Dare 118: Elijah or Ethan

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Madi: Okayyy, next dare is from Grace! @SquirlGirl

Grace: I dare Ethan and Elijah to fight over me ;3

Sketch: But Ethan isn't-

Ethan: I'M HERE! I heard my name!

Sketch: I spoke to soon..

Grace: Hehe

Nicole: Where do you even come from?!

Pizza: I'm telling you guys that he is a teleporter

Sub: or he's a wizard :o

Sketch: like Alex

Alex: -_-

Ethan: You guys will never know my secret ;)

Denis: Aw man :c

Ethan: Well what's the dare?

Grace: My dare was for you and Elijah to fight over me

Ethan: We all know I'm going to win

Sketch: I think you mean me? You're so weak my dude

Ethan: We'll see about that >:)

Sub: Ooooo

DJ: Fight fight fight

Pizza: *grabs popcorn* Time to sit back and enjoy the show

Sketch: LET'S GO BRO!

Ethan: YEAH!

Sketch: *punches Ethan in the stomach*

Pizza: Oof *continues eating popcorn*

Ethan: Owwww ;-;

Sketch: >:)

DJ: Fight fight fight

Grace: Go Ethan Go! Or Elijah, it doesn't matter to me XD

Madi: *eats a donut*

Ethan: *kicks Elijah in the ankle*

Sketch: OWWW! NOT THE ANKLES* *falls to the floor*

Ethan: and that ladies and gentlemen is how you take down the skoop :)

Everyone: *claps*

Sketch: *grabs Ethan's foot and pulls him onto the floor*

Grace: :O

Ethan: Ahhh!

Sketch: Ha, you thought this was over!

Pizza: Ooo, skoop coming back for the win

DJ: Oof

Sketch and Ethan: *still fighting*

5 minutes later

Ethan: I WIN!

Sketch: Agh, my everything hurts

Pizza: *throws popcorn* Man this show was rigged! I wanted Skoop to win


Nicole: Well congrats Ethan

Ethan: Wait, what was I fighting for again?!

Grace: Me ;P

Ethan: Oh yeah

Sub: *face palms*

Ethan: *kisses Grace* Welp, it was fun! Bye guys

Grace: *blushes*

Sketch: I hate you >:(

Ethan: Ha, bye

Alex: Welp

Madi: Also, pizza, you're cleanin up that popcorn .-.

Pizza: Uhm... *runs away*

Grace: Welp, that just happened

Madi: Yeah, and I think I'm going to end this here! Bye Mini Donuts

DJ: Bye

Nicole: Take it easy ;F

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