Dare 14: "Murderers"

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Madi: Okay, next dare is for all of you, except for Sketch

Corl: Dare?

Madi: SketchIsHot dares you to tie Sketch into a chair and pretend to be murderers to scare him

Alex: I actually like this dare

Sub: I want to be the one who knocks hims out!

Corl: Who said we were going to knock him out?

Denis: Well how are we going to get him tied up without him knowing it's us?

Sub: He has a point

Corl: I guess you're right

Alex: Where is he now?

Sub: He's upstairs in the room recording

Denis: Well, you guys know the plan right?

Corl: Yep!

Denis: Alright, lets go!

*Sub goes upstairs into Sketch room*

Sketch: Okay, take it easy!

Sub: *walks up behind him*

Sketch: *turns around*
AAA who are you?!

Sub: *knocks out Sketch with a bat*

*Ties Sketch up in a dark room*

Sketch: *wakes up* W-where am I? What happened? Is this a dream?

*Light turns on*

Denis: *in deep voice* nope...this isn't a dream

Sketch: W-who are you?!

Corl: We're just your average muderers y'know...murdering

Sketch: YOU'RE GOING TO MURDER ME?! Why me? Why not my other friends?

Sub: Because...we already killed your friends...and your next

Sketch: *cries* No please! Untie me please!!!!

Denis: *holds a gun up to Sketch's head*

Sketch: You don't have to do this please! *cries more*

Alex: Pull the trigger...

Sketch: NO NO NO NO NO! DON'T! *cries*

Denis: Before we kill you, do you want us to reavel ourselves?

Sketch: Yes....

*Everyone takes off masks*


Sub: In fact, IT WAS A DARE

Denis: Ha this ain't no real gun

Corl: We got youuuuu

Sketch. W-what?! How dare you guys!

Denis: ha, you were crying and everything!

Sketch: Why is everyone against me...

Corl: *Unties Sketch*

Sub: That's what you get for making fun of us!

Sketch: Shut up!

Madi: ahaha


Sub: Aww, we love you too

Madi: Thanks for the dare! (Why do I keep saying that? I say that at the end of every chapter XD)

Dare The Pals {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now