Dare 9:

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Madi: Alright, next dare is for all of you

Sketch: We better not go anywhere scary...

Denis: Ha, chicken

Sketch: I'M NOT A CHICKEN! I don't like scary things okay... *crosses arms*

Denis: Whatever...

Madi: Calm down you two...Anyways @OmgItzlia2377 wants you all to go to the club, stay there for an hour, someone yells,"HEY DUDE HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN PLAYING ROBLOX FOR", and then someone has to reply with," FOR ABOUT HOW LONG I'VE BEEN DEAD"

Denis: That is a really long dare

Madi: You still have to do it

Sketch: So who's going to say that lines?

Sub: You are! You're going to say the first part

Alex: Then who's going to say the second part?

Sketch: Sub since he said I have to do the first line!

Sub: Fine, whatever

Denis: Alright, let's go

*goes to club*

Sketch: Is this what a club is like? Just dancing?

Corl: I don't know I've never been to one...

Denis: Forget about that do the dare already!

Sub: Alright



Everyone in the club: *stares*

Elijah: *blushes* Uhm, let's go...

Madi: Nope, you have to stay for an hour...

Sub: But we just embarrased ourselves

Madi: Well that's you fault

Denis: Well, what are we going to do here for an hour?

Sub: Dance?

Corl: I don't dance...

Sketch: WHAT? I love dancing!

Corl: Not me! Especially when It's around a bunch pf strangers

Denis: I'll dance with you! *smiles*

Corl: No...

Alex: Well what CAN we do?

Sub: I mean, there really isn't anything to do but dance or get drunk...

Sketch: No...that's not happening, I'd rather dance

Denis: Or we could just stand here for an hour looking like fools

Corl: Well we need to decide on somethig to do

Sketch: We could flirt with some girls

Alex: I don't like girls like that...

Sketch: and guys

Denis: No, that's not happening


Sketch: Sshh, I don't want people staring at us again

Madi: You guys wasted like 40 minutes of your time arguing over what you should do

Denis: *sigh* I'm going to the bar

Sketch: I'm going to dance

Corl: Uhm...

Denis: Come with me *grabs Corl's arm*

Sketch: Nah, he should come with me *grabs Corl's other arm*

Denis: No! He's coming with me!

Sketch: NO! He's coming with me!

Denis: We'll let Corl decide who he wants to go with

Corl: U-uhm...

Sketch: He wants to go with me! He doesn't have to answer

Corl: N-no! Neither of you!

Alex: Has an hour been up yet

Madi: Nope! 5 more minutes!

Sub: What are we going to do?

Madi: Go dance! *pushes everyoen onto dance floor*

Corl: I-I don't like this...

Sketch: WHOO PARTY! *dances*

Alex: *sigh* Oh skoop...

Sub: Don't get to crazy...

Corl: There's to many people! *gets knocked onto floor*

Sub: I'm getting crowded!

Corl: Someone help

Madi: Oh dear...

Sketch: Haha! Losers

Denis: Has an hour been up yet? I almost got hit in the head with a wine glass!

Mado: Yes an hour has been up

Corl: Thank gosh

Sketch: But I don't want to leave ;-;

Alex: Yes you do, now lets get out of here

*goes home*

Denis: I never want to do that again!

Corl: Same

Sketch: But it was funn, well the first part wasn't

Sub: Whatever, I'm just glad it's over...

Madi: Welp! Anyways, ty for the dare! Keep em coming!

Dare The Pals {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now