Dare 35: Ethan, Skoip, Cork

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Madi: Next dare is for Etan!

Ethan: Alright

Madi: OmgItzlia2377 dares you to kiss Skoop...and then Corl

Ethan: Man, why I have to get all these kissing dares

Sub: Well, now you know how we feel

Alex: Yeah! But we're used to it now :3

Denis: Mhm

Ethan: But...I'm scared

Sub: Why?

Ethan: Because

Sub: Because what?

Ethan: Because....I...left my cat in the freezer

Sub: Lies you don't have a cat! You have patches!

Denis: Why would you even put an animal in the freezer?

Alex: So they don't get hot, duh!

Ethan: Ya what he said

Sub: Haha funny...Anyways do the dare

Sketch: What dare?

Sub: You just come out of nowhere do you

Sketch: Of course I do

Corl: Anyways, what's the dare

Ethan: Kissing

Sketch: Oh. Well I want nothing to do with it

Denis: Of course you wouldn't

Sub: Beside, the dare has you in it

Sketch: I have to kiss someone?

Alex: No, someone has to kiss you

Denis: and Corl

Sketch: It better not be Sub

Sub: Ha, in your dreams

Sketch: Don't want you in my dreams either

Sub: I know you do ;)) Admit it

Sketch: Nope, because it's not true

Sub: I know you do

Sketch: Okay, keep thinking that

Ethan: Well, can I do the dare now?

Sketch: Wait, you're the person who's doing th-

Ethan: *kisses Sketch*

Denis: Adorable

Corl: Heh, aDORLable

Alex: Haha, so funny

Corl: :3

Sketch: Wow

Sub: Well now it's Corl's turn

Corl: Wait wha-

Ethan: *kisses Corl*

Sketch: Aww, adorable

Corl: Shut up

Ethan: That was one heck of a dare

Sub: Of course

Sketch: Shut up! I hate both of you

Ethan: What did I do?!

Sketch: You're annoying and so is Sub

Ethan: How am I annoying?! What did I even do?

Sketch: Your face is annoying! I'm tired of looking at it

Sub: Oooo

Denis: Why are you so mean Skoop?

Sketch: I'm about to skoop you in a second...

Denis: What?

Sketch: Oh, nothinggg

Denis: Mhm

Madi: Okay! We're going to end this off here! Thanks for da dareee!

Dare The Pals {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now