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Its been a month since they both left Seoul and things went on smoothly as well as their secret relationship. Tiffany got a call from her Daddy telling her that he will personally visit them after a few days because he had something to discussed with them and seems Stephen was more serious then hung up without even saying goodbye into his own daughter he didn't even missed her makes Tiffany more sulky towards Taeyeon who calmly spoiling her stepsister by being whipped.

"Daddy seems so cold when he called me and didn't even say goodbye to me." Tiffany suddenly said as they both watching Netflix on their leisure time, they would cuddle or went shopping but right now Taeyeon wants to spend her time with Tiffany alone.

"Sounds strange." Taeyeon calmly said shoving a popcorn on her mouth with her eyes focused on the movie.

"I know right!" Tiffany protested while getting a handful of popcorn on the bowl held by Taeyeon.

"Maybe be you've done something wrong?" Taeyeon wisely said made Tiffany gasped.

"Did I do something wrong?" Tiffany thought for awhile with a cute frown on her face.

"Just relax and watch the movie." Taeyeon playfully pinch her cheeks when she turns her head into her sulking lover sitting on the couch beside her.

"How could I watch a cartoon movie? Trolls? Seriously Taetae?" Tiffany scoff when her lover insisted to watched an animated film instead of 500 days of Summer.

"It's good." Taeyeon shortly said.

"Kid." Tiffany murmur.

"It's your turn to cook tonight." Taeyeon drop the topic and look at her lover.

"I know you don't need to remind for umpteenth times." Tiffany stick her tongue out sulking at Taeyeon.

"You're quite a sneaky." Taeyeon retorted back before she stares blankly at Tiffany.

"I think we need to buy something in the grocery." Tiffany forcefully pulled her lover with her making Taeyeon groans in response because she was disturbed again for a couple of times.

"Why don't you go alone?" Taeyeon snorted when she got pulled up by Tiffany whose fixing a red scarf on her neck before putting another one for Taeyeon since its too cold outside.

"It's enjoy when you're with me and besides we could call it a simple date." Tiffany flash her eyesmile after making sure she fixed neatly the blue scarf around her lover's neck covering half of Taeyeon's face in return but she looks more adorable.

"You're such a cutie." Tiffany stole a kiss on her lover's cheek before putting her pair of boots before Taeyeon joins her.


"Too cold." Tiffany shivers after they got outside and even their thick jacket won't helped them through the killer cold weather.

"..............." Taeyeon shyly offers her hand without a word gesturing Tiffany to take it to lessen the cold.

"Thank you baby." Tiffany smile widely at Taeyeon's sweet gestures without saying it.

"What will we buy then?" Taeyeon asked Tiffany as they went inside the grocery and took a cart with them as they look out on their needs.

"I already got a list." Tiffany proudly shows a paper containing the list to buy.

"Good job." Taeyeon complimented before patting her head like a cute little puppy.

"You want cheese or mayonnaise?" Tiffany wander her eyes around asking Taeyeon to choose.

"Cheese." Taeyeon simply answered before her eyes landed on her favorite section, candies.

"You will buy this much?" Tiffany saw a few pack of gummies inside their cart before Taeyeon push them and went to other section ignoring her.

"Oh Kim Taeyeon?" Taeyeon bumps into her classmate as she looked around.

"Hi." Taeyeon coldly said before waving a little into the girl.

"Are you with someone?" The girl asked as she stares lovingly at Taeyeon's cold facade yet cool.

"Yes." Taeyeon search for Tiffany but she was nowhere to be seen.

"You're buying something?" The girl looked at the other girl's cart.

"Yes supplies." Taeyeon still searching Tiffany around ignoring the girl.

"Can I accompany for awhile?" The girl switch place and went beside Taeyeon and quickly cling her arm.

"Okay." Taeyeon pushed the cart before she shrugged the girl off who seems too happy with her crush.

"Taetae." They both felt stunned when they heard Tiffany's cold voice behind while crossing her arms watching them.

"Where did you go?" Taeyeon asked and gently pushed the girl to detached her.

"I was in the sanitary section." Tiffany coldy said.

"Ah Fany, this is my classmate Juniel." Taeyeon introduced.

"Hi I'm Juniel." The girl offer a hand but Tiffany didn't take it and instead she flips her hair on the side showing her exposed neck making Taeyeon gulped.

"I'm Tiffany Hwang."

"I think I gotta go now Taeyeon." Juniel awkwardly smile before she quickly left Taeyeon.

"Stop showing off your charm." Tiffany cutely covers Taeyeon with her blue scarf almost covering her whole face but the younger girl left her eyes shows.

"Is it necessary to cover my face? I can't even breathe Fany." Taeyeon finally protested but Tiffany glares at her.

"Then I will kiss your lips when no one else watching us." Tiffany seductively whispers on Taeyeon's ear.

Taeyeon smacked her forehead before they continue buying their neccessities in the grocery leaving a happy Tiffany walking around cheerfully with her stepsister followed behind.


"I forgot to buy my favorite pudding!!!" Tiffany cried in despair when she took all the food out from their plastic bags.

"I told you already that we forgot something but you won't even listen because you're busy stealing kisses from me." Taeyeon scoff before rolling her eyes and placing the froze food inside their fridge.

"But at least I bought my strawberry ice cream." Tiffany wipes off her tears when she an ice cream tub inside.

"Fany." Taeyeon called.

"Yeah?" Tiffany replied without looking at Taeyeon whom she thought wad busy cooking their dinner.

"I need to tell something." Taeyeon said seriously.

"What is it?" Tiffany arch her brows when she saw Taeyeon's expression.

"Your Dad called me few days ago." Taeyeon continue studying Tiffany's facial expression.

"And?" Tiffany watched her carefully as she sat across her.

"Stephen already knew about us."

-to be continued

A/N: Drama coming soon 🙁

With Love,

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