Chapter 13

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Miranda's pov

"You okay?" His hands were still shaking slightly. "I... I'm just upset about.... Them." I sit up worried, putting my hand on his cheek. He looks away. "I wish.... I... This never happened. I hate being a vampire." "You can't help it, Jason." He looks close to tears and hugs me. "But you could have. I should've just let you go. I'm so sorry. I ruined your life... Took you away from your mom.... I'm a horrible person... How could you love me?!!" "Stop it!!! I do love you!! You're not a horrible person!" I cry, pulling his face up to looking at me. "I'm glad you didn't let me go!" His jaw drops in shock. "Y-You are?" He whispers wiping his face. "I am. I'd rather live eternally with you then live a hundred years without you. I mean if you think about it isn't a bad deal." "You're... You're serious? You'd rather be a vampire just to be with me?" I nod. "Not having you was like my heart was ripped out of my chest. It killed me waking up everyday and not knowing. Not to mention wondering if you were even still alive and the guilt of not knowing if somehow I could've done something. Obviously I couldn't." He hugs me tight. "I'm so in love with you." He whispers. "When I saw you standing in the living room when Andy brought me here, I thought I died and went to heaven. Seeing you again, brought me so much happiness." "I love you." He whispers. "I love you so much." I whisper back, cuddling into his chest. There's a knock on the door. "Who's there?" I call. "Um.... Jason your birth parents are here." His whole body becomes tense when Star says that. "Your birth parents... Aren't they-" "Yes they're vampires. They're the reason I'm a vampire." I stare at him wide eyed. "Wait.... If we have a kid.... Will the same thing happen to him or her? Will we have to give them up until they're eleven too?" He sighs and nods. "Thats how things are run. I'm not having kids. For that specific reason. Plus who would want to condemn their child to this life even before they're born! But yeah we'd have to give him or her up until then and I'd go get them when they came of age." Star calls him again. "I'm comin'!" He calls back, standing up. 

Jason's pov

I worriedly open the door. Star isn't her usual happy go lucky self. Something is wrong. Something bad. "What's going on?" I ask in a whisper, glancing back at my girl, still sitting on the bed, worried. "They're here and.... They're not alone, Jason." I'm so scared. My parents only come around for rare things like my birthday or if something big happened. I hope it wasn't cause of the stunt I pulled the other day. I walk out there and it's my birth parents.... And to my horror my adoptive parents too!! My adoptive parents are tranced. "WHAT'S GOING ON?!" I screech instantly terrified. "I would like to speak to my son privately." Father says. Everyone is here. Including Raven who I never see hardly. "No. We aren't going anywhere." Andy says, glaring at them. My friends don't like my parents. They're cold and heartless. Not at all like the people I consider my family. Except maybe Raven but she's been through so much, I don't blame her. Right now she's fierce and ready to attack. "Fine. Ingrates. This involves you also." Father says, angrily, grabbing dad's shirt collar and shoving him to his knees. "STOP!" I gasp panicked. "You stopped him from feeding the other day. I took the liberty of collecting them for him. I'm taking him out of here and home with us." NOOOOOO! Alarm bells go off in my head. "I wasn't planning on feeding from them! They're my parents!" "No! We are!" Mother says, annoyed. "Yeah but... You guys don't get it! Let them go!" I gasp desperate. "We have a system." George says authoritatively. And although he's old. he isn't older than my parents. "You're system is illogical and stupid and not at all healthy for my son." Father growls. Andy growls low beside me, wanting to slash my father's throat out. "Return them back. Jason cares about them." Tyrrell says. I'm so close to panicking. "Please father don't hurt them!" I gasp beggingly. "Ugh I don't even understand you sometimes." Mother says, rolling her eyes. Father snaps his fingers which his power is teleportation. "Please tell me you sent them home!?" He nods, pissed. "You're still coming home with us." I take a shaky step back. "No! I don't want to. I'm happy here! These people are my family!" "And I am your father!!! You will do what I say when I say!!!" He bellows, shaking the house with how loud and angry he is. Fear sits in the pit of my stomach like an illness. Then something as if a lightbulb flashed on and realization hit me. "No." I say. "What?!" He growls. "I said no. I don't have to listen to you. I'm staying with them!" I say, anger building up. "You don't get that kind of choice!" He shouts. "FUCK YOU!!" I scream angrily. 

George's pov

What the hell? His hands. "Go away and don't come back!!" He shouts, his hands become redder! "No!" He angrily screams and throws his hands up pointing it at them and to everyone's shock including his own, he shoots fire from his hands. They back up. "How'd you-" He stares at his hands in shock. "What's.... What's going on?!" He gasps shakily. Poor kid. He's so confused. Tyrrell uses his wind power to throw them out and Andy puts water on the fire. "How'd I..... Do that?" He gasps. 

Jason's pov

"Wow, Jason this is cool!" Andy says. Cool?! "How... How can I do this?" I gape confused. "Well it only happens once every four hundred years but you've got two different unique powers." George says, smiling. "I do? So... It's nothing to be worried about?" He shakes his head. "Looks like anger sets your powers uncontrollable. So try to watch your anger levels." I sigh and stare at the ground. "It's kinda hard when you resent even looking at yourself." "What?" Jamie gasps. "Why would you-" "It may be fun and dandy for you guys but.... I despise being a vampire. I hate having to kill people. I hate myself! And I hate what I did to my best friend!!" She hugs me. "We all felt that way at one point. But trust me after doing it for years, it'll all be second nature." Jamie says. I sigh. Who am I kidding? They'll never understand. None of them. The only one who will ever understand how I feel is the girl with dark brown hair, deep ocean blue eyes, and a smile that could bring me to my knees. She knows karate and how to make me smile even in my darkest days. She's my vampire girlfriend. The world is nothing compared to her. And how do I repay her perfection, I ruin her life for my own selfish gain. Yet again, just another thing I hate myself for.

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