Dare 56: Princesses

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Madi: Next daree from Turtlez4Lif3

Sketch: Whooo!

Turtle: I dare all of you to go to Disney Land dressed up as Princesses

Sketch: Oh ;-;

Alex: Well...At least we get to go to Disney Land...

Sub: -_-

Sketch: I'm tired of dressing up as a girl! >:(

Corl: But you act like one so why not?

Sketch: >:(

Jazzy: Ahahah

Brooklyn: Got em! Haha

Sketch: I hate all of you!

Sub: I love you too :3

Sketch: I'm tired of you saying that -_-

Sub: And I'm tired of seeing your ugly face :3

Denis: Oooo

Sketch: That's why I hate you! I hate you out of all the Pals, Sub!

Sub: Oof ;c I'm hurt

Sketch: Good

Sub: No! It's not good ;c

Sketch: Why not? Just because I hate you?!

Sub: Because you don't love me and I love you ;c

Denis: Hehehe...Skub

Corl: Cheer up Sub! He does love you! He just doesn't show it like you do ;))

Sketch: I don't love Sub!

Denis: But do you like him?!

Sketch: No! I don't like him either

Sub: ;c He no love me

Sketch: -.- Fine...I'll say it...

Sub: Say what?

Sketch: I...love you...

Sub: :D


Sketch: I mean it in a friend way though! So don't get it twisted

Sub: I'll still take it :3

Sketch: I regret saying that so much....Ughh


Denis: *jumps up and down* I KNOW!

Sketch: -_-

Sub: ;3

Turtle: You guys gon do the dare or what?

Sketch: Fine...

*Everyone dresses up as a Princess*

Sketch: I look so...uglyy

Alex: Maybe you should've chosen a different color dress instead of Orange!

Sketch: But you wear purple all the time and you look good in it! Actually you look good in anything...*blushes*

Alex: *blushes* Did you...

Dare The Pals {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now