Dare 104: 1 hour Skethan

348 7 34

Madi: Okay! I'm adding ANOTHER new person

Sketch: Oh my god...

Madi: Yep, lots of peeps

Denis: Yay

Madi: Anyways, meet Aleni! @someone304

Aleni: Hey!

Sophia: Hi! :D

Aleni: I love hot pockets!

Sketch: Same!

Pizza: Double same!

Brooklyn: Triple Same!

Aleni: I look up to Pizza, the person of course

Pizza: Awww :3

Aleni: I have black medium hair and dark brown eyes! My dare is to make a whole Sketch x Bandi hour!

Sketch: *blushes*

Ethan: Did someone say Bandi?!

Sketch: Where did-...you know what, I'm not going to ask anymore

Ethan: :)

Sketch: Anyways, we have to have a Sketch x Bandi hour

Ethan: What is that?

Sketch: I guess we hang out or...date for an hour?

Ethan: But I'm dating someone el-

Madi: Blah blah blah, just get on with the dare!

Denis: I prefer Skub over this -.-

Brooklyn: Doesn't everyone?

Angie: Yes

Jazzy: No...

JJ: Maybe

Alex: Possibly

Corl: Certainly

Sketch: ...Stop?

Denis: No?

Sub: Yes?

Alex: Maybe?

Corl: Possibly?

Madi: -_-

Denis: Okay we'll stop

Ava: Wow

Sketch: Well, let's go somewhere!

Ethan: Where?

Sketch: Anywhere but a mall or a cemetry!

Ethan: So we can go to a haunted house?

Sketch: No...

Ethan: Well you didn't list that so we're going!

Sketch: Nooo

Brooklyn: Poor Skoop

Madi: Rest in Peanut Butter and Jelly

Denis: Good luck!

Sketch: I hate my life ;-;
Haunted House

Dare The Pals {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now