Dare 138: Queens

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Madi: Next dare is from Pizza! Pizza101com

Pizza: I dare the pals to make me and Madi queens for a day ;3

Sketch: Oh god ;-;

Denis: Welp, time for a day of torture

Corl: Let me guess...do you guys want donuts and hot pockets?!

Pizza: Wow! You read my mind!

Sub: Wow Corl

Pizza: Now get me sum hot pockets! >:3

Madi: Yeh, and get me some Donuts!

Denis: Yes, miladys

Madi: Don't call me that! Call me...Queen Madison

Pizza: Same for me! Call me Queen Pizza

Sub: Okay Queen Madi and Queen Pizza

Madi: You said it wrong! >:(

Sub: What?! I said Queen Madi :c

Madi: Which is wrong! I said Madison! Not Madi! Get it right, Sub *takes out Katana* Or else you'll get it >:(

Sub: O_O No! Please no!

Sketch: I got your Hot Pocket, Queen Pizza!

Pizza: Thank you! *eat Hot Pocket*

Alex: And here's your Donut, Queen Madi...I mean Madison!

Madi: Yehhh! Thanks *eats Donuts*

Pizza: Okay, I have a task for all 5 of you

Sketch: What is it?

Pizza: I want you all to...dance to Sketch's theme song! And it has to be crazy dances!

Madi: Also, to make us feel like real queens, get us a crown!

Corl: Okayyyy

5 minutes later

Denis: Okay! I got you queens you're crowns!

Pizza: Yay! Now dance!

Alex: Do we all go at the same time or do we take turns? ;-;

Pizza: At the same time!

Corl: Oh okay

Pizza: Now dance, bois!

*Intro starts playing*

The Pals: *starts dancing crazy*

Pizza: >:3

Sketch: Do we have to dance for the whole song

Madi: Yes >:)

Alex: ;-;

Pizza: Also, I want even more crazier dancing! >;3

Denis: Are you kidding me?!

Pizza: Yep! Now do it!

Corl: Fine

The Pals: *dances even more crazier*

Allyson: *walks into living room* ...what is going on?

Pizza: Dance party :3

Allyson: ....mmm....okay

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