there and smile. She's a ray of beauty. I'm so lucky to have her.

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