Chapter 18

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*a few months later*

Jason's pov

Man I'm unbelievably exhausted today. I can barely keep my eyes open. I was on the couch, trying to watch TV. But my eyes kept closing then I'd jolt awake. What's going on? I stood up, dizzy. What's wrong with me? I decided to splash water on my face, hopefully it'll help. I look at myself in the mirror. "Wait... What?" "George!!!" I rushed out of the bathroom, stumbling and of balance, highly confused and worried. "Where's George?" I gasp almost running into Star and Tyrrell. "Whoa, bro, what's wrong?" I shakily take my hat off and move my hair. "LOOK! THIS IS WHAT'S WRONG!" I cry panicked. "What the fuck?! Someone needs go get George now! Jason's been marked!" Ty yells, staring at the dark blue circle on my temple.  "How the hell could this have happened?! And what the hell do I do?!" "What does it mean when you get marked?" Miranda gasps, worried. She picks up my hat which I dropped accidentally. "It means a witch wants me." "What? What does that mean?" "God dammit! I don't have time to explain things to you!" No wonder I was so tired. Man I hate witches. They think they own everything. Well not this vampire!!

Miranda's pov

I'm so beyond confused. Jason runs off. I follow and he comes into the library. "What's gonna happen?" He turns around. "No wait... Go back with the others. Hurry! It's dangerous. Witches are stronger than a fledgling." "Not until you talk to me dammit!!!!" I shout frustrated and scared. "Fuck! Witches. If a fucking witch marks you, you've got thirty days to find it an kill it. Otherwise you become their eternal slave. And if you refuse, the witch slowly drains you til you're dead." Holy shit! "I'm not gonna be some prissy bitch's eternal slave, they can fucking kiss it." "Well why don't we wait til he or she comes to get you then kill them then!" "That isn't... By then it'll be too late, whoever it is will have drained me completely and become too powerful." He suddenly spins around. "Jas-" "Show yourself!!!" I'm so scared. He turns back around, just realizing I'm still here. "Get out. Now." His eyes are dark red, enraged. I hate it when he gets this way. He was never like this when we were kids. It's absolutely terrifying. I try be brave and stand my ground to help the man I love. "But-" Andy grabs my arm. I try to pull free but with his super strength, it's impossible. "Don't let her out of your sight. I'm serious." He says. I smile internally. Funny choice of words when talking about a girl who can turn invisible.  

Jason's pov

It's a girl. Her laughter fills my head. "You might as well kill me. I won't be your slave." My vision darkens. I put my hand on the wall to steady myself. "Oh but Jason you've come too far to die now." She taunts. I grit my teeth in anger. "I won't go down without a fight." The door slams shut. She's here. I take a step back, tripping over a table leg. I'm so tired. So unbelievably tired. How long have I been marked? My vision fades. I struggle to stay awake. "Rest. You're so tired." I hear whispered in my head, the voice soothing. But I refuse to give in. A soft giggle resounds. I prop myself up on my elbows. "No.... I.... Have come too far.... To go down like this." "You're so tired. You don't need to fight anymore. Just close your eyes. I feel a hand on my head. I struggle to open my eyes but I'm so unbearably weak. I finally manage to open them, coming face to face with a pale as can be woman, with white hair and a long white dress maybe in her early 20s. "Please..." I'm so tired. "Don't..... Do... This to... Me. I want to live." "You will." She kneels down. "Not... I can't... Think." "Just go to sleep." She whispers. I can't give in. I'll become her slave if I do. I try to shake the exhaustion. "Stop." I shakily whisper, falling to my back. "Sleep, my young vampire, sleep." A low groan escapes me before my world fades to black and my hands fall to the ground. My body is screaming for me to get up but my mind just won't allow it.

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