Dare 8: Dramatic Scene

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Madi: Okay dare is for you Corl!

Corl: Finally!

Madi: SketchIsHot wants you to do a dramatic death scene and have Denis save you

Corl: That doesn't sound bad

Sketch: How become he gets the easy dares!

Sub: Shut up!

Alex: We'll help you out with the dare Corl

Corl: Okay thanks

Sub: So how should the scene go?

Sketch: Uhm...we can pretend that we're about to kill Corl? Heh...

Corl: That's a good idea...I guess...

Sub: So who should be the killer?

Alex: Sketch should since he suggested it!

Sketch: That's not fair!

Alex: It is fair! It was your idea!

Sketch: Fine...

Sub: Alright, I'll get Denis!

*30 seconds later*

Denis: Okay, I'm here...Where is everyone?

Sub: I actually have no idea


*Sub and Denis runs into basement*

Sketch: Better come save him or else, I'm going to kill him

Denis: *takes knife from Sketch and fake stabs him*

Sketch: Ooo, owww *death*

Corl: Thank you Din Din!

Denis: Awee you're welcome *kisses*

Sketch: Get. a. room.

Alex: You're just jealous because you have no one to kiss

Sketch: *blushes* No I'm not, I don't want to kiss anyone *crosses arms*

Alex: Lies...

Madi: Anyways, thanks for the dare! MORE DARESSS

Dare The Pals {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now