Chapter 16

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Jason's pov

My hands burn. Dad blindfolded me. "Somebody help!!!!" I hear my girl scream, pain clearly etched in her voice. My heart aches to help her. "Stop it Johnathon! You're clearly hurting her!" Mom yells to dad. "I don't care. I'm testing out things to use as a cure So I can find the right one to fix Jason!" My God. "Let her go!!!" I yell from the other room that I'm locked up in. My hands tied behind my back, thank goodness with rope instead. "PLEASE STOP!!!!" She screams louder than before. Louder than even the changing. I hear her mother plead for her to be let go. Fiery rage flares through me. My fire powers burn the rope. "Phew." I whisper, standing back up and ripping the blindfold off. This one is personal. I turn my ball cap around and rip the door open angrily. My girl had burns all over her. She was whimpering in pain. Tears fill my eyes seeing her this way. Her mother, sobbing, falls beside her, hugging her to her chest. I see red. "YOU'RE DEAD!!!" I yell enraged. "I'm only trying to help you!" Dad shouts worriedly, walking over. "You can't fix me, dad! All you did was hurt an innocent girl! Either accept me how I am or leave me the fuck alone! But if you ever EVER touch her again, I WILL SET YOU ON FIRE AND WATCH YOU BURN!!!!!!!!" My rage is almost too much, my head is pulsating with pain, my eyes are obviously dark red and I know my fangs are  as long as they can be.  I glance back down at the girl I love. Not moving. Is she dead? Just that thought alone sends me into a blind rage. I lunge at him. And before I can stop myself, I bite him. "JASON! NO!" 

Jamie's pov

"JASON! NO!" I scream desperately. But I'm too late. After a few minutes, he's drained him dry and he's dead. He presses a hand to his head and drops beside her. "Baby! Please please please wake up!!! Oh God! Wake up!" We quickly run over. Andy gets there fastest. He puts a hand on Jason's arm who instantly goes rigid, his glowing red eyes full of unstoppable rage. I quickly use my power to calm him down. He holds her tight and shakily stands up. "Is she...." "We'll figure out when we get back to the house." George says gently guiding him to the door. "But Jason-" His mother yells, only to be cut off by an angry growl. I grab his arm and make him walk out, continually using my power to keep his anger at bay. "Th-Thanks J-Jamie." He whispers. I hug him as we walk back home. We get to the house and George goes to work trying to fix her. Jason was pacing and fearful. "Sit down, dude, come on George will fix her." Andy says gently, looking worried about his friend. George walked out, a bloody handkerchief in his hand and a sad look on his face. I bite my lip, knowing what he'll say. "Please give me some good news." He whispers in a begging tone on his knees. "I tried my hardest Jason but... There was nothing I could do. Thanks to my power though, she died painless." "But you fix pain!!! How could you not-" "I keep pain at bay. I cannot heal internal wounds. The holy water burned her severely." Poor Jason. Me and Andy get on our knees beside him. "I'm so sorry, Jason. I wasn't fast enough." I shakily whisper. He cries in his hands, not hearing me I bet. "I've lost her." He whimpers. I help him up and we walk in the room where she lay on the bed, burns coating her small body. He stares down at her. "She... Was the nicest and most beautiful girl ever. I loved her from the day I met her." He whispers, holding her hand. I feel so bad for him. Andy stares at the scene sadly. "Her parents divorced when she was nine. I was there through everything. Through her misery, when she was so lonely. Until I was forced to leave. I still watched her just to make sure she was alright. Obviously I never let her see me but... I could tell she knew someone was watching her. She's just.... Well was just smart like that. She made broken look beautiful and strong look invincible." He breaks down crying. "She walked with the world on her shoulders but carried it like wings." He sits down. "She was always my angel." He cries hard and holds her tight. I wish there was something we could do. I'd change his emotions but he deserves to be able to grieve his girlfriend. "Jas.... Jason..." A tiny gravelly voice squeaks from the bed. The room falls dead silent. "B-Baby..... Y-You.... You're alive?" He shakily whimpers. "YOU'RE ALIVE!" He cried in happiness, wrapping her in a hug. "How'd we get here?" She whisper asks He smiles. "You're back!" "Where'd I go?" He chuckles. "To the stars, angel. To the stars." He whispers kissing her. Andy smiles. I hug him. "That's a miracle I was happy to witness." He whispers. "Me too." I say, smiling. Fighting back tears of joy at the happy couple.

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