Chapter 30

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Jason's pov

*In his dream*

It was unbelievably dark. I couldn't see my own hand in front of my face. I tried to use my fire powers but I for some reason couldn't. I obviously couldn't see which made me weary. Where the hell am I?! Suddenly a flame sparks. "I knew we should be followed the order's rule! He would have been safe!" I heard a woman shout in the darkness. It sounded like my birth mother. Suddenly the whole room lit up as fire spread. Someone grabbed my shoulder. I looked and saw my mom. My birth mom. "Run, Claire! Run and don't look back." "Come on." She says. I ran with her confused. "What's going on?" I gasp. "The humans want to kill us." She whispers. "But what about dad?" I hear an enraged scream behind us and my father reappears beside us. "That should slow them down." He says, smoke rising off his clothes and long red mark on his arm. "What'd you do?" I gasp. "There's no time. We have to hide." He said. It took almost all night but we reached a cave and settled for the rest of the night. I couldn't catch my breath. "Braden, we have to." Mom says. Dad looks over his shoulder at me. "Have to what?" "We have to.... To give you up. To keep you safe. I'm sorry son." "B-But-" Mom grabs my shoulder and everything slowly fades away. All of my memories of the first five years of my life.

*He wakes up*

I jolt awake unable to breathe from the shock of it all. All of my memories come flooding back. She must have a power to erase memories. I had no recollection of living with them. I thought they gave me up when I was a newborn. I'm shocked. I shakily stand up, weak from before. And unbelievably hungry. "They were obviously caring people before giving me up. What changed? They're totally different people now. The fear and regret in dad's stare. The desperation in my mother's voice. The only thing I can think of is someone forced them to feed off of someone they loved..... Like they did to me. That's the only logical reason. I need to save my parents!

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