Dare 123: Freezing water

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Madi: I'm adding a new person :3

Sketch: Of course

Madi: Meet Al! @TheRealGalaxySheep

Al: Hi! :D

Denis: Hello

Sketch: Yoo

Madi: Okayyy, and next dare is from Allyson! Allysrial

Allyson: I dare myself to push everyone into freezing cold water >:3

Madi: Ooo

Sub: This is the ice cream challenge all over again ;-;

Aleni: *face palms* No sub...no

Sketch: For the last time! It's called the ice bucket challenge

Alex: Why even bother with explaining?

Sub: ://

Madi: Well let's get on with this dare!!

Allyson: Okay! So are you guys ready?!

Alex: No.. ;-; Deep water

Sketch: Get over ittt

Sub: Yeh, you'll been fine

Pizza: What are we doing again? .-.

Allyson: I'm pushing guys into the water

Ava: Okay

Allyson: *pushes Alex, Pizza, Denis, and Sub into the water*


Pizza: I'm c-c-cold

Alex: *panics because of deep water*

Sub: *shivers*

Denis: Do we have to stay in?!

Sub: No! Don't give them any ideas!

Madi: Hmmm...too late you have to stay in >:)

Pizza: Are you kidding meh?! D:<

Alex: I'm c-c-cold and s-scared

Madi: I'm just kidding! You can get out

Alex: Thank gosh

Sub: *sits on the ground and rocks back and fourth*

Sketch: You guys are over reacting! I bet it's not even that cold!

Pizza: Seriously -_-

Sketch: Yes

Pizza: *pushes Sketch into the water*

Sketch: AAAH!

Pizza: How's that for freezing?!

Sketch: Oh my goodness!

Al: Is it that bad?!

Allyson: Yep, we made it nice and cold just for you :) hehe

Sketch: It feels like 0 degrees

Madi: Then get out you dingus!

Allyson: Who want's to be pushed next?!

Brooklyn: ;-;

Deja: Uh

Aleni: I don't trust it

Allyson: Oh well! *pushes everyone*

Al: Aaahhh! It's cold

Sub: Noooo! I didn't want to be pushed in again! ;-;

Grace: Whyyyy

Sub: It's the ice cream bucket challenge all over againnnn

Corl: I think I'm going to turn into a popsicle ;-;

Ava: S-s-so c-cold

Allyson: Well it's your turn now Madi! >:D

Madi: Wha-

Allyson: *pushes Madi into water*

Madi: AAAAH!

Sketch: Please can we get out! I think I'm going to get hypothermometer

Alex: I think you mean hypothermia...

Sketch: Yeah that

Allyson: Nah, I think you guys should stay in for 5 minutes ;D

Pizza: Whyyyyyyyyy ;-;

Al: Are you kidding me?!

James: ;-;

Allyson: Just kidding!

Rian: Thank god

Everyone: *gets out*

Madi: Well I'm going to end this here! Hope you enjoyed mini donuts! Bye

Sketch: T-take it e-easy!

Dare The Pals {Completed}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang