Dare 29: More drunk!?

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Madi: Alright next dare is for all of you!

Sketch: Do we have to go to the mall?! The cemetry!?

Madi: Except you though

Sketch: Man! Why do I get left out :c

Madi: Sowwy. Anyways, SketchIsHot dares Sub to dance with Alex drunk and Denis to dance with Corl drunk

Sketch: I always get left out of the fun stuff

Denis: Getting drunk is fun to you?

Sketch: Well...

Corl: Wowowow

Sub: Anyways, shall we go ahead and do this dare?!

Corl: We shall

*30 minutes later*

Denis: Woah! I feel so weird!

Sketch: Well, you guys dance

Alex: Me need some moosic

Corl: Moosic? No one wants to here moosic by cows!

Sketch: Wow...anyways, hears some music *plays dance/electronic music*

Denis: Whooo! Moosic

Corl: I hear no cows D:

Sub: Jake is deaf! How can you not hear the cows!?

Denis: Yeah! I hear them going "meow"

Sketch: That's a cat...

Denis: No! That's a cow!

Sketch: Jeez

Sub: Cheese?

Sketch: That's not what I said...

Alex: Cheesecake?

Sketch: No! No cheesecake

Corl: :c

Sketch: You guys are supposed to be dancing!

Denis: We are!

Sub: I'm going to do a flip! That's dancing right?

Sketch: Sure...I guess... but I don't think that's a good idea

Sub: *tries to flip but lands on back*

Sketch: Ooo, ow

Sub: I'm NOT okay!

Alex: Are you okay?! :O

Sub: No! I'm NOT okay!

Denis: Why aren't you helping Skeas?!

Sketch: That's not my-... whatever, It doesn't matter

Denis: His life matters! He's dying over here

Sub: Wait! I'm dying?! But I was just born yesterday D:

Sketch: Wow you guys are weird...

Sub: I'm dying! Help! Call 201!

Sketch: Don't call anyone! You are NOT dying!

Sub: I AM dying

Denis: Wow, you want your own friend to die...shameful Skeas, shameful

Sketch: ;-;

Alex: *jumps off of table to attempt a flip and lands on Sub*

Sketch: Why would you do that...

Dare The Pals {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now