Dare 59: Drunk in public

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Madi: Okay, next dare is from SketchIsHot and they dare Dorl to dance drunk in public

Corl: Oh

Sketch: Man...they get to have all the fun >:(

Sub: Stop being a baby about things

Sketch: I'm not! I'm just saying

Sub: Mhm

Denis: Well, where should we go?

Corl: Uhm...uhh..

Sketch: Go to a club! I mean that's what they're for. Getting drunk and dancing

Denis: Yeaah, but that's too basic

Sketch: -_-

Sub: Besides, I don't want to go back to the club O_O

Alex: Oh gosh! I remember the last time we went

Sketch: But is was sooo fun

Sub: The dare isn't even for you! So, why do you care!?

Sketch: *rolls eyes*

Denis: Anyways, let's go to...uhh... .-.


Sketch: Please no...anywhere but there .-.

Alex: We always go to the mall!

Corl: Fine...let's go to...the beach?

Denis: O: YES!

Corl: The beach it is

*goez to beach*

Denis: Did you bring the beers?!

Alex: Yep! Right here

Corl: How much do we have to drink?

Sub: As much to get you drunk, duh!

Sketch: You're always being sassy!

Sub: and you're always being sexy ;)

Sketch: *blushes* Wha-

Denis: Skub!

Sub: Heheheh

Sketch: I hate you -_-

Sub: I love you too :3

Alex: Can you guys just do the dare already?

Denis: Fine

*30 ninutes later*

Corl: Oh my god! Why am I in quicksand! Help!

Sketch: It's just regular sand...

Sub: Yeah, Corl! We're at a beach!

Denis: >:( Don't call my boyfriend a *beeeeep*


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