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Madi: More peeps :3

Sketch: Peeps? Like the candy?!

Madi: No...

Sketch: :c

Madi: Peeps as in people!

Sketch: Then you shouldv'e said that

Madi: Then maybe you should be smarter

Denis: Oooo

Sketch: :(

Madi: Anyways, meet Lucy!

Lucy: H-Hi...

Denis: Hiya!

Madi: Tell us about yourself! :D

Lucy: Well uhm...I have blood red glasses and I mostly wear black hoodies and black make up...I'm also depressed...

Alex: Aw :c Cheer up mate

Sketch: "ChEeR uP mAte" Is that really the best you can say -_-

Denis: Shut up Boston boy

Sketch: Don't call me that!

Denis: Boston boy ;))

Sub: Boston Boyyy

Sketch: I hate you guys

Sub: I love you too :3

Sketch: -_- Especially you

Sub: You love me ;)) Admit it

Denis: *trying not to fanboy*

Madi: *sighs* You guys never stop fighting

Sub: He started it!

Sketch: No you did!

Sub: No you

Sketch: You

Sub: You!

Sketch: You!

Sub: You!

Sketch: YOU!

Sub: YOU!

Sketch: YOUUUU!


Sketch: *crosses arms*

Sub: :P

Madi: Anyways...Great to have tou here Lucy

Lucy: :)

Sophia: And now we're going to end it here!

Madi: *sighs* I'll never get my outro back

Everyone: BYE!

Dare The Pals {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now