Chapter 21

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Jason's pov

I knocked on the door, my hands shaking, fear in my chest. I didn't want to do this. But I know I have to. I killed my dad. I would never be able to forgive myself. But I hope and pray, my mother would forgive me. The door opened and I could tell by the look in her eyes. She was grief stricken. "Mom, I'm sorry." "Save it. I don't want to hear it." "But-" "Just go." "Please... I... I didn't mean to!! It was an accident." "I don't care." My heart shatters.

Miranda's pov

I felt a slight pain in my chest, making me gasp in surprise. I walk out. "Has anybody seen Jason?" "I thought he was in bed with you." Andy said. The rest of them agreed. "No." Everyone looked worried. "Do you feel something?" George asks. I think. "Sadness." I whisper. Andy's eyes widen. "His adoptive mother." He says. Shit. 

Jason's pov

I shakily sit on the front step. Mom hates me now. Just as I feared. Black smoke flashes. My birth parents. "What do you want?" I mutter glaring at the ground. "Such insolence. You are aware she's only human right." Father says. I sigh and glare at my shoes. "You don't understand the significance father." I hate talking like this. But if I don't, they think I sound stupid. "Significance doesn't matter. Results. Stand, son." "Why?" "Do not question your father!" I sigh and do as he says. 

Miranda's pov

"WHERE IS HE?!" I cry panicked. "I sense fear." "Being connected has it's perks. Doesn't it?" Andy says, glaring ahead angrily, worried. "We have to hurry. Something bad is going to happen! I can feel it!" 

Jason's pov

"No!! Leave her alone!" I cry desperately, grabbing the sides of my head in fear. Father dragged mom out. A woman with blue hair stood beside mother. "What's going on? Who's she?" "They will arrive soon." The blue haired woman says. My body tenses in shock. She's a witch. "Why are you associated with witches?!" I screech shocked. Just then my friends and wife were running over. "You know what to do." Father says. The witch chants something. Seconds later they smash into an invisible forcefield. What the?! I run over, putting a hand against the forcefield. "What's going on?!" "It's time." Father says, shoving mom to her knees. "Stop!! What are you talking about?!" "Time to embrace what you are!" What's going on?! "Take this forcefield down. You can't keep me from my wife!" "Wife?" He gapes. I nod. "We're married." He chuckles. "You stupid boy." What?!! I turn back to the forcefield which won't let my lover pass. "What's going on?" "I don't know." I say fearfully, wanting desperately to get to her.  I feel Father's hand on my shoulder. He pulls me back with such force. 

Miranda's pov

I pound on the forcefield, fear filling me seeing Jason distressed. "What's going on?" "I regretted to inform him his birth parents were evil." I spun around on George. "DON'T YOU THINK THAT'S SOMETHING YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD HIM???!" He sighs. "I thought we could protect him from them." "What do we do now?" "There's nothing we can do." Fear seethes through me. By the way he made eye contact with me, he could feel it too just as I could feel his. His dad said something to him that we couldn't hear. He fearfully took a step back and shook his head. "What are they telling him?" "Nothing good." Jamie says. "Raven you can phaze through walls!" I gasp beggingly to the gothic woman. "Walls not forcefields made by witches. I'm sorry." 

Jason's pov

"I WON'T! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!" I yell horrified and angry. He smiles. "Can't I?" He glances at the forcefield where Miranda stood. Fear pounds through me in waves. "You know what to do." He says to the witch. "Aye sir." She says something I can't understand and Miranda falls to her knees in pain. "No!! Stop!" "Then do it!! Become what you were born to do!" "I can't! I don't want to be evil!" "Suit yourself." I hear her scream, sudden pain engulfs me too. I know why. I feel her pain as she feels mine. "Stop!" I choke out, falling to my knees. "Do it or you both die." He says. 

