Dare 21: Meow Meow

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Madi: Hallow! Welcome back! Okay, next dare is for none of you guys...

Sketch: Again! Is another person being added! I don't want to deal with more annoying people...

Angie: Hey!

Sketch: Besides you!

Sub: Hey!

Madi: Well, lets not worry about that right now, I MAY be adding someone else ;))

Sketch: Oh god

Madi: ANYWAYS, next dare is for Pablo and Sir Meows A Lot and they have to make out! (Dare by: Chocolate4OH btw)

Denis: But Sir Meows A Lot isn't real

Madi: Well-

Sketch: You're the author! You don't have to say it! Just make the stupid cat appear, okay?!

Denis: He's not stupid! Unlike you...

Madi: You don't have to
mean Sketch!

Sketch: Whatever...

*Sir Meows A Lot appears*

Madi: There you go :3

Angie: Aww, kitty!

Denis: Yay! I actually have a cat now!

Alex: I'm allergic to cats so rip me ;-;

Sub: You'll be fine

Madi: Anyways, do that dare!

Sir Meows: Mew meow?

Denis: He's so adorbale!

Alex: Aww, cute

Sketch: Eh...he's alright

Corl: Well, what are you waiting for!? Do the dare!

Sir Meows: Meow!

Pablo: Okay! (Pablo has a voice right?)

Sketch: O-o He can talk?!

Denis: I didn't know he could do that!

Corl: Awesome!

Sir Meows: Meow meow?

Pablo: *nods*

Denis: What are they-

Pablo and Sir Meows: *makes out*

Sketch: I'm tired of seeing people make out!

Denis: Why because you have no one to make out with?

Sketch: *blushes* No!

Angie: He jealousss

Sketch: *stomps foot* I'm not!

Alex: Aww, he's acting like a child! He so cute

Sketch: Stop! I hate you guys

Sub: We love you too

Sketch: -.-

Madi: Okay, this chapters going to be cut short! Thanks for the dare and thanks for reading! :D

Dare The Pals {Completed}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora