Chapter 23

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Miranda's pov

"I swear the next person to call me a fledgling has had it." I gripe frustrated. I was curled up in Jason's arms, his arm over my chest while we were watching TV. Andy walks out of the kitchen. "Face it, that's what you are. You're not a full vampire until you've been one for a year." He says. I roll my eyes. "I've kicked vampire ass. I don't give a damn about no rules. Call me it again, I'll make you eat dirt and have you wake up with snakes in your bed." Jason laughs. "She'll do it too. The snake thing. She did it to me all the time as kids when I beat her in karate tournaments and teased her about it." I laugh softly and cuddle closer into his chest. His arms wrap tighter around me. Andy's eyes widen. "Mir-" "Shut up." Fuck. His deep voice. His dark voice. "Jason-" "Don't speak." He says, sending fear through me. I turn invisible and am able to get away. I hide behind Andy as he stands up. "I'm cool guys. I'm cool." His eyes are blood red and his hair is jet black again. "N-No you're not, man."  Andy shakily says. He chuckles. "You mentioned earlier my wife isn't a full vampire until a year. Well the funny thing is." He laughs again and shakes his head. "You're not a full vampire either, Andy." "What? Yes I am. I've been a vampire for almost thirteen hundred years!" He smirks, eyes flashing gold. Fear rages through me. "If you want to make it to thirteen hundred, you'll back the fuck down." I'm so scared. "Nobody is a full vampire until they accept who they are. The darkness unlocks so much more than anything you people ever could do." "No. That's evil. They hurt people willingly. You're better than that, Jason! You're a good person!" "Correction. I was!" He growls, smirking and punching Andy. He slams into the wall. I terrifiedly step back. "Oh honey you don't have to be afraid of me. I'm your husband." He says, sarcastically. "Yes I do. My Jason would never have hurt Andy!" "I can't harm you or it hurts me too. You're lucky I was stupid." He shoves me back. I fall on my ass. "Now then. The devil's back in town." He says, proudly. "Lord knows the devil don't sleep." I whimper fearfully. "George!! Somebody!" Andy screams. Raven fuses through the wall, her eyes widening in fear. She flies off presumably to get George. Andy runs forward and grabs his arms. He laughs softly, darkly. "You may have super strength on your side but I've got the darkness and that's so much stronger. Jamie runs in as he throws Andy into a wall. He groans and slumps down. "Jason stop!" Jamie cries fearfully. He smiles. "Just the gal I wanted to see." Huh? "Mrs emotion changer, Father could really use you to his advantage." He freezes, looking like he's listening then he smiles. He runs at her and pins her to the ground. "J-Jason w-wait! I'm your sister remember!" "You mean nothing to me bitch." "That's not true!!" She screams in tears. "The Jason I know and love-" The Jason you know and love is dead!!" Oh no he's not! I run forward and tackle him off of her, flipping him into the wall. He shakes the dizziness and glares at me. "You!" He growls, fangs bared. "Yeah. Me. What ya gonna do about it?" I snap, fisting my hands. He stands up. "You don't want to know what I can do to you." He whisper growls. "The darkness may be strong." He chuckles and nods. "Yes it is." "But there's one thing stronger." "Oh I highly doubt that, sweetheart." "Wanna bet?" I growl under my breath running forward and slamming him into the wall. His eyes lit up red with rage and the darkness that threatens to consume the man I love. "What are you-" I cut him off with a hard passionate kiss. His muffled gasps get weaker and weaker. His hands fall to the side as everyone else runs into the room. I can't catch my breath by the time I break the kiss, his arms wrap around me, my head falling to his chest. "W-W-What.... Happened?" He shakily asks. Jamie stands back up. I shakily look up. His eyes are back to green and his hair is back to brown. "What's..... Why are you crying?" I don't know what to say. "Guys?" I sigh. "You turned dark again.... And attacked Jamie and Andy." "Are you guys okay?!" Everyone stays quiet. George looks regretful. "I've got no other choice." What's he talking about. "W-What?" He asks confused. "You have to leave." "What?!.... I... Leave?!" "You're a danger. You went rogue and almost killed Jamie." "No I didn't! I wasn't... He wasn't.... Father wanted her. He didn't want me to kill her." "Wait you were aware?!" George gasps, looking angry. "No! I wasn't... B-But I... Remember the conversation I.... I mean... The dark... I don't know whatever it is I become... Had a communication with my father... And he said that." "Please George reconsider. We can't kick him out on his own." Jamie pleads. "He won't be on his own." Huh? "His wife is going with him." My head snaps toward him. "Wait! What?" "She's the only one who can tame him but I'm not risking anything happening again." "He needs us! He can't survive-" "Enough Star. My decision is final!" I'm so scared. I can tell so is Jason. "It wasn't my fault!! I never... I never woulda done that!" He yells, fear clearly heard in his voice. "I know you wouldn't but it's dangerous." "Please George don't do this to me!" "I'm sorry but I have to. To protect the rest-" "If he goes, I go." All attention snaps toward Andy. He walks over and extends a hand. Jason shakily takes it shocked and he pulls him to his feet. "Me too!" Jamie says, walking over. "And me!" Star says, running over and putting a hand on Jason's shoulder. I can tell he's shocked by them. Ty smiles. "You can't kick my brother out if you want me to stay." He says, walking over to us too. Dave walks over. "He ain't goin' nowhere." He's really quiet so that shocks everyone. Raven smiles for the first time since I've gotten here. "Oh what the hell. Count me in too." She walks over and noogies Jason. "You little troublemaker." George stares at us all shocked. "Do you not see he's dangerous!!" George yells frustrated. "Um technically we're all dangerous. We kill people weekly." Andy says, crossing his arms. Rage flies on his face. "Jason, if you care one damn bit about the people here you will leave and never come back!!!" Then he stomps off. Fear is clearly seen on Jason's face. He's clearly conflicted. "Hey don't listen to him." Jamie says, comfortingly. He stares at the ground. "How can I.... When everything he said... Is true?" He whispers.

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