Dare 132: Rap Battles

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Madi: Okay, so I'm adding a new person!

Corl: okay?

Madi: -_- Anyways, meet Jacob! @persononyourstory

Jacob: Hi! I'm Jacob! I have blue hair and wings! I always wear my glasses so no one can see my true identity! I'm also a Skub shipper and a skub chanter

Sargent: Seriously! Another Skub shipper

Denis: I mean, who doesn't ship skub....besides you...and maybe a few other people

Sargent: -_-

Sub: Skub is the best ship ;)

Sketch: Sub, no...Shut up!

Sub: Meanie :c

Abby: Wait, did I hear skub chanter?

Jacob: Yep, you heard right!

James: Yay!! SKUB!

Abby: SKUB!

Jacob: SKUB!

Denis: SKUB!

Corl: SKUB

Sargent: -_-

Madi: Okay guys, don't get too hyped on Skub!

Denis: Too late ;D SKUUUUUUB

Madi: ;-; Can I finish please?

Denis: Okay fine :c

Madi: You can finish chanting Skub after

Denis: Yay :D

Madi: Okay, next dare is from Sarah! @RealSubZeroExtabyte

Sarah: I dare The Pals to have a rap battle and the losers have to get punched in the stomach by me! >;D

Alex: I'm going to lose ;-; I suck at this

Sketch: Ya Alex, your raps are cringey

Alex: At least I try my best!

Sketch: It's still cringe either way

Violet: Oof, yeah

Sub: Jeez Sketch, no need to be harsh

Alex: I don't care -_-

Sketch: I'm just telling him the truth!

Alex: Again, I don't care -.-

Sketch: Mhm

Sarah: Well let's get started!
Rap Battle Slam Contest

Denis: Okay, so who's going to battle first?

Sketch: It should be Alex and Corl since they suck the most!

Corl: I don't suck! What you mean?!

Denis: Honestly, Corl makes up the weirdest things cause he's a weirdo

Corl: I'm your weirdo :3

Denis: ;3

Sketch: *rolls eyes*

Sargent: I think we should have judges

Denis: We should also have a host!

Pizza: I wanna be the host! I'll make a great one ;D

Denis: Alright then, Pizza is the host

Madi: I'll be a judge!

Sargent: I'll also be one since I suggested it!

Sarah: I wanna be one

Violet: Me too!

Denis: Okay then, 4 judges

Dare The Pals {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now