Chapter 22

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Miranda's pov

Jamie said George wanted to talk to me. I go to his study. It's dark, lit up with candles. His hands were clasped in front of him on the large mahogany desk. Wow. Very fancy. "George are you okay?" He nods. "Sit. I need to speak with you, young fledgling." I wish he wouldn't call me that. But I say nothing and sit down in the chair. "Nobody has ever successfully brought someone back from the realm as you did." "What?"  I ask confused. That's really scary. "I will have Andy watch him constantly to make sure he's completely okay. But how did you do it?" I take a deep breath, not really knowing myself. "I... I just... Something told me to let him bite me." "Something told you?" He asks, raising a brow. "I don't know. A deep voice in my head said to." "It's so unheard of." He whispers to himself, rubbing his chin. "I'm worried, George. Is Jason going to be okay?" He sighs and rubs his eyes. "I hope so." He says. I walk back to our room and as George says Andy is guarding inside. "What's going on?" Jason asks. I sigh and shrug my shoulders. "He won't answer me anytime I ask him something about the other day." "Nobody is going to tell you. It's best if you don't know." 

Jason's pov

I'm tired of people telling me that. I'm so frustrated and confused and my head is killing me. I need to feed. "Did I hurt someone?" I shakily ask. "Jason please stop asking!" "Not until I get some fucking answers! Andy's fucking guarding me for God sakes! What the hell happened?!" "Dude calm down!" He says, walking over, a worried frown on his face. "You're supposed to be my best friend. But you're hiding secrets from me. And you! You're my wife! What is going on?! Someone better start fucking talking here!!! I'm getting pissed!!" She glances at Andy. "Give us a minute." She says. "That's not safe." What?! Why?! I would never hurt her! "I'm fine, Andy, Jason would never hurt me." Exactly. He sighs. "He slapped you earlier." What?! "I did? When?!" She sighs. "I'll explain it to you but you've got to try your hardest not to let your anger get out of control again." I roll my eyes. "Andy you can go." "I'm not leaving, Miranda." I glare at him annoyed. "Get the fuck out." He shakes his head. "I can't. George put me at this post and I'm not letting anything bad happen!" Why would something bad happen? 

Miranda's pov

I explain everything the best I can. "Andy's guarding you because no one has ever come back like you did. We don't know what's going to happen." "I... I can't believe I.... I hurt you." "It's okay, I'm okay." "And mom?" I glance at Andy sadly. "She's dead, Jason. I'm sorry." "Dad was right. I am a monster." I hug him. "No you aren't. You were forced to do it. Your parents would've killed us both." "You shouldn't have told him all that." Andy says. Jason glares at him, his eyes flashing red for a split second, striking fear into my heart. "I don't keep secrets from my husband." "You don't know what he's capable of. Hell nobody knows! He could go rogue any second and kill us all!" "I would never-" "Don't say you wouldn't. You would have if she didn't stop you. It wasn't you. I know that. But if you go rogue again, it still won't be you. And you'd kill us without a second thought." "Shut the fuck up, Andy." "Stop. You're only making things worse." I say. He sighs. "I'm sorry. Jason you are my best friend.... I'm just.... I'm scared." My eyes widen in surprise. "I don't... I don't know if I'd be able to hurt you to stop you. You're like my brother." "You're my brother too. I'd never hurt you guys." I hug him. "I love you." "I love you too." He says, kissing my head. He stands up. "I gotta go out and feed." Andy grabs his arm. "Let me come with you." He sighs. "Ok." I stare at him worried as he walked out the door. "Please be okay." I beg, crossing my fingers.

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