Chapter 45

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Jason's pov

I nervously go to the cabin, deep in the woods, hidden from anyone except the people looking for it. I'm so scared to see her. I don't want to see her dead. But... I can't leave her there. I have to give her a proper burial. She didn't deserve this fate. "It's going to be okay, Jay." Andy says patting my shoulder. "She's at peace now." At least I got that going for me. She's not in pain or scared or worried. I'm too scared to open the door so Andy does it for me. I'm in utter shock to see three vampires I hadn't ever seen before. "Who are you?! What are you doing here?! Where's... Where's my Wife?" I cry, worriedly walking into the room. The woman of the group walks into the middle of the small room. "I know you do not know us but... We are your birth parents." She says, gesturing to the tall, very nervous looking man. I'm a little shaken up. "M-My parents?" I shakily say. "I have the power to erase memories. And I thought it would be better if you didn't know us at all but we still kept an eye on you." "Dude this is weird. We should go. How can we even trust them?" I don't care about them. "WHERE'S MY WIFE?!" I shout lighting my hands on fire. "Still very hotheaded I see." The woman... Mom says. "This is Marlon. He has the power to bring the dead to life." Shock fills me. "Dude!" Andy cries surprised beside me. "B-Bring... Y-You can bring here back?" I shakily say, grabbing my shirt in shock. "It is up to you." I look passed them and see her lying on the couch, a look of frozen fear on her face. I run to her. "I'm s-so sorry. I'm sorry you even found me. It... It's been  nothing but bad for you." I shakily whisper, trying not to cry and failing. "Do you wish for him to-" "No." I force myself to say. Shocked gasps are heard behind me. I hold her cold hand. "She hated being a vampire. I should have let her go, I don't care what George would've done. If... If I had let her go... She.... She'd still be alive. She'd be okay. She.... She'd be safe." I cover my eyes, trying to stop crying. "Jase you gotta bring her back." "N-No I don't. I already did one selfish thing by allowing her to be turned. I won't be selfish again. I won't let her resume this torturous life. Even... Even if I want her back.... I... I won't do that to her." I look back down at her and close her unseeing eyes. "I love you so much." I whisper. "B-But it's... It's because I love you.... That I have to let you go." I carefully pick her up, her hand falling to the ground. Andy walks over and puts it against her chest. My parents look regretful and sad. "Don't be strangers mom and dad. I may be 21 but..... I still need my family." Andy surprisingly looked like he was about to cry even though he hated her. We slowly made the trek back home. I held her tight the whole time. Andy dug her grave in the backyard. "I'm sorry Jase." He says, covered in sweat and dirt. "Don't be. You're one of the best brothers I could ask for." I couldn't stop staring at her beautiful face. "Goodbye my love." As its customary for the eldest vampire of the family, George wraps her in a sheet and recited something. I wasn't really paying attention. It took all my willpower not to jump in the hole with her. I couldn't stop crying and felt like a total wuss. "I'm... So sorry." I whisper.

*a few hours later*

Andy's pov

He still hadn't left the gravesite. He was on his knees beside the stone. "Someone should go get him." Star said. Everyone was worried for our youngest comrade. I worriedly walked out there to him. "I... Think you should come inside, bro." "Andy... After this month.... I... Can you have them bury me beside her?" My chest starts hurting at the thought. "You're not dying!" I shout. His body was shaking. I was extremely worried. "I have nothing left to live for! The only good thing left from my old life is sick feet under! I don't want to live forever like you clowns! I want the pain to end! I'm.... I'm just so tired! Please.... Please let it end!" He cried sobbing. "B-But Jason-" "Please Andy if you were ever my friend.... If you were ever.... My brother..... You'd let me go." I started crying myself and fell to my knees beside him. "B-But w-what am I gonna do... With you gone? I.... You're the only thing keeping me going." "And she was mine." He caught me off guard by hugging me. "I love you Andy." "I love you too. Come on let's go inside." He reluctantly stood up and we went inside but you could tell as plain as day, he wished to be dead. "If.... If the bond wasn't broken I'd be dead with her. God I wish it didn't break." I wish there was something.... Anything I could do.

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