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Madi: Okayyy, so uhm, a lot of people wanted...Sketch and Sub to date

Sketch: W-what?!

Madi: Yep, so you have to break up with Ethan

Sketch: ;-; Do I have too?

Madi: Yes, cause I said so

Sketch: Fine -_-

Ethan: Hey guys!

Sketch: I swear you just pop up from nowhere

Ethan: Hehe ;P

Sketch: But uhhh, I'm breaking up with you

Ethan: What?! Why?! :c

Sketch: Because...I guess me and Sub are meant to be together

Ethan: Oh...well I don't care

Sketch: You don't?

Ethan: Nope! I've been wanting to ask out one of my friends!

Sketch: Which is?

Ethan: Amie :)

Sketch: Oh, okay!

Ethan: Anyways, later!

Madi: Where's Sub?

Sketch: Upstairs
*Upstairs in Sub's room*

Madi: SUB!

Sub: AH! Jeez, you scared me!

Madi: Sub, I need you to break up with Alex

Sub: Is this for a dare?

Madi: Nopeee!

Sub: Then no

Madi: Yes! >:( The Mini Donuts want you to break up with Alex

Sub: Fine -.-

Alex: Hey, what's going on?

Sub: Uhm, I have to tell you something, Alex

Alex: What?

Sub: I'm....breaking up with you

Alex: Why? :(

Sub: Because of something...I forgot

Alex: Oh...okay...

Sub: I'm sorry

Alex: Whatever, I never had interest in you anyways

Sub: ;c

Madi: Dang

Sketch: Well uhm, Sub...

Sub: What?

Sketch: W-will y-you g-go out with m-me?

Sub: I uhhh...Y-yes!

Sketch: :)

Denis and Corl: *busts through the wall* SKUB!

Madi: Wow

Sketch: *blushes*

Madi: Well my mini donuts, here ya go! Sketch and Sub are officially dating! :D Byee!

Dare The Pals {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now