Dare 146: Are you smarter than an 8th grader

271 13 105

Madi: Okay, next dare is from Lindey! @JaynauMaria

Lindey: I dare everyone to play are you smarter than an 8th grader :o

Sketch: Oh god

Madi: Hmm, weird thing is that I'm actually in the 8th grade ;/

Denis: Ooo

Madi: But, I'm going to be the host so ;P

Corl: Oh goodness

Madi: Anyways, let's start!

Madi: Alright, you guys ready?

Stormie: Yas!

Sketch: Yes...

Madi: 1. Who wrote the poems "Annabel Lee" and "The Raven"

Alex: ...

Pizza: wat? .-.

Sophia: Uhhhh

Madi: Not even I know this so don't ask .-.

Sketch: I don't know!

Denis: :/

Madi: You guys want the answer?

Deja: Yes ;-;

Madi: It was 'Edgar Allan Poe'

Pizza: Oh, I totally knew that

Sketch: No you didn't

Pizza: You right

Madi: 2. Which literary term means a story illustrating a moral lesson?

A. Parable
B. Allegory
C. Myth
D. Ancedote

Stormie: B?

Corl: I think it's C

Sketch: ...I don't know :/

Pizza: A!

Sophia: .-. Uhmm...D

Alex: B

Aleni: ...C?

Rian: B!

James: C

Madi: Okay the correct answer was.....B!

Stormie: Yess

Rian: Wow, all I did was guess ;o;

Sketch: I don't know this stuff!

Jacob: Ooof

Madi: 3. Which of the following is NOT an example of an onomatopeia?

A. Boom
B. Sizzle
C. Meow
D. Cents

Sketch: Okay this one is ez! It's cents

Stormie: Yeah!

Deja: Yep

Aleni: Yas

Madi: That's correct!

Alex: What do we get if we win?

Madi: Nothing ;/

Lindey: What?!

Madi: Nah, just kidding! You'll get a cat and I mean it this time

Sub: You better not be lying to us :c

Madi: I'm not!

Sub: Mhmm

Madi: Anywayysss, 4! Where was the first continental congress held?

A. Washington D.C
B. Boston
C. Philadelphia
D. Richmond, VA

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