Dare 20: Surprise!

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(WOO DARE 20! We've done 20 dares so far!! :D)

Madi: okay! next dare is for dingo

Denis: What is it this time?

Madi: Turtlez4Lif3 dares you to make a special dinner for Corl and surprise hime with either a kitty or a doggo :3

Denis: Oh that easy!

Sketch: Ugh love, that sounds like too much work

Sub: You don't understand love because you got no one to love you

Denis: Dang, he told you Sketch

Sketch: W-Whatever...

Alex: Anyways, Corl is gone for a bit so we have time to plan

Denis: I don't know what I should make him though!

Sketch: His favorite food, duh! At least that's what I would want if someone planned me a surprise dinner!

Sub: That's actually a great idea skoop

Denis: You're actually being useful for once

Sketch: Hey! I'm always useful!

Sub: Did you mean useless?

Sketch: Shut up, you guys are mean

Alex: Says the person who said he would ship me back to my country!

Sketch: I wasn't trying to be offensive...

Alex: Yeah, I bet

Denis: Ugh, can everyone just stop fighting for one second and help me!

Sub: He's your boyfriend so uhm, you should know what kind of food he likes!

Denis: I actually...don't know...

Sketch: Wow, you idiot

Denis: You're an idiot

Alex: Don't start

Denis: Anyways, I'm pretty sure he doesn't care! He'll eat pretty much anything

Sub: I still like Sketch's idea

Sketch: At least SOMEONE likes my ideas

Denis: *rolls eyes*

Sub: Anyways, we need to figure out Corl's favorite food

Sketch: He likes eggs

Sub: Is that so...

Denis: It's true actually

Sub: Anything else?

Alex: I don't know

Denis: Uhm...

Sub: *sigh* Let's just make something, who cares what his favorite food is

Denis: Yeah, I'm ready to be done

Sketch: But you still have to pick put a pet for him a dog or a cat

Sub: True but we'll worry about that later

Denis: Okay, welp! Let's get started!

*starts cooking spaghetti, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, cheesecake, and cookie*

Denis: I'm so glad we're done!

Alex: Corl's coming in 5 minutes!

Sub: We don't even have the pet!

Denis: I don't know if I should get him a cat or a dog!

Sketch: Hurry and decide

Denis: Actually, I know the perfect pet to get him! I'll be back! Do NOT let him into this house! Stall him

Alex: Okay!

*Denis leaves*

Sub: We still got time to make something else I think

Alex: I don't know how we're going to make something in under 3 minutes

Sketch: Yeah stupid

Sub: Stop calling people names!

Sketch: Then stop being stupid

Sub: You're stupid...

Sketch: You're stupid!

Alex: *sigh* Why did I have to be stuck with you two?

*ding dong*

Sketch: I think that's Corl!

Sub: I'll get it

Corl: Hey guys!

Sketch: DON'T COME IN!

Corl: W-what! Why?

Sub: It's for something

Corl: You guys are being silly, let me in

Alex: No, Denis is surprising you!

Corl: Ooo, I want to see

All three: NO!

Corl: Okay, okay! I'll wait! Where is Denis anyways?

Sketch: He went to go get something

Corl: and what is that something?

Sketch: You ask too many questions!

Corl: Well, I want to know!

Alex: We're not spoiling anything

Corl: Okay whatever!

Denis: Okay, I'm back!

Corl: What's in that box?

Denis: It's a surprise! :P

Corl: Why is everyone so secretive!? I don't like it! *crosses arms*

Denis: It's for a good cause Corl...

Sketch: Ya! We have something inside waiting for you!

Corl: Well lets go!

*goes into house*

Denis: Surprise!

Corl: Wow! All of this for me!?

Denis: Yep!

Sub: We helped by the way!

Corl: Thanks!

Denis: I hope tou like this gift too!

Corl: Should I open it?

Sketch: Duh idiot!

Corl: *opens box*

Denis: I hope you like it!

Corl: You. got. me. a. PENGUIN?!

Denis: Do you not like it?

Corl: No, I LOVE IT! Thank you! *kisses Denis*

Sketch: *rolls eyes*

Sub: Aw

Alex: Well, what are you going to name it?

Corl: I'm going to name it...Pablo! Yea!

Denis: Good name!

Corl: Ahh! Thanks guys!

Sub: You're welcome!

Madi: Yay! lol We're going to end this off here! Thankssss! :D

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