Dare 79: Sketch + Ethan

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Madi: K! Next dare is fooor Skoop :)

Sketch: Yay....-_-

Denis: Sarcastic much?

Sketch: I try ;)

Madi: Anyways, next dare is by Harley! SketchIsHot

Harley: I dare Skoop to run around the mall with Ethan yelling," THIS IS MY HOT SEXY BAE!!" and point to Ethan :3

Sketch: O///O

Ethan: Did I hear my name?!

Sub: When did you get here?

Ethan: I was always here

Sketch: Liar!

Ethan: Remember, I'm always watching ;)

Denis: O_O

Corl: That's kinda creepy

Ethan: I'm just kiddinggg

Sub: Mhm...

Sketch: Go away!

Ethan: Why are you so mean to me? :c

Harley: But we need Ethan for this dare!

Sketch: Oh yeah...I forgot

Ethan: I'm in the dare?! Cool!

Sketch: I just realized I have to go back to the mall O_O

Sub: So?

Sketch: We're banned from going there!

Harley: Oh welll

Sketch: It doesn't matter! Let go
*at the mall*

Ethan: Why are you bringing me here?

Harley: It's a surprise!

Ethan: But...it's not my birthday

Sub: *face palms*

Sketch: Surprises just don't have to be for birthdays -_- Idiot

Ethan: You're an idiot

Sketch: No you are!

Denis: Guys, don't start!

Harley: Do the dare!

Sketch: Okay, okay!

Ethan: I don't even know what the dare is...

Sketch: Just follow my lead

Ethan: Okay

Sketch: We're in the entrance of the mall right?

Denis: Yeah

Sketch: Okay good!

Sub: There's not that many people around

Sketch: We'll make our way up, don't worry

Corl: Hehehe

Sketch: Okay, I'm ready

Ethan: I'm so confused...

Sketch: THIS IS MY HOT SEXY BAE! *points to Ethan*

Ethan: O////O

Person: *stares at them weirdly*
*food court*

Sketch: There's always so many people at the food court

Harley: Well, everyone loves food, so why not?

Sketch: Truee

Ethan: Are you going to scream again?

Sketch: Maybe, maybe not ;)

Denis: Do it!

Sketch: THIS IS MY HOT SEXY BAE! *points to Ethan again*

Ethan: *turns red*

Everyone: *looks and stares*

Ethan: Uhm...

Sketch: ;)


Denis: Ugh! Escalators! >:(

Corl: What's wrong with escalators?

Denis: I just hate them!

Sketch: THIS IS MY HOT SEXY BAE! *points to Ethan for the third time*

Harley: Hehehe

Ethan: Stop

Sketch: No ;D
*2nd floor*

Harley: Do it again!

Ethan: No

Sketch: THIS IS MY HOT SEXY BAE! *points to Ethan again!

Everyone : *stares*

Person: Why does this person keep screaming this?

Person 2: They must really love each other...

Person 3: I can never shop in peace -_-

Sketch: Huehuehuehue ;p

Sketch: I think that's enough for one day! :3

Harley: Aww :c

Ethan: THIS IS MY HOT SEXY BAE! *points to Sketch*

Sketch: *blushes*

Ethan: ;D

Madi: Well, we're going to end this here! :3

Ethan: LATER!

Dare The Pals {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now