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"Ugh!! My head!!" Tiffany woke up on Taeyeon's bed from a sudden headache. She blink her eyes twice when she saw everything around her were unfamiliar, she remembers she drown herself in alcohol while dragging Kyle into the college pub.

"Where am I?" Tiffany asked herself as she tilts her head like she was clueless puppy lost in the city before she heard a footstep coming through the room.

"Finally you're awake." Taeyeon said coldy as she buttons up her uniform after taking a nice shower to pick up Jessica on her penthouse like what she promise last night.

"Taetae!" Tiffany scream with her teary eyes as she climbs off the bed and jump at her Taeyeon that they almost fell behind.

"Be careful, will you? Ah, goodness you stink!" Taeyeon scoffs from her childish act as she roll her eyes pushing off the girl whose wrapping her arms around her body.

"Go and wash up before you go to school or Mom will get mad at me for not taking care of you. Don't you know your Appa is too worried at you last night because you're absent and they couldn't contact you either." Taeyeon nagged like a strict mother into Tiffany who pouts like a cute puppy but she don't want to let her guard down.

"Sorry." Tiffany bow her head low.

"I already called them last night that you're staying me at me so they don't have to worry." Taeyeon coldly said before she rush for picking up her older girlfriend.

"Thank you Taetae." Tiffany said.

"Don't ever call me by your stupid nickname, arasso?" Taeyeon glares at her poor sister who almost choke in fear as she hold back her tears.

"Let's stop it." Taeyeon added before she prepares herself for school leaving Tiffany behind.


"Seriously Taeyeon?" Jessica scoffs as she saw Tiffany behind her lover who seems not please as well because her stepsister insisted to drive her into their school.

"What is she doing here?" Jessica glares as she pointed her finger into Tiffany's direction who silently stood beside Taeyeon.

"I'll drop you at work." Taeyeon held both Jessica's hands as she tried to calm down the pissed off latter.

"Let's talk later." Jessica yanks off her lover's hand before she intentionally bumps into Tiffany as she pass by her.

"Come on." Taeyeon called her stepsister whose still standing unmoved behind while fidgetting her hands together.


"Ayo! Fany!" Her friend Bora called as she waves off her hand towards her walking friend who wears a frown on her face.

"What happen to you?" Bora asked when Tiffany sat beside her on the hallway bench.

"I had hangover today." Tiffany said back while staring on the floor instead.

"But you seems like you're heartbroken by the tone of your voice." Bora comforts Tiffany's back before their friend approaches them.

"Did you already done your assignment yesterday?" Lisa asked while fishing out her notebook from her backpack.

"Oh shoot!" Tiffany smacked her forehead for forgetting her assignment yesterday since she quickly runs into the college pub to loosen up a bit.

"I bet you forgot yours." Bora sighed heavily when her friend often forgot hers.

"I think I won't be able to join you in class guys!" Tiffany picked up her backpack with her as she hastily left her friends behind with a confused look in their eyes.

"Seriously she is something." Bora sighed for the umpteenth time watching her friend left.

"Aahhhh finally I'm free." Tiffany stretches her arms as she escape from school and fastly runs into the rooftop instead of attending her first class with Kyle, she's avoiding him after Taeyeon told her everything happens last night before they left the dorm earlier.

"What are you doing here?" Tiffany heard a familiar voice from behind as she jumps off from fear.

"AAAHHHHH!" Tiffany shrieks and held her chest after she saw Taeyeon coldly staring back at her.

"Why are you not attending your class again? Should I report you to your father?" Taeyeon lecturing her stubborn stepsister who wasn't listening at her wordd even if you repeated it a couple of times.

"I forgot my assignment last night and Mr. Jang will tell me to get out too so I decided not to attend." Tiffany explains eagerly before she watched Taeyeon intensely staring at her without expression.

"You're so much of a fool." Taeyeon insulted her made Tiffany step aback.

"Why are you so stubborn?" Taeyeon raises her voice with her pissed off tone as she balls her fist from anger.

"You don't even listen to me and still keeping your stubborn head in your way!" Taeyeon trying to calm down herself as she glares at Tiffany.

"I'm out of here." Taeyeon turns her back from the younger girl but Tiffany holds her wrist before she pulls her with force.

"Do you even love me?" Tiffany asked as she let her tears fell on her cheeks.

"What?" Taeyeon asked.

"Because I hate how you still care and nagged at me whenever I committed mistakes." Tiffany lwt out her bottled up emotions.

"I'm only concern because soon we were going to be sisters and I'm going to be the eldest stepdaughter of your father." Taeyeon pointed out so Tiffany will get the message.

"Yes, I love you now as your stepsister and nothing more." Even if it hurts for both of them Taeyeon managed to said it out.

"So please don't make things hard." Taeyeon begged with her pleading eyes while Tiffany said nothing but to bows her head from shame.

"I'll head first." Taeyeon marched but her stepsister held her wrist tightly before Tiffany forcefully turns her around so they could face each other now.

"Wh--- Hmph!" Tiffany pressed her lips hard into Taeyeon's one makes them harder to breathe and forcefully dragged her and pinned her both hands above her head into the nearer wall behind them.

"Hmmph!" Tiffany uses her full strength to silence her older sister by her pair of lips and enter the wet cavern using her tongue so now they had a tongue battle.

"If you're not going to be with me then no one will have you." Tiffany stares at the other girl with her cold blood eyes before she finally releases Taeyeon who was panting heavily. The younger girl swiftly left without a word while picking her backpack on the floor leaving a dumbfounded Taeyeon whose mind went blank.

"That rascal!" Taeyeon utter under her breath as she coldly watched her insane ex-lover leaving the rooftop.

-to be continued

A/N: Everything is going to be more complicated between them because in a few days they are going to be sisters 🙄

With Love,

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