Miranda's pov

"NO!" Jamie gasps, fearful. I struggle to open my eyes, the pain raging through me. Suddenly it stops and Jason strugglingly stands up. Andy helps me up. "What's happening?" "His parents are turning him over to the dark side." "What? How?" I cry shakily. "By making him feed on someone he cares for. Otherwise the witch would have killed you both." Horrified, I watch him bite his own mother. Her painful bloodcurdling screams fill the area. Black veins branch out over Jason's arms and face. His hair turns black and his eyes turn crimson. "No!" I whimper shakily. The barrier dissapates. But Andy holds me back. "Let go of me!" I gasp desperate. But he won't release me. And as expected I can't break free due to his super strength. "Eliminate them all. Except of course your wife because then you will perish." His father says. "As you wish, father." He says, bowing. Oh no! He barrels forward but I break free from my now stunned friend. "Stop!" I cry, standing in front of him. "Move." He whisper growls. "No way! They're your family!" He glares down at me, eyes bloodshot red. "They are weaknesses. As are you but we're physically bonded. I can't harm you." I don't like the way he's talking. "I thought you loved me." I gasp shakily. "Love is an emotion you feel. I have no emotion." "YES YOU DO!!" I yell angrily. "Not anymore." He whispers, striking me across the face. I stumble to the ground and he walks passed me. "Jamie use your power!" "I can't! His father shut his emotions off! I can't change something that doesn't exist!" She gasps panicked, backing up. He closes the distance. George stands in the way, baring a silver sword. "You're no match for me, old one." He whisper growls. "I may be no match but I'd rather go down fighting then survive a coward." He says, gravely. Jason laughs. A dark evil laugh. What George said gives me the strength. I stand up and jump on his back, covering his eyes. "Run!" I holler. They take off. He slings me down. "You're lucky my stupid self married you before I was turned or you'd be dead right now." I shakily stand up. "What do we do with her, father?" "Do as you want. We will eliminate the others some other time. Come son." He grabs my wrist. "Let me go!" He drags me behind. Ignoring my protests. "How do we darken her father?" "Her mother." Fear fills me. "I'll never do it." My husband smiles. "I said the same thing. Now look at me." "You only did it to save me because your father was hurting me." "Actually the witch was." He says. "At your father's command!" I say, trying to pull free, finally succeeding. His fingers cut a sharp line in my arm. I hiss in pain as I fall. Dark clouds of evil cloud his judgment. I stand up. "Only one thing can bring you back." "What?" I move my hair exposing my neck. "Bite me." His eyes widen. "You could die if I do." "I don't want to live without you, Jason and you are not my Jason so it is a risk I'm willing to take." I can tell he's having trouble resisting the urge. "No! Jason don't!" His father yells. Jason was dripping with sweat. "I can't." He chokes out and grabs my shoulders sinking his fangs into my flesh. I fight back the urge to scream. His hands wrap tighter around me. He pulls his fangs out of my throat, breathing heavily. I look into his eyes. They're green and full of confusion. "You're back!" I cry relieved hugging him. "B-Back? Where'd I go?" I laugh softly with relief and smile, staring into his beautiful green eyes, his hands holding me up. "To the stars, cowboy, to the stars." I whisper. He smiles. "You're so beautiful baby girl. I love you so much." I'm so happy to hear him say that. "I love you too." He kisses me and his dad screams in anger. Then they both vanish. 


Jason's pov

It's been a complete blank all day. I don't remember anything. Yet again they won't tell me what happened. Not even Miranda. She says it's for the best. She was teary eyed when she said it too. I worriedly laid in bed, exhausted, confused, fearful. The door opened. Jamie. "I'm so confused." I whisper when she sits beside me. "You need to rest. You've been through way more than a vampire your age should ever go through." I stare at her worried. "What's going to happen now?" She smiles. "Don't worry about it." She says not to worry but it's all I can think of. "Just sleep." She whispers. I'm already exhausted so it doesn't take me long to fall asleep.

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