Dare 149: I'M *NOT* gAy

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Madi: Next dare is from Abby! palsfangirlofdeath

Abby: I dare for Sketch to go to da mall, put on an 'I'm gay' shirt and he has to run around screaming "I'M GAY!" and Sub has to dance weirdly behind him

Sketch: Oh god

Abby: I'm crazy! I know ;D

Sub: ;3 Well let's do it!

Sketch: *puts on an I'm Gay shirt*

Elyana: I think we should put on sum beats ;3

Denis: I got it!

Sketch: No! Don't let Denis choose the song please!

Madi: Uhm, yeah. The last song he put on was horrible

Aleni: I know! It scarred me for life...and I'll never recover from it ;-;

Denis: Ooo, sorry about that ;3

Madi: Let's just put on this

*plays music*

Madi: ;3

Sketch: *blushes* Oh wow

Abby: Well start the dare!

Sketch: *runs* I'M NOT GAYYY!

Sub: *starts doing the chicken dance*

Corl: What in the world?!

Sketch: I'M NOT GAY!

People: *stares*

Sketch: I'M. NOT. GAY.

Sub: *starts doing the macarena*

Alex: Hahahahaa

Abby: XD

Aleni: Okay Sub, wow XD

Sketch: I'M NOT GAY!

Elyana: I'm enjoying this XP

Boy 1: What the heck is this guy on about?!

Girl 1: But he has on an I'm Gay shirt...

Boy 2: And he's playing some song that says he's gay or something


Sub: *starts doing some Ballet*

Corl: Hahahahahaha

Madi: Pfft

Elyana: Hehehehe

Abby: I'm loving this xP

Pizza: Ba da ba ba baaa, I'm lovin it! Sponsered by McDonalds ;D

Denis: Haha

Alex: Wow

Sketch: I'M NOT GAY!

Sub: *does the moonwalk*

Pizza: Jeez Sub, I didn't know you were Michael Jackson

Madi: Haha

Aleni: ;3

Sketch: I'M NOT GAY!

Boy 3: Okay we get it....you're not gay ;-;

Girl 2: The boy dancing in so cute and funny! omg!

Sub: ;D *does a horrible version of the worm*

Abby: *face palms*

Aleni: ;-;

Denis: Sub no -o-

Sub: *does the floss*

Aleni: Get it Sub, get it! XD

Abby: Yasss

Sketch: I'M NOT GAYY!

Abby: Okay, Skoop! You can stop now xP

Sketch: Whew...I'm tired

Elyana: That was frikin hilarious

Aleni: Sub's dance moves though xP

Pizza: Ye

Madi: Well, I'm going to end this here! Bye Mini Donuts :3

Alex: Bye bye!

Denis: See you in the next one ;/

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