Chapter 28

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Jason's pov

*In his dream*

I stood on an empty street corner. It was really dark. I could barely see. I felt so.... Vulnerable. Like something was after me. I slowly turned around, keeping an eye on my surroundings. I felt a sharp stabbing in my back. I screamed and spun around, pain engulfing me instantly. "I'm sorry!" I hear a garbled voice say. "I had to!" I lose my balance dizzily.

Andy's pov

Jason jerks in his sleep. "Are you sure this will work?" I ask nervous. "I haven't a clue." He says, putting his hand on his forehead and easing the pain. A sense of calm washes over him as his face relaxes. I'm so scared. "Is there anything I can do to help?" "I need more blood. They're going to be famished if they recover." I nod and walk out. Jamie and Star were in the hallway, waiting. "How are they?" "Still unconscious. George is working on fixing it though." Star starts to cry. I hug her. Suddenly a panicked, in pain voice fills my head. "Where am I?! What's going on?!" Huh? Who is that?! "Hello?" I think to them. "Who are you?? What's going on?! I'm scared!" The terrified voice says. I walk outside. "Describe where you are." I think. "I can't. It's too dark. I can't see. The pain.... It hurts." "What hurts?!" The feeling is gone. Nothing. And the voice has stopped. Who was that? Who needed help? I walk downtown, hoping to find someone easily. I tranced an old man and brought him back to the house. "Good." George says, smiling. "Anything?" I ask, hopeful. He nods. "The wound is hyper generating. He'll wake up within the hour." Thank God. Miranda groggily woke up whispering Jason's name. "Hey." I say, helping her sit up. "Sh-Shouldn't I be dead?" "George was able to save him so you didn't die." "B-But he'll hurt someone else!" She gasps panicked. "Calm down!" George says, grabbing her shoulder. "You drove the darkness out. Everything is okay." He says gently. She lays down, looking lightheaded. "I don't feel good." "You're not going to." He says, forcing a smile. "That was very brave." I say. "Ending your life to save his." She looks so sad. "He hates himself. I don't know what to do Andy!" She starts to cry. I hug her tight. "There there." George goes to his magicks room. "How'd you become a vampire?" She asks suddenly, completely catching me off guard. "Oh... Wow... Well a long time ago. Almost 1200 years ago." I mumble. "I was slowly dying of tuberculosis. This vampire gave me the option to live as a vampire... Or die at 17 years old. Obviously I didn't want to die." She was shaking a little. "Can vampires not get diseases?" I shake my head. "It stopped the tuberculosis." I say. "Wow." She glanced at Jason. "Do you regret it?" I shake my head and hug the poor girl. "Miranda... I.... I'm sorry I turned you. I hated having to do it. I know first hand how painful the changing was... And... I'm sorry." "Don't be." She says, struggling to stand up. She sits beside him. "I love Jason more than anything in this world. I'm glad I get to spend eternity with him. It was worth the pain and I'd do it all again if it meant I get to be with him." Wow. She yawns. I push her bed beside his. "You need to rest." I say, covering her up. She puts a hand on his. "Thanks." She mumbled tiredly going asleep.

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