Dare 110: Are you smarter than a 3rd grader?

298 11 84

Madi: Okayyy, next dare!

Denis: Does it involve Skub?!

Madi: Sadly no

Denis: :c

Madi: Anyways, Ocelotlist dares everyone to do a test to see of they're smarter than a 3rd grader!

Sketch: Oh that's eassyyy! I know that 1+1 is 2 ;D

Corl: ...That's something you learn in like pre-k...

Sketch: Whatever

Madi: Anyways, I'm going to be asking everyone questions! Whoever gets it right first gets...uh...gets nothing .-.

Alex: Wow...I love getting nothing

Denis: Same .-.

Madi: Fine whoever wins and gets the most points gets a kitty

Ava: Yay!

Denis: OMG YES!

Sir Meows: Meow meow meow! >:(

Denis: Heh, sorry sir meows a lot

Madi: Anyways, let's start!

Madi: Okay, first question! You guys ready?!

Stormie: Yeah!

Madi: Question 1! 10x3 is ?

Sketch: Ooh! Me!

Madi: Go ahead!

Sketch: 30!

Madi: Correct! 1 point for skoop!

Sketch: Yay!

Madi: Question 2! What is 12x2

Corl: Seriously what are these questions?!

Madi: Look, that's one the quiz says okay! Now answer!

Corl: 24!

Madi: Correct!

Corl: Ooo

Madi: Question 3! What is the capital of Japan?

Pizza: Wut ._. You expect me to know this?

Denis: Ikr!

Madi: It's what the quiz says! Don't blame me!

Corl: *secretly looking ip the answer*


Corl: No I'm not!

Sketch: :O CHEATER!

Madi: No cheating or you're disqualified!

Corl: I hate you Alex >:(

Alex: I hate you too :)

Madi: Is anyone not going to answer?

Sketch: What 3rd grader even know this?!

Denis: Obviously the ones in Japan! Duh

Sketch: ...

Madi: So no answers?

Jazzy: I guess not .-.

Madi: Well the answer was...Tokyo!

Corl: Oh...I feel dumb .-.

Pizza: I knew that...

Madi: XD Anyways, what
3-D shape is shaped like a ball and a globe?

Alex: Oh! A sphere

Madi: Right!

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