Dare 135: Dorl for 2 weeks

197 13 43

Madi: Ayyyeeee

Sketch: Yoo

Madi: Welcome back!

Corl: Yeeeee

Sub: Reeeee

Pizza: HOT POCKETS! ...oh wait...this isn't about food

Corl: *face palms*

Pizza: I'm a weirdo...and I like food! Don't judge meh! D:

Madi: Well, let's get this started! I'm addin a new person

Sketch: ...

Madi: Meet Sophie! @CorlxDenisxDorl

Sophie: Hiii!

Sophia: Your name is kinda similiar to mine XP

Sophie: XP

Madi: Well tell us about yourself!

Sophie: So my name is Sophie, obviously. I am gay. I have blonde dirty hair and blue eyes!

Denis: Ugh, I'm jealous of your blue eyes >.<

Sophie: ;P

Denis: Not fairrrrr

Sophie: I'm a Skub chanter! But even more obssessed with Dorl

Sargent: .-.

James: YAS! SKUB!

Rian: SKUB


Abhy: SKUB

Sophie: SKUB!!!

Sargent: My nightmares are getting worse .-.

Denis: Sorry Sargent...but you can't do anything about it! XP

Sargent: You wait and see Denis...you wait and see

Denis: Okay I'm kinda scared ;-;

Sargent: ;D

Sophie: Anyways, my dare is for Dorl to happen for 2 weeks straight and I get to record it and put it on both of their channels XP but...

Corl: But?!

Sophie: If they don't do it for 2 weeks straight...then Pizza dies....FOREVER!!!

Pizza: *stops eating Hot Pocket* WHAT?! WHY MEEEEEEE?!

Sophie: I don't know...just because XP

Pizza: Nuuuu, I don't wanna die :c

James: Oof, rip Pizza

Sketch: Nooo, not psycho!

Madi: You guys better do Dorl for 2 weeks straight! >:(

Denis: We are!

Corl: ;-;

Sophie: *gets camera* I'm ready!

Denis: Uhm

Sophie: Let's get this dare started!

Sub: Yas!
Day 1

Sophie: *sets up secret cameras*

Denis: Uhh, what are you doing?

Sophie: Setting up cameras to watch you guys ;P

Denis: Oh, okay

Pizza: You guys better do this dare correctly ;-;

Corl: Don't worry we got this!

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