Chapter 37.

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I turn to him with complete shock, him having kicked the door open and successfully planted himself inside. I already feel claustrophobic with him being in such a tight quarters with me. I won't let this affect my judgement, though. I will continue to be mad at him for what he's done.

"Get out," I demand, feeling my blood pressure heighten when thinking about all the stuff he's put me through. I gave this man a piece of myself that I didn't even think to give to anyone else. And I know I keep saying this, but it hurts. It hurts to know that it was all apart of a lie.

He doesn't listen in the slightest, actually going against my word completely by closing and locking the door behind him. This makes me more nervous. I try to ignore it, though and get straight to work on my soaking wet shirt. I take the towel and wet it in water before rubbing it on the stain.

I let out a laugh. "This is what you wanted, isn't it? Make me look like a fool in front of everyone?"

Jace looks angry at the thought, and speaks with clenched teeth. "Clearly not, Nina. What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Me?" I scoff and turn to him. Here we are back to fighting again. It's what we do, apparently and it'll never stop. "What is wrong with me? How about you 'mister I'm going to use this stupid girl for my own selfish reasons and lie to her about it-"

"It wasn't like that!" He yells, voice deep and raspy. "I didn't lie to you. Not once about how I felt-"

"You're just so full of bullshit aren't you?" The word throws me off guard a little bit, but I keep my cool. Chances are this is what he wants, for me to lose myself. "Do you honestly expect me to believe that? That you cared for me in the slightest?"

"Youre confused-"

"No," I shake my head and step towards him. "How dare you play me for a fool, Jace? Haven't you don't enough? Haven't you got what you wanted? Eric knows, Eric knows and you won. Congratulations, would you like a stupid trophy?"

I'm slurring my words at this point, barely understanding them myself. It's coherent enough for him to comprehend, though. I'm sure he deals with many drunken girls. I scoff at that.

"Now you've successfully ruined my night with your bullshit," I look away from him. "Are you happy?"

He clenches his jaw, eyes hard. "Oh yeah, I'm sure you were having a great time with Xavier Redd."

I glare at him. "He's nicer than you are, I'm sure he wouldn't lie to me and make me believe something that was further from the truth than anything."

The clenching and unclenching of his fists shows that I'm getting under his skin. Empowerment runs through me at that knowledge and I get closer to him, looking up into his eyes.

"And I'm sure he could make me feel just as good as you did." I'm far more shocked by my own words than anyone else I'm sure, but Jace has taken it to a whole new level.

His eyes dart to mine, piercing my skull with their intensity. I feel like I just crossed a line that I never knew was drawn, but I don't regret what I said. He deserves to feel pain in the only way I know he can; jealousy. If I can use that to my advantage than why the hell not?

The shaky breath he lets out hits my lips and I feel lightheaded by it. He could most surely be the death of me if I allowed it.

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