Dare 77: Our fears

422 15 154

Madi: Next dare is for all of you! :)

Alex: Yay!

Madi: @GalaxyCat2303 dares everyone to conquer their biggest fears

Sketch: My biggest fear is Sub :))

Sub: >:(

Alex: Wait, so I have to go into deep water O_O no no no, I can't do that!

Corl: I'm afraid of...dying

Denis: How are you going to conquer that?

Corl: I don't know :/

Sketch: I ain't afraid of nothin!

Sub: Ghosts...

Sketch: O_O Uhm...no

Sub: Yes you are! I know you

Sketch: Heh, I ain't afraid of no ghosts!

Corl: Right...

Madi: Welp, let's get this dare over with!

Btw I don't know everyone's fears so I'll just make some things up!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Alex: I don't want to jump into the pool! I can't do it!

Sketch: I'll push you then

Alex: No! Stop!

Denis: Let him jump in when he's ready

Sketch: Fine...then I'll push Sub in

Sub: Wait wha-

Sketch: *pushes Sub into pool*


Sketch: Hahah

Sub: Oh so you wanna play that game huh? *pulls Sketch into pool*

Sketch: AH!

Sub: Ehhehe

Sketch: I hate you -_-


Sketch: I'm gonna start calling you psyco

Pizza: I'm a psyco :3

Sketch: Indeed you are

Denis: See look Alex, look how fun it is!

Alex: ... ;-;

Sketch: Psyco stop splashing water on me

Pizza: hehehe :3

Alex: Fine...I'll do it...

Denis: :o

Alex: *jumps into pool*

Denis: See not so bad is it!

Alex: *trying not to freak out*

Pizza: *splashes water onto Alex*

Dare The Pals {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now