Dare 3: Love Scene

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Madi: Alright, Wizard Alex next dare is for you

Alex: I'm not a wizard... -_-

Madi: Remember, I'm the author so I CAN make you into one

Alex: Whatever! What's the dare??

Madi: SketchIsHot dares you to create a love scene with Sub ;)

Alex: Ooookay...

Denis: Goodluck!

*Alex goes up stairs*

Alex: *knocks on door*

Sub: You can come in!

Alex: *opens door*

Sub: So has the next dare come in yet?

Alex: Yep! I- I have to do the dare...

Sub: You need help to do it?

Alex: N-no

Sub: Then, why are you here!?

Alex: *pushes Sub onto bed and kisses him*

Sub: *kisses back*

Madi: *secretly fangirling in background*

Alex: I love you....

Sub: I-I love you too...


Alex: W-were you watching us?! *blushes*

Madi: Well I did make this whole thing happen, so I had no choice to! Heh, you wouldn't even exist right now if I didn't make this book

Alex: True...

Madi: Ty, again SketchIsHot for the wonderful dare! :D

Dare The Pals {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